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  • How do I let my son know I am better than he is?

    My son is 6 and he thinks he's better than me!

    It all started about 3 weeks ago at a party. I was playing him in Foosball, and he beat me 10-7. I screamed at him because he cheated by "spinning". Next game he didn't spin at all, but somehow he still cheated and beat me 10-3. Last week before we all went biking (we always go on Sunday afternoons, if it is sunny) I loosened the training wheels on his bike without him knowing. About 5 minutes into the ride I challenged him in a race. I took off ahead of him, but my foot slipped off the pedal and I twisted ankle and the training wheels never even fell off in time! I was so humiliated.

    Tonight he had his birthday party, and the kids are going to play a drinking game (except they will be chugging soda of course!). I'm thinking about putting NyQuil into his soda so he will gag and spit it out... But he will probably still beat me.

    How do I show him I'm better?

    And if not, where are some fairly priced boarding schools in the Southeast?

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is there a secret US base on Mars now?

    Authur Neuman AKA Henry Deacon claims to have worked on Mars for the government. He says there are over 600,000 personnel on Mars. They are martians. He says there are about 10,000 earth people on Mars. At one point in time I would have dismissed this as hogwash. But then I had to ask myself how much do I really know about the world around me? All I know about is what I perceive in my own life. Given all the secrecy in the world today I don't doubt anything anymore. For instance, where did the bailout money go????

    26 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • How many calories are in a pound of human poo?

    If we absorb caolories when we eat food, and we "count" those calories, are we to assume that 100% of everything we eat is absorbed by the body? If not, then surely some of those calories are expelled in poo. If so, on average, how many calories are not absorbed by the body and ejected in poo as a % of the poo?

    If there are no calories in poo, then what is poo made of???

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with her?

    My girlfriend has a collection of living dead dolls and she gets them out of their caskets and makes them argue and scream at each other and then she swaps their clothes (she says it swaps their spirits so they can feel what the other doll feels), but then she just fights and screams more with them. At first I just thought it was a wierd Barbie thing but she is 26 so it is really starting to freak me out.

    When I came home she was singing to one of them and threatening another one of them with a kitchen knife. She won't hardly leave the house anymore and doesn't talk to people she doesn't know. What is wrong with her? Is it safe to stay with her or should I break up with her?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Trying to set my old ripped up mattress on fire. How can I prevent the apartment from burning too?

    I finally got a new matress so I want to get rid of the old one. It's too heavy for me carry downstairs so I was going to burn it in the middle of the room. I set it in the middle of the room and away from the walls and the walls are covered in aluminum foil. Should this be good enough?

    9 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How can I convince my wife that the food in the house is for everyone to share and that she shouldn't hog?

    everything all for herself? I want to leave her but she is pregnant so I would feel guilty. Should I say anything, or just hide food so the rest of us can eat too?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend farted while we were kissing should I break up with her?

    Yesterday my girlfriend and I were hanging out with a couple of friends and we decided to break away from everyone and be alone.

    We started kissing and about 10 seconds into it she farted.

    It was BAD and it smelled like garbage that had been left out in the sun for weeks.

    I started to gag.

    But I was able to stop gagging and I told her it was OK.

    But then she ran away and I haven't talked to her since.

    Should I break up with her?

    109 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's a cool band name?

    It's a 2-peice acoustic/rock/alternative show. Mostly covers, some originals. Playing local bars and parties and such.

    Any ideas would be great.

    Also, can you give me feedback on these three names we're considering??

    Sofa Kings

    Voodoo Mojo



    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • there's no such thing as 1/3?

    it breaks all the laws of math doesn't it? .3333 to infinity...

    1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = .999999999999 to infinity

    you have to just "assume" that one of the 1/3's rounds up to .333334

    in which case, two of them are different from the third

    which one rounds up and why? how is it considered the same fraction when they are different. if they all = .33333334 then they will add up to be MORE than 1

    it's not very mathmatical to just PLUG in a number to make the equation work is it?

    so basically, you can't truly divide the number 1 by 3

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • celexa question day 10?

    So it's day 10 on celexa (20mg). The first week I had a lot of odd side effects (almost felt trippy or high, but not in a good way, just "spacey" i guess is a better word). Now I don't feel any different at all, can't even tell I'm taking them...

    Is that normal? How much longer till I toss it and ask to try something else?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago