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Muslims ONLY: Pls compare meanings of these 2 verses (1 Quranic verse & 1 LDS verse)?

NOTE: This question is for MUSLIMS ONLY - I do NOT want any answers from disrespectful interjecters!

First a little background on why I'm asking the question. I'm a Latter-day Saint (Mormon) and study from all good religions. I was looking for inspiration this morning to help me to overcome some faults - my emotional outbursts particularly when hormonal, and my parenting style, which, at the moment, I feel has become too inconsiderate of the feelings of my children and husband. I need some inspiration to teach myself greater self-control (and outward peacefulness) and I remembered a verse from the Quran that I loved. I did some research on it, today, and found the meaning was not as clear cut as I had thought. THis is the verse:

"There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower." (2:256)

I am interested to know what Muslims take this verse to mean.

In the past I thought the first sentence equated with the following LDS scripture:

"11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may." (Articles of Faith 1:11 -

I used to think the Quranic verse was saying that the person who loves God will not compell people... (since this interpretation equates with another LDS scripture that says that no compulsion can be used, but that only patience, sincere love, kindness, and persuasion can be used to put people on the right path towards God - Doctrine and Covenants 121:41-46 - )

Now I'm not sure: Does 2:256 advocate for people's freedom of conscience and the right for individuals to choose their own actions (whether right or wrong)?

I would like to know what various Muslims think this verse (Quran 2:256) means and whether the concept of freedom of conscience is found elsewhere in Islam.

MUSLIMS ONLY please! ♥

Thank you for your considered answers.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower." (2:256)

    The verse speaks plainly- You cant make someone accept your religion using the force point of a weapon- Putting a gun to someones head and saying "Accept Islam." - This verse is to advocate, or correct rather the misconception of islam being "spread by the sword"-

    How was it spread?

    The verse goes on too say, "Truth stands clear from falsehood."- Truth is not something hard to find, its clear and we as human beings have the capacity in our minds to determine what feel's like truth, because your heart wont lie to you.

    "And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower."

    - Accepting god as one, and rejectin false hood, as false hood diverts you from truth, whether it may be materialism, glitter, a false-religion- establishes a better built foundation for ones spiritual and journey through life..... In this case, Islam is said to be that establishment of truth...

    "Does 2:256 advocate for people's freedom of conscience and the right for individuals to choose their own actions"?

    Yes, some may reject Islam- just for this mere reason, does it make it sufficient or moral (islamic morals, and logical morals= 1 in the same thing) for a Muslim to put a gun to a christians head and say "accept this."

    - "Truth has stood clear from falsehood."- If you don't accept, its your loss... why? "there is no compulsion."

    And god guides whom he wills,

    them who look for truth and are true to themselves, without advocating hate to islam...

    "Find yourself, and you will find God."

    - Prophet Muhammad

  • mas1az
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Though I am not Muslim and left the Mormon church to learn scripture deeper than the religions of the world teaches, I hope you allow me to answer your question with truth as respectful as I can be by using scripture from out of the Bible.

    The covenant which covers all of Gods true children are in Hebrews 8; 7-11. Number 10 and 11 is awesome if one opens his heart and mind to the truth being stated. First of all the descendants of Israel are scattered throughout the world today. And remember, 10 tribes are considered lost by all that man knows to be true. In Gods church none are lost.

    10. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR MIND, and WRITE THEM IN THEIR HEARTS; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people;

    11. And they SHALL NOT TEACH every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

    This covenant covers all your questions pertaining to ones freedom of conscience which few worldly churches follow. Truth be said, they are of the world and God true church is free for the asking. For it lies in the heart and minds of those who follow the Father, in the highest heaven, as Jesus did, not men as all worldly churches do.

    Gods true church, which is invisible, is within ones mind and heart. Remember, God only inhabits temples of flesh and I'm only one of Gods weakest members.

    May my truth not offended you, but truth is truth and only God can quiet the evil one has as he grasps the world around him and tries to live by the worlds laws, when Gods laws are already embedded within their soul, but few ever look that deep within themselves to see the truth that Jesus found and was crucified for by a world who hides truths they do not want known by those who follow the ways of men.

  • 1 decade ago

    when quran says no compulsion in the religion .it means that we can not force anyone to become muslim we only can put truth in front of it is ur will to accept the truth or other.i do not think any thing is here so complicated to understand...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got self assurance all 3 standards you assert are dependant on one yet another. subsequently, to make one 'have no longer something to worry, nor will they grieve' they'd desire to save on with all standards so as,this is, people who have self assurance (Muslims), people who're Jewish, the Christians, and the converts, believes in GOD, and believes interior the final Day, and leads a righteous life....So, the respond is B. even although, be conscious that incredibly some Christians are accepting the assumption of trinity, a.ok.a associating Allah, this is shirk. yet another element is, the Jews and Christians of this age rejected Muhammad by using fact the suited prophet, so this verse would desire to grow to be void for them. back interior the prophet's time, there are Jews and Christians who settle for and renowned Muhammad by using fact the suited prophet from Allah, yet comes to a decision to stick to the instructions of their very own prophet. (Moses and Jesus) to respond to you on if it is desirable on all of us who (a million) believes in GOD, and (2) believes interior the final Day, and (3) leads a righteous life irregardless of religion or the shortcoming thereof , i've got self assurance, the respond is not any, by using fact the main appropriate standards isn't met, this is, one that believes,people who're Jewish, the Christians and the converts. Plus, the shortcoming of religion, purely potential one does no longer have self assurance in God. Atheism is one form of shirk.(Shirk being an unforgivable sin) Or, in case you're speaking approximately some people who have self assurance in God, yet do no longer want (or do no longer know) to maintain on with any particular faith, yet whilst he dies whilst searching for the reality, (Islam), i've got self assurance he would be forgiven. (there's a tale in this, yet i could no longer precisely commit it to memory) desire I helped. Wallahualam.

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