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Tell Wife Or Tell Him First That I'm Telling Wife Hes Gay?

Ok so I posted last night..appreciate the comments. Here's what I said....

I am a 27 yr old gay man and I've been seeing this married man for the last 3 it's basically just for sex but I sorta do have feelings for the guy...but I just found out 3 weeks ago basically he's just a big liar....should I be shocked? Here's the thing....

He is a very private man. He won't even call me from a unblocked number....doesn't really talk about his family or his life much. Just basically know he works in the wine business, has 3 kids (12 -16) and that's basically it. It's just physical stuff we do so I guess he really doesn't owe me anything but I do like the man....BUT I had a client of mine email me with a link to his profile on his work site. I went on it and was just looking around and found my guys pic and profile....his name is completely different than what I thought and he's not even in the wine business...hes a attorney. I googled his name just to see what comes up...found a thing online for his oldest son who is a hockey player and he is 20...not 16 like he recently told me. I even found his wifes work website....she works in the same building as him.

Needless to say I was ticked grandmother passed away almost 2 weeks ago and I emailed him and told him what happened and that I wanted to see him (even though I was still sorta pissed). I just needed to be with someone in a sexual way to help my saddness over my grandma...he did not respond till just 4 days ago and all his email said was "sorry in Columbus back on Saturday.". Not even acknowledging my grandma and saying sorry to hear that or now I am just at a point where I want to tell him to F off and just email his wife and tell her Ive been seeing him for 3 yrs and that he used a fake name/life. He told me I was the only guy but I just don't believe that now...I suspect he's probably sleeping with other men too. It's just hard because yes, I was in the wrong...I knew he was married. I should have stayed away and I guess the bottom line is, he doesn't owe me anything. We aren't really a couple. But im still hurt and upset and feel used and stupid....please help. What should I do?

I've been going back and forth and im at the point now where I just want to tell his wife....I know it's going to hurt her and maybe it's wrong for me to feel this way, but I don't care. I can't let him get away with being a jerk to me and his's just wrong.

But now what do I do? I keep getting these ideas like let him come back over. He always gets undressed in my office and then comes in my bedroom (y I dunno. He always does that) do what we normally do but in the middle be like "I gotta use the bathroom..b right back..." go out, in the office, grab his clothes and just throw them in the shower, turn the water on and go back in the bedroom and confront him and tell him to leave now...he'll have no choice but to put his wet clothes on then go home to his wife....childish I know but yet it's harmless and a way to just make him realize how much of a piece of sh*t he is....then email the wife.

Or should I just not do that, maybe just email him and show him his profile/pic I found and tell

him im telling his wife or do I just not tell him and just email the wife? I really don't want to call her. O and someone said in my other post to have proof...I do. I've saved all his emails and I even have a voicemail on my phone with him saying "hey it's Brian (fake name) ect...". I can email the voicemail from my phone and im sure she would recognize his voice....what should I do?


Thanks for the replies so far...I know I probably sound pathetic and childish. Im just disgusted that I would let someone in my bed the last 3 yrs then discover every thing was a lie...what if I get some disease from him or let him give his wife something....he has to b hooking up with other guys. He knows what he's doing and I fell for everything....I just feel like I can't just say "ok that's fine" and let it go without him feeling some sort of regret.

Update 2:

& yes I know he was basically just using me...I know this. You could say I was using him too. All I wanted was sex. I would b lieing if I said I didn't have some sort of feelings for the guy. He's been coming over for 3 yrs and he's the only guy I've been with. I wouldn't want him to move in with me though and b "together".....I just can't handle the LIES...even the little things like his kids just makes me sick. I can respect being discreet. That's why I was fine with him never giving me his number and blocking it...but don't lie to me. It's messed up.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand you're hurt. But you knew he was married and you had no issue with his lack of morals an honesty then. Now your hurt and shocked he was dishonest to you? Really?

    I think your actually angry at yourself for allowing yourself to get into this mess and allowing yourself to have feelings for him.

    He is a liar, a cheat and I feel sorry for his wife. But you have no business hurting her for revenge. And that is the only reason your doing it. You didn't want to tell her until you had been lied to. You had no issues with her not knowing for the last 3 years. You also knew it was a sex only situation which means he owed you nothing.

