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Is there a secret US base on Mars now?

Authur Neuman AKA Henry Deacon claims to have worked on Mars for the government. He says there are over 600,000 personnel on Mars. They are martians. He says there are about 10,000 earth people on Mars. At one point in time I would have dismissed this as hogwash. But then I had to ask myself how much do I really know about the world around me? All I know about is what I perceive in my own life. Given all the secrecy in the world today I don't doubt anything anymore. For instance, where did the bailout money go????

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would tell you ... but its a secret.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah, no. And if there was, I wouldn't tell you, because then I'd have to kill you, and that's not very sporting of me, because I barely know you.

    Secrets cannot be kept. The best kept secret is one not shared.

    How much *do* you know about the world around you? Only what you see on TV? Only what you read on the internet? How *can* people decide whether someone else is telling them the truth? Maybe you are part of a conspiracy to trick me into thinking there could be a US military base on Mars? Maybe you're part of a cult? How should I know?

    I can use reason to deduce my answers to these questions even though I don't know for a fact that I am right. I can only believe that I am.

    Are there 1000 people on Mars? No. We don't have the technology, and I wish we did. We spend a paltry amount on space research, exploration, and NASA. Even if the whole military budget currently being thrown at Iraq and Afghanistan were secretly being spent on a Mars base, it wouldn't be enough.

    Are you part of a conspiracy to trick me into believing something that is false? Quite probably, especially if you have a book out on this subject.

    Are you in a cult? It's possible, because cults tend to believe in conspiracies not backed up by any fact.

    But really, a Google search shows me the three top Henry Deacons. One is dead, one is fictional, and the other is some guy who wants anyone in the world to call him. So which of these Henry Deacons is making the claims?

    I say the whole notion is hogwash...

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like a good science fiction story. Is Henry Deacon an author, or a character in a book?

    I wish what you were saying was reality. There would be so much technologies invented that would be useful on Earth if this kind of mission took place. There would be no reason for it to be secret though. For one thing, all our energy problems would be solved if it was possible to send 10,000 people to Mars. Recycling would be a lot more efficient than it currently is. If we had the technology to send that many people to Mars in such a short period of time, we'd be able to colonize the entire Solar System. If only...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have watched "Eureka" myself. It is a great TV show, but it is fiction. (Joe Morton is the actor who plays Dr. Henry Deacon in the series, Dr. Arthur Neuman is a minor character in the film "The mask" and played by Ben Stein). Only Henry Deacon can be quoted to talk about the US mars base in the first season of Eureka (AFAIR, could also have been the second).

    Also, the logistics for just supplying 1000 people on Mars exceeds already the capacity of all rockets that had been launched from Earth. And believe me: you can't launch secretly. A rocket produces in ten minutes as much thermal power as a complete country consumes as electricity in the same time. A rather visible event. And the energy you need is always the same per kg payload.

    An 200 ton UFO accelerating to orbital speed in a matter of seconds would glow bright white and emit more X-Ray radiation than all nuclear tests in history. And the laws of thermodynamics are pretty clear:

    1. You can't win. 2. You can't break even 3. You can't decide to not take part.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ask yourself this. Wouldn't people notice 10,000 people missing, and billions of dollars going into support and spacecraft and everything that would be an unbelievably massive effort to simply build a Mars colony, which means even more businesses in the process as design, engineering and manufacturing, then the proper engineers and trained workmen who *also* had to go there, and dozens and dozens of *large* rockets being launched without anyone noticing, including the Russians, the Chinese, or anyone else who cares about the space treaty that says that no one will ever militarize space beyond reconnaissance satellites?

    That's a lot of people to not notice, and a lot of people to stay quiet. As the old saying goes, two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

    Go to the GAO and you'll see exactly where your money went. Seriously, if we'd been doing this on Mars, it will have been decades in coming, not a recent thing.

    Last, and most obviously, ask yourself this...

    ... what good could we *possibly* get from having a military base on Mars? Launch an unseen missile at Iran, which unfortunately would take an absolute minimum of 8 months to get here?

    It's stupid. Use your head.

    Source(s): Engineering geologist whose company contracts with the military
  • 1 decade ago

    It's WAY harder to get to the Moon than to get into Earth orbit, and it's WAY harder to get to Mars than it is to get to the Moon. We don't have the resources to put 10,000 people into orbit, so having that number of people on Mars is out of the question. Much less doing something that big in total secrecy.

    We also don't have the technology yet to build a self-sustaining biological environment to keep people alive offworld. Biosphere 2 showed us that.

    Not to mention, we have two rovers that have been running around Mars for years now, and everything they've found shows it's a barren place with no liquid water and no life. How could there be hundreds of thousands of Martians there when we've found no trace of them by rover, lander, or telescope?

    You were right the first time, to dismiss it as--well yes, hogwash is the polite term. "Bald-faced lies" would probably hit the nail more on the head.

  • alas
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Henry Deacon Mars

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God, how stupid. The paths of the bail out money are discussed in endless detail in newspaper stories including the "misuse" of some of the money as bonuses.

    It is absolutely impossible for there to be even 10 earth people on Mars without the story leaking all over the place and we have nothing with the capability of putting 1, 10, or 10,000 there - we can just barely get a few hundred pounds in orbit or bounced to a landing.

    His name is probably Arthur, not Authur, and he is a lying idiot.

    People are inventing secrecy to make money from books and lecture fees, even when it has no scientific basis or facts behind it.

  • 1 decade ago

    TV is a terrible, terrible thing. *sigh*

    NO there is not a US base on Mars. For one thing, with the technology today, it would take so long to get to Mars, that a person would not have enough time in one lifespan to go to Mars, live there for any amount of time, AND come back. Much less come back before he is 100 years old. No way.

    Another thing: what have we learned about sci-FI? Well, that it's fiction. Go figure.

  • Don't be silly, the US doesn't possess the technological knowledge to establish a base on Mars nor would it have the money to do such a thing if it did.

    The Mars base is Chinese, everybody knows that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bailout money went to the secret Nazi organization inside our earth's core.

    Obama is one of their zombie slaves.

    And yes, there are many secret bases on mars. There is also a Russian one, a Japan one, and one from the UK. Other countries are in a process of building forts as well. Germany is thinking about it, as well as other Europeans. Canada's base in joined to America's. The martins on that planet are sometimes welcome to come down on earth on missions. Some hitmen and soldiers are martians. as well as many politicians around the world. Martins help with the Nazi organization too.

    How do I know this?

    I am a martian.

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