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Is anyone else irritated by the number of people who seem to think they can get their books published?

Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of people on YA who are cherishing notions of getting their books published when there is little or no hope? It's very hard even for skilled writers, and the people posting on YA about their books are certainly not skilled writers.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's fine for any writer to have dreams. We all start somewhere. But yes, there are an awful lot of "I'm going to get this published" people who don't seem to have realised that writing at an average level for a 12-13 year old is not going to cut it. Don't they read? Haven't they noticed that what they write isn't as good as what they read? Hasn't it occurred to them that it will need to be? But this doesn't annoy me as such. It just makes me roll my eyes.

    What annoys me is the people who plan to get their book published, but they don't know what to write about, so can we give them some ideas and characters please? Oh, and write the first few paragraphs for them to get them started... If you plan to get a book published, at least make some attempt to write it yourself!

  • 1 decade ago

    So what would life be like if YOUR favorite authors would have given up? Or your favorite artist? Favorite designer? And all just because other people were annoyed by their dreams. Life would be awful without the talented people in it. Every success starts as an idea, turns into a dream and is eventually awakened into a reality.

    These people have goals and ambitions. The ones who are serious about it and stick with it probably WILL end up with some type of deal.

    People who get irritated so easily and notice and nit pic everything are more irritating than people with goals and dreams in life!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say I'm more surprised than annoyed.

    Then again at some point you and I thought we were better than we actually were. Or at least, I did. As people who write/read a lot tend to be more critical/cynical because we see the same mistakes over and over and think 'Don't bother.'. But those people can get better, because everyone starts writing at different ages and just because someone is terrible doesn't mean they can't learn.

    That's what prevents them from being annoying to me. The people who SAY 'You should get that published!' about terrible pieces of work -- yes. Yes that is annoying.

    Then again, having terrible writers around isn't so bad, because hopefully agents/publishers will be starved of half-decent work and pounce on our manuscripts when we send them :D

  • Daniel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's good to have dreams and aspirations as well as being proud of your work. I guess it's the same as all the people who harbor notions of a singing career, modeling, or the NFL. A big part of life is disappointment and the shattering or failure of our dreams. If repeated and ongoing failed attempts to be published become obvious, it might be wise to think about other directions. Maturity is dealing with it and realizing that some things won't be no matter how hard we try, but that doesn't mean we won't succeed at other pursuits.

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  • 1 decade ago


    I believed that they can get their books published if they don't give up. I write stories too. And i am only a middle school student, plus english is not my native language. My parents doesn't want me to spent time writing stories rather than on schoolwork, and they often discourage me from writing stories. But i write not because i want to get my book published and get famous and stuff, i write because i love writing. Even if i am not a skilled writer, i wont give up. i will write until they acknowledge me and publish my book.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who cares? Let people dream. Everyone has a dream and they'll realize that it might not come to fruition. But there are a few, a very select few, who do manage to make it. Stephenie Meyer shopped her books around forever before someone picked it up. Same with JK Rowling and look how well she's doing now. She was on welfare and people told her not to bother and now she's a millionaire. Life sucks for a lot of people and all they want is to dream. Just let them.

  • 5 years ago

    solid write LC, nicely expressed goings on in a coven, and yet not all are demonic. If Kels "Angel Witch" might desire to, she'd solid her spells in each place, yet for solid, with perchance some darkish secrets and strategies up the sleeves of her black gown. recognition is extremely over-rated and that i've got on no account seen the experience of it very own ladies because it did in extreme college, which became a private, Catholic college, Oh my, the nuns could have been aghast, or aghost?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is their right to try so why are you bothered by this? What are u doing to share your knowledge? Stop judging.

  • Raatz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes. I didn't want to say anything. At least they have hope and self-confidence...?

  • 1 decade ago

    Ur irritated by their DREAMS?

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