    You may have deserved honesty, but if he is not going to give it to his wife, his family and has spent his entire life miserably hiding his double life because he can't be honest about his sexuality......You couldn't seriously have expected you would be the only person on the face of the earth that he wasn't lying to, could you?

    Forget him and move on.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Man, I can see why he didnt give you a proper name and number. You knew he was married right? You also knew he would not leave his wife and family for you right? So, what you have said is that your mad because he gave you a fake name and job. Also your mad because you wanted sex to make you feel better after grandmother died? Next, your mad at him because he gave you money to keep your mouth shut? You know that $2,000 dollars could be seen as blackmail dont you? Do you think for one minute that your guy is stupid? Do you think that him being an attorney that he doesnt have connections to unsavory people? Do you think that he is going to let you damage his reputation in his law practice as well as ruin his family life and insult him before his son? Does this sound like a person who is right in their head? Buddy, you are asking to get hurt. Dont let your jealousy and fantasy get the best of you here. If you trap this guy and force him into a corner that is going to cost him his job his family and maybe half of everything he owns because of you, well you had better get some health insurance quick. And while you are at it get some life insurance as well. Dont be stupid. Take the money, as long as the numbers are not in a row, and use it for a mad vacation away from that city as fast as you can. Go to Fire Island or to the Keys or somewhere far away.

  • 1 decade ago

    As the wife of a man who had ventured into sex with men, please don't tell her yourself. It's a very hard, humiliating thing to hear. And just as I wish you hadn't found out what a jerk he is in such a shocking way, she shouldn't find out from you either.

    I would confront him next time he comes over (before sex, and no, don't throw his clothes in the shower), and tell him you know his real name, his wife's name, etc. and tell him he needs to tell his wife about his double life before someone else does. You can even imply that you'll be one to tell her. But, bottom line is this--for your sake, you need to take the high road. Do not do anything to him other than tell him that someone needs to tell his wife. And do not be the one to tell the wife. I know that reacting in a hurtful way will give you some initial satisfaction, but doing the right thing will give you long term satisfaction in knowing you behaved the best way you could.

    Good luck.

  • You should go with the idea when "Or should I just not do that, maybe just email him and show him his profile/pic I found and tell him im telling his wife or do I just not tell him and just email the wife?"

    You should just email him and let him know that you know he's a complete liar and then call and tell his wife everything and show her the proof.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't tell the wife!!! She is innocent to the situation and im pretty sure her life is Great and the last thing she wants to hear is that her husband is a Dow Low Brother.. Just find someone else and leave him alone. Hes just using you anyway. Thats why he half talk to you and don't show you any emotion.

  • 1 decade ago

    it hurts

    love hurts,you fell in love with this guy

    so,even though you knew he was married

    sorry, now dont go and tell the wife

    what for

    this guy will just get upset of you

    move on,someone else will heal that space

    you will

    this time be sure who are you going to get in love with

    for fun hey 'what ever'

    once you start falling in love

    you just need to know

    whats up

    dont tell the wife - try to confront the guy and things sounds it wont be a happy ending

    either way

    move on - look for that someone that will heal your broken heart

    take care!!! : )

  • 1 decade ago

    The wife has the right to know, his lying and cheating is putting her health in danger if nothing else. So please be kind. Don't be a drama queen and throw your little fit to assuage your own feelings. You were never anything but a piece of a$$ to the man. Deal with it. Find someone who cares.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You tell him that you know he's been lying. You tell him how you know this. You tell him how you feel about it, and ask him to explain himself. Then, you give him a chance to tell his wife himself. Give him a week. Tell him that in one week, you are going to his wife with all you know. Either she will already know about it from him, or she will be hearing it from you for the first time. Whichever he prefers.

    His wife needs to know that he's gay and sleeping around. It could be dangerous for her not to know, from an STD standpoint if nothing else. (no offense to you, i'm just sayin')

    He's living a lie with his family, it needs to stop. He's also been a jerk to you, and that needs to stop too.

  • Deacon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Move on and forget the guy... What you propose is destroying a woman's life, pal..just to get what you want from the hubby. That ain't gonna fly either since everyone will hate you. Dump him, find a healthy relationship and stop being a *****.

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound like a fourteen year old drama queen that's been dumped and is looking for payback. Not a late twenties adult.

    Grow up.

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