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Why do so many people criticise others for being "rude".?

Has anyone else noticed that it's only bad mannered people who comment on the manners of others? People with good manners overlook others' misdemeanors. For example, most of us from time to time forget to thank someone who opens a door for them or lets them go first. Sometimes that provokes a reasponse like " You could have said thank you". To my mind it is the person saying this who is behaving badly. Also, the word "rude" is over-used, and is now used as a put-down, a taunt, and is only used by "rude" people. Has anyone else ever thought this?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh sweetie you are so right on about this. "You are so rude" is usually coming from the mouth of the rudest and most unhappy person in the room.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I think your making a sweeping generalisation there.

    It is not only the rude people who notice rude peoples behaviour. I'm very sensitive to others' manners. Its just collective courtesy, "forgetting" to thank someone is not the only reason a person might not thank another, they may just be arrogant and rude. Even if you did forget, you still displayed a lack of courtesy.

    They are merely suggesting that you mind your manners, and some people do need a lot of reminding there. Manners these days leave a lot to be desired.

    Put it this way if everyone acted as they pleased with no consideration for others, life would be intolerable. For those who dont think its important....well it just speaks volumes about what kind of person you are if you get offended at someone reminding you to be courteous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, something is rude if society determines it to be so. I think, not saying "thank you" when appropriate is still rude whether it was accident or not. And I don't think that it's only bad mannered people who comment on others. Maybe you just see it that way because you have a bad memory and have become annoyed from being reminded so many times.

  • 1 decade ago

    One time, years ago, while I was wearing a pizza delivery man uniform, I walked into a convenience store and this guy held the door. I said, "Thanks", but apparently not loud enough for this idiot. He came walking up practically into my chest as I was paying for my gas at the counter to tell me that I should have said "thanks".

    "I... did say thanks" I said as nicely as possible. He was within a second of trying to beat my ***. AND his stupid friend was backing him up. The clerk told them to get out of the store. I'm kind of sorry that he did, because I would have beat them both to a bloody pulp and laughed.

    You are right. Manners have flown out the window. People don't drive right, park right, act right or interact nicely and they don't give a flying duck. They only mention rudeness as an excuse to exact their righteous reward on their perceived enemies. Even sober, they act like drunks.

    Not everyone, but the number of idiots has definitely multiplied in the past 15 years or so.

    Point: when I bar tended in the 90's I would run around like crazy to make sure my customers were taken care of, and I loved my job. NOW, they expect a huge tip even though they avoid eye contact and take their time, maybe even talk to friends while 5 customers are waiting and dry.

    State of the nation I guess.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My person opinion is that many people love to play the martyr game. "Oh, how I have been disrespected, poor, poor me". To do that they have to show they others haven't respected them, and have been rude. So a simple joke becomes an insult. A compliment not delivered exactly as it could have been is an insult. Everything becomes suspect. "What do you think he meant, BY THAT????", even if it was good morning.

    It is epidemic on this site.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I see what you're saying. Even though in many situations, it may be necessary to call someone else out on being rude, we have to make sure that we aren't doing exactly what we are calling them out on. The word can get misused too.

  • Yes, but you have to remember there are people out there who feel like everyone owes them and when someone opens the door for them they feel it was their right not to have to say thank you, you can't chalk them all up to they just forgot.

  • Aporia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you're correct, it is appalling manners to correct others who are not your underage children. Spot on.

  • Omen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would never forget to thank someone for holding the door.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, because I am never in a situation where strangers feel compelled to scold me.

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