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For those who oppose health care bill based on your abortion stance?

Do you refuse your company's health insurance because it covers abortion?

Do you refuse to take a tax deduction for your health insurance costs because it provides public funds to support abortions?

Just askin...


Uh, you DO pay do not pay taxes on the portion of your insurance premium which YOU pay.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My company plan does cover abortion (not my decision - the company).

    And I am pro-life, however I'll not jeopardize my family, by not accepting the company health care plan.

    And I do deduct my premiums (to the extent permitted)

    Interesting question

  • 1 decade ago

    I do oppose abortion on demand, however I support the health care bill because I believe that it has done as much as possible to prevent public funding of abortions.

    Your question of rejecting one's company health plan is a interesting one. Those that are stridently opposed to abortion should shun any support (including enrollment) of programs that permit abortions. To do otherwise would be hypocritical.

    Your argument regarding public funds and tax deductions is a bit more convoluted, because your tax deduction does not provide direct funding for abortions. However indirectly, accepting a health plan that covers abortions and then lowering your "cost" for that health plan by diminishing your tax liability (in other words offsetting). In that regard, then your tax deduction is really supporting the health plan. If your health plan provides for abortion on demand.... well your back to your original question.

    Sure is something to consider.... your point is well taken.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I oppose this healthcare bill for many, many reasons - mostly because it represents the arrogance of our government acting in an irresponsible and unconstitutional way, pushing by extraordinary means to pass a bill that a majority of Americans are against, resorting to bribery and threats, and coaxing those representatives who are retiring to vote against their constituency because "they have nothing to lose".

    That said, yes, the federal funding for abortion is part of my objection to the content of the bill. I am pro-choice myself in a fairly conservative way - I think that abortion should definitely be an option for most women but I'm very much against late-term abortion. I think that we could make more of an effort to educate women that abortion is a last resort, and that they should learn how not to make that same mistake twice. I would much rather have federal funds go to that kind of effort.

    My stance on abortion, however, is different from my stance on the federal funding of abortion. The United States Government must represent ALL of the people, and must be answerable to ALL of the people in this country. Abortion is the law of the land, it is available to those who need it but there are many millions of taxpayers who are morally against it, and should not be required to pay for it for others. There are other means to this end - as you point out, there are company plans and there is state funding as well.

    Whether or not I would refuse my company's health insurance or a tax deduction is a completely different story - at least with those two examples I am free to make the choice. I do not have a choice in the way I am taxed. My taxes go to many things I do not support and that angers me, but if I don't pay them I can go to jail. I do not want one more source of federal funding being taken from me against my will.

    Taking that a step further, I now have a choice as to which health insurance program I wish to buy, based on what it covers. If I do not like my company plan, well, my company offers a choice. I can choose to opt out and buy a different plan. I also have the choice to have no insurance, or to self-insure up to a high deductible; after this health care bill is forced into passing I will no longer have this choice. If I were to choose to cover my own costs, I would be fined or jailed. Insurance companies will be restricted by mandates on what they can and must cover, homogenizing the entire industry into a blend of government regulations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What country do you live in?

    Abortion is not covered unless it is specifically written in.

    You cannot take a tax deduction for health insurance. Companies are given a credit, but not individuals.

    That makes you the Information Thief.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the Health care bill is so great, why did Congress and the Senate opt out of it for themselves?

    Just Askin...

    Erok4444- Its NOT Republicans who are holding up this turd of a bill! Your party has a super majority! The Question is, why is it still an issue with Democrats?! I guess 2 or 3 must have a conscience, amazing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama protects his union buddies and sells out the upper middle class and wealthy. He will destroy this country From the NYT:Many House Democrats strongly disliked the Senate’s proposed excise tax on high-cost, employer-sponsored insurance policies. In the Senate-passed bill, that provision would have raised $150 billion over 10 years. Mr. Obama and White House officials reached a deal with organized labor groups to delay the implementation and limit the impact of that tax. As a result, the excise tax will raise only $32 billion over 10 years, according to the budget office.

    Of course, that meant coming up with $118 billion more elsewhere to plug the hole. Not a problem: to help make up the difference Democrats adjusted a proposed increase in the Medicare payroll tax for individuals earning more than $200,000 a year and couples earning more than $250,000. The tax will now apply to “unearned income” like dividends and interest.

  • Tom S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My Health insurance plan does not cover abortion. But thank you for playing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My plan does not cover abortion and I shouldn't have to pay for the abortions of people who have sex irresponsibly.

  • 1 decade ago

    How is abortion still an issue?

    Republicans had the supreme court, both houses in congress, and the presidency for almost 6 straight years ... and did NOTHING in regards to abortion.

    So why do Republicans still make it an issue?

    A: to get ordinary americans to vote against their own economic self-interests for a dead social issue.

    "Vote for me ... I'm ProLife!"

    -typical republican running for election ... then in office they do nothing about abortion.

    Source(s): history
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't make them cry like this. It makes me laugh to hard!


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