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Who has more benefits? Illegals & terrorists or US Citizens?

I was wondering about this the other night and would value anyone's opinion. Left or right.

When I group the term "Illegals ad Terrorists" I'm not inferring it's the same threat only the same general group.

* Illegals & terrorists - medical is for free v. citizen needs to pay or be fined.

* Illegals & terrorists - can apply for free housing v. citizens more and many hoops with low chances

* Illegals & terrorists - can get subsistence allowances and food v. citizens - few successes with SSI

* Illegals & terrorists - can get payments per dependents v. citizens may get a deduction on taxes.

* Illegals & terrorists - educate their kids thru college on grants v. not that many citizens. only citizens pay the bill through property taxes.

* Citizens get to serve in military and some get killed.

* Illegals and terrorists - if they are accused of crime are entitled to the best lawyers in the country v. our soldiers, if accused of a crime cannot even get due process, our citizens MIGHT be given a public defender.

* Illegals & terrorists - if fined, they are forgiven v. citizens..go to jail.

Am I getting this wrong? Give me the other side! Help me, here!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are 100% correct. That's why the liberals are getting such low approval ratings. America is tired of this nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your first five reasons are basically "illegals can use fake ID to apply for benefits and then flee the country later" this is virtually interchangeable with a US citizen's right to do the same thing. Oh and property taxes? rarely go to colleges, property taxes pay for public schools. Since illegals ultimately pay rent, and through that rent property taxes for schools, it isn't much of a plus for them.

    Your claim that our soldiers don't have legal council when accused of crimes is basically a bald faced lie. The claim that illegals get the best lawyers in the country is just nonsense, as anyone who has ever dealt with public defenders knows. A few rarities of a high priced lawyer taking a case for the publicity is so abnormal as to be the equivalent of winning the lotto.

    Illegals and fines. they are deported, not forgiven.

    Oh and skip your attempt to claim you're not demonizing illegals by lumping them with terrorists, it is basically worthless in furthering your claims. You would be better off making your arguments about illegals straight out, rather than trying to somehow make it a terrorism issue. Might as well say illegals and flesh eating cannibals every time.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Citizens get all of those, plus many, many more... There are millions of citizens who have used grants to get through college

    Would you want a terrorist serving in the military? Really?

    illegals and terrorist are not 'entitled' to the best attorneys. Spend some time at a court house and get back to me.

    Medical isn't free for anyone... Do you realize how many citizens simply skip out on medical bills?

    Citizens have access to medicaid, welfare, SSI, food stamps, etc...

    You can get a public defender too, it happens all the time.

    You've never spent a day in a county courthouse, you've never spent a day at a welfare/social security office. You don't know what you're talking about at all

  • 1 decade ago

    African Americans - medical is for free v. citizen needs to pay or be fined.

    * African Americans - can apply for free housing v. citizens more and many hoops with low chances

    * African Americans - can get subsistence allowances and food v. citizens - few successes with SSI

    * African Americans - can get payments per dependents v. citizens may get a deduction on taxes.

    * African Americans - educate their kids thru college on grants v. not that many citizens. only citizens pay the bill through property taxes.

    * Citizens get to serve in military and some get killed, but they call the process racist.

    * African Americans - if they are accused of crime are entitled to the best lawyers in the country v. our soldiers, if accused of a crime cannot even get due process, our citizens MIGHT be given a public defender.

    * African Americans - if fined, they are forgiven v. citizens..go to jail.

    My point...Illegals and terrorists get these benefits because African American get these same perts also.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Comparing U.S citizens rights with illegals and or terrorists is nothing more than propaganda ! If you believe you really must hate your government and feel the country has helped its enemies more than its citizens, that would be completely untrue and really unpatriotic. You must realize all countries go through problems the minute you believe that your country is guilty of the above actions you undermine it ! These thoughts you have will lead toward anarchy not unity of belief in our country. I don't think you really want that, do you ?

    Source(s): Its too bad blue #317 does not know, most American terrorists are white !
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Obama don't like Americans never has. Ever seen him hang out with a reg. America dude- NO! All his past friends hated America or were not even American. His Chicago days- it was Syrian Tony Rezko a friend in prison now. Rev Wright- hates America. Bill Ayers- Hates America. Rashid Khalidi- hates America. I cannot think of one reg. dude he was friends with.

    Michelle- for the 1st time Im proud of America after Obama got elected- WAKE UP CALL!

    Obama had weekly meetings with Palestinians in Chicago- he is Anti-Israel too!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Illegals is anther term for corporate welfare, so I can only point the finger in two directions, I do not support this mass movement of people,but the people who hire these individuals are just as accountable....Vote Independent. My logic for this is that the political parties are already corrupted and controlled by these lobbyist institutions and with Independents in office it is harder for corporations to control the legislation and the politicians will not be able to hide as well as they do

    There are no lefties or righties, just Democrat and Republicans, of course those numbers are shrinking. Independents and other parties are slowly gaining, I figure in 10 years there will only be Independents and minority parities

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Emergency scientific therapy and energetic exertions Act "EMTALA" The Emergency scientific therapy and energetic exertions Act (EMTALA) is a U.S. Act of Congress surpassed in 1986 and signed into regulation with the help of President Ronald Reagan as area of the Consolidated Omnibus finances Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It demands hospitals and ambulance centers to furnish care to all people wanting emergency healthcare therapy in spite of citizenship, legal status or skill to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. as a effect of the act, sufferers wanting emergency therapy may be discharged in uncomplicated terms under their very own suggested consent or whilst their challenge demands flow to a scientific institution greater effective geared up to manage the therapy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    many of the programs offered by the government should not even be in existence.

    you can call me heartless if you wish, but fact of the matter they are not the role of the federal government. This is the government over stepping their roles and senators and legislatures trying to legislate morality on the American people.

    Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

    lets get our Government back to the constitution.

  • R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Free housing, board, medical care, gym, etc.

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