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pasper2 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

How can the ipcc be trusted?

They have been caught telling multiple lies and exagerating.

If a teacher was found to have been a paedophile would you trust them again in a class because they said they wouldn't do it again and said they would look into the reasons for their previous behaviour?

Why are warmers so trusting and naieve? The ipcc is a goverment agency ( wow governments always tell the truth) and to my knowledge they have never claimed to be inpartial or have they?


Excuse me but could everyone pls report the spammer trying to sell shoes on this question.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can trust them the same way you can trust your government: Just turn your brain off.

    No brainer for the ipcc as well:

    They have a "consensus" based on locking skeptics out of the review process:

    Hiding data is okay, even if illegal, since those pesky skeptics only want to harass IPCC scientists:

    Nor is there ever anything sinister about the cherry picked data, because it did not change the result. Trust the IPCC!

    You can also trust the ipcc to properly analyze temperature proxies to come up with a reasonable historical data:

    even as far back as 2000 they were as trustworthy as the government:

    Yes, they are supposed to be impartial.

    "In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published an impartial scientific assessment of climate change and concluded that warming of the climate system is unequivocal. It is virtually certain that warmer conditions will occur over most land areas as the century progresses, the frequency of heavy rainfall events is very likely to increase, and an increase in the area affected by droughts is likely."

    Edit @Bob:

    The IPCC has no justification for its existence unless AGW is real and a serious problem. That hardly makes for an unbiased and impartial organization.

    Edit2 @Bob:

    "But the glaciers ARE melting unusually fast"

    Check your facts (especially when they come from the IPCC):

    - Himalayan glaciers melting is within normal historical variance:

    - No water supplies are being threatened:

    Edit @Paul B:

    You want a lie told by IPCC in a tar? Here is an obvious one to anyone who is not math challenged:

    Just look at Table SPM.2 on page 8 of

    Notice how column 4 which shows predictions based on the information in columns 2 and 3 always shows greater certainty in the predictions than in the evidence for it? This is clearly an intentional lie designed only to produce newspaper copy, and be quoted by warmers in YA. It works!

  • 5 years ago

    Some of their data has been accurate. But most is falsified because of the reporting process which individual scientists are left out of. The handful of politically-appointed IPCC data editors are known to have changed much data given to them. They present false findings, but it keeps them employed and keeps the reports looking dire. They operate under political direction from the UN who have already decided the direction the IPCC's finding will take. They can't be trusted. Some scientists have recently quit the IPCC in disgust because their reports have been altered beyond recognition. The IPCC is little more than a puppet for the political left to promote their agenda. And the part of the link referring to Dr. Hansen of NASA shouldn't surprise anybody. He is not unbiased in his work and has always believed that falsifying information for political gain is more important than presenting accurate results.

  • 1 decade ago

    "They" is lots of people. If one teacher is a pedophile are all teachers pedophiles?

    Lies are not the same as mistakes/errors/bad judgement.

    Exaggerating is a label that has been applied. Was it an exaggeration or a mistake? If you put 500 instead of 400 in an exam question is it an exaggeration. Does it mean the rest of the answers are invalid?

    Several thousand scientific papers go into an IPCC report. To expect there to be no mistakes, slightly dubious data, or untruths is impossible. Instead look at the broader picture.

    Who is it that keeps dragging the IPPC into the mud, and what is their motivation? Should you trust anyone who just wants to argue about half a dozen issues in amongst thousands of undisputed items? And why is it news? Newspapers sell calamity and uproar, not business as usual.

    Do you trust unpaid scientific reviewers or newpapers that want to sell advertising to energy companies and big business?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The warmers constantly deny anything is wrong with the IPCC when they have been caught providing misinformation, cheating, lying, exaggerating and misleading information, destroyed peer review, etc.... Their leaders have been caught investing millions in green technology companies, the same companies that stand to benefit from their decisions!

    And still the warmies say they can be trusted... hmm makes you think about the integrity of the warmies?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    It has the word government in it that should show you how much they should be trusted.

  • 1 decade ago

    It comes down to whether or not you are willing to gamble that life on earth is worth saving.

    It's very easy to dismiss an alarmist because his/her story may seem outlandish, and such stories often are. In this case, it is hard to believe that humanity has reached a crisis like this in our lifetime.

    Yet you ask the question. Why bother? Are you afraid you might be wrong? Do you need emotional support? I suppose you have heard of Easter Island. I'll bet there were plenty of people with your cynicism there too.

    It pleases most people to believe that our system is a good one, built on solid foundations. Yet as humans, we are at an all-time population peak and our resources are ebbing away. We are gorging ourselves on the earth's natural splendour, wasting and destroying in order to feed the market 'demands'. The scandals regarding global warming and climate change are mere smokescreens.

    I am sorry. It just can't last. Already there's not enough to go round. Soon there'll be none left. I'm not to blame buddy. And nobody's blaming you either. We're all in this mess together.

    We all need to get a reality check.

    Humans must change their behaviour to avoid a global catastrophe. Your predisposition to doubt all you hear, is perfectly understandable. We are being misinformed all the time. The days of honouring your word are gone. It seems that everybody lies nowadays. We're living in a decadent time. But we need to rise above it.

    So while the IPCC might have faults, you must acknowledge that it has got powerful enemies. So I implore you, and others like you, to do a little research. You could do worse than reading around the broader issues of humanity's situation in 2010. Try not to get caught up in debates about whose acronyms are better. We need a little open-minded investigation to get through this one.

    Source(s): Try out this organisation for size. There are many great research articles in their digital library. They deal with all aspects of problems facing humanity, and they offer possible solutions too.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No of course not.

    Reputable scientists were abandoning that organization ten years ago.

    The IPCC tells lies. The UN is a den of thieves, thugs and commies.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They've made a few mistakes, almost entirely in the area of speculating about future impacts, an area fraught with peril. But, even there, the vast majority of what they say is correct.

    Take the Himalayan glacier deal. A few sentences about the date when the glaciers may totally disappear were incorrect. But the glaciers ARE melting unusually fast, and that IS threatening the water supply of millions of people. Who may have to move, which would be very costly and chaotic. It might even cause a war.

    The "2035" mistake is completely unimportant by comparison.

  • martin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They can't! but then they are led by this man.........

  • 1 decade ago

    Until the political manipulation is removed from the science, no.

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