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Do you know the real reason Republicans hate health care reform?

Starting with Reagan the Republicans have cultivated the notion in the American People that government isn't the answer to any problem. By and large most Americans now believe that. Now that the government is on the verge of showing the American People that government CAN do something for them the Republicans are in a rabid frenzy because if the People start to realize the truth they will look to the government for other changes, such as better food regulation and putting the brakes on the export of jobs and industries overseas - activities that are profitable to the Big Business masters that the Republicans report to but hell on average Americans. Health care reform is the best thing for the American People in decades!


Wow, you who say the government can't do anything right should insist it quit inspecting your food and insist OSHA quit making sure cars are safe and escalators and elevators don't crash. These are a tiny sample of the 100's ofl the things government does FOR YOU that you are clueless about.

14 Answers

  • grob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That notion started long before Reagan. But they I honestly think they hate it because Democrats like it. They don't really have a reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. You wouldn't by any chance be a Democrat would you? I am an Independent and over my 66 years I have LEARNED that the government can never do ANYTHING well. The last thing I want is for them to be in charge of my children's and grand children's health care. I have Medicare by law...not by choice and I still spend more than an extra $100 a month for an private insurance plan that has already saved me thousands. Medicare is junk, plain and simple. And, my doctor, who came from Moscow, Russia to get away from government controlled health care hates it too. She believes and I agree that government run health care does not allow doctors to do what they feel is best for their patients. Everything is about regulations and money.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wrong my friend...Government cannot do anything...You my friend has been duped by a Communist. Like most Progressives you hate Business but whine that there is no jobs...we all cannot work for the government. Lets look at some of the great things that the Feds do so well...Social Security broke, Welfare broke, Medicare broke, Medicaid broke, Post Office you want to give them the health care ruin...

    Why do all you see and look for is entitlements...

    By the way, this health care package has nothing to do with health or care...but with redistribution of wealth and power, control...

  • lienot
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No as all liberals you are clueless. What it means is that we are compassionate BUT we believe in people taking care of themselves and their family not running to the government every time the is a problem case in point on this morning news a man in the northeast somewhere standing in water in his house complaining that the GOVERNMENT had abandoned him when he should have been cleaning up as much as he could. It is not the government s job to rescue everybody.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you honestly believe that government run health care will be a success? Based on what, the governments track record of stellar fiscal performance?

    You're funny.

    The Republican idea that government isn't the answer to the everyday problems of the average citizen start long before Reagan.

    The USFDA is fraught with overspending. OSHA has five layers of bureaucrats that oversee the operations of the inspectors, but do little work of their own. Give me any example of government operation and I will show you its multiple layers of inefficiency, graft and corruption. Your examples are ludicrous.

    Just a tiny example of the real world of government that you obviously know nothing about.

  • 1 decade ago

    The more control over your life that you hand over to the government, the more freedoms you lose to make decisions for you and your family. Most Americans believe they know what's best for them and resent government's attempt to assume this power. Why is it so danged hard for liberals to understand this?

  • Its estimated, if this health care bill passes, that by the year 2020 each individuals share of the national debt will be $443,000. Celebrate good times, come on

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, your assumption that the real reason (which Republicans do not hide btw) is the distrust of government.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The governments of many, many nations in history have shown us that big government is a bigger problem than a solution. It wasn't Reagan who taught us this, nimrod, it was the people who founded our nation.

  • 1 decade ago

    De-regulation has always been Repubs friend. Too bad the rest of us suffer because of it.

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