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Have You Ever Wanted to Consult for a Movie? (transguys, little help please)?

Hey everyone!

Mouth, my boyfriend, posted a question pertaining to the habits of transmen a few weeks back and well... there was a lack of answering so I figured give it one more shot so our film doesn't end up too undereducated.

He wrote a book last year (it's called Rice Tea, it lives for free download @ RiceTeaDOTca), and is adapting it for independent filming for the summer. He's decided that due to a lack of role models for young transfolks, he'd turn the main male role into a transman (who was cis in the book, or not specifically mentioned as trans... we have yet to decide on that :P).

Now, I can tell him about my life as a transman until his ears fall off, but that will only make Seth (the character) a copy of me. That's not what we want. We're trying to take as much detail from as many guys as possible to make Seth genuine and not just a carbon copy of one of us.

So, questions. Feel free to answer, some, all, whatever. My messaging is also available if you don't want to post answers here. Any input we are grateful for, and anonymity is guaranteed if you want it.

- If you had to make some sort of emergency trip and didn't know when you were coming back to your house, what would you be most concerned about bringing along with you pertaining to being trans?

- If you are staying overnight somewhere and the people in the house don't know you are trans, are there any precautions you take to ensure you are not accidentally outted?

- (this is specific to the female loving transmen) Have you been rejected by a female due to your trans status? Did she out and say it was because you are trans or did she make up reasons? Was she nice or nasty about it? What did your pals say in response to her stupid choice? (Mouth worded this one, as he believes anyone who wouldn't date a transman is seriously missing out... oh the love!)

- Binding: What do you use? Do you bind 24-7? When do you take it off/ put it on? What aches and pains do you get? Where? How do you resolve them?

A million and one thank yous for every piece character in your responses! I know someone will say "you should go look this up!", and trust me... I have. Many times, but just spitting out the same old same old is not what we're interested in doing.

Hope everyone is having an awesome day!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally I'm very early in the coming out process, so my answers are bound to be a bit different than most.

    Emergency trip: I'd bring my ace bandages and safety pins, a few tight sports bras, or the binder I sewed all by myself. For packing, I could always make something up by filling a sock with toilet paper. For clothes, baggy stuff.

    Staying the night: Wear baggy clothes, and bind before coming downstairs for breakfast. I've stayed the night at others houses, but all people who know me as a girl, or a trans male. When binding at another person's house, I've been known to get embarassed about taking so long in the bathroom. I'm imagining it would make a funny scene in a film were the people he was staying with concerned about whether he was allright he was taking so long. Awkwardness always ensues in my brain when I have to decide whether to use some sort of feeble excuse to explain what took so long.

    Dating: I've only ever dated one girl. She was pan, and this was before I was out, but I would have been terrified to tell her.

    Binding: I try to bind at home, but sometimes I have to do it at school. That's tough, because ew public restrooms. I still use the girl's room because I don't pass, but the main problem is that it's tough to do without a mirror. I bind with the materials listed above, but am hoping to get a proper binder from my best friend for my birthday. If I bend too tight, it feels as hard to breathe as asthma. After I take off the bindings, my sternum may ache a bit, feels like I have a bruise. My moobs are bound to hurt, and I usually massage them back into a female shape so they stop hurting. Not at all erotic, just stops the pain. The amusing thing is that when I wear my handmade binder, it's made out of ribbed cotton fabric, so it leaves indentation on my breasts. It's really funny looking.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd be happy to give some answers.

    1. If you had to make some sort of emergency trip and didn't know you were coming bac, what would you most be concerned about bringing along with you pertaining to being trans?

    My testosterone and needles. The other stuff I can do without because at the moment I don't even try to pass. (No one seems to notice and all that work ends up being for nothing.) Also, if it were a desperate sort of situation, I could possibly sell some of the needles on the black market.

    2. If you are staying overnight somewhere and the people in the house don't know you are trans, are there any precautions you take to ensure you are not accidentally outted?

    Usually I tell people straight off to prevent such situations, and avoid spending time with those who have an issue with it. Otherwise, I would wear very baggy, thick clothes (Hopefully it is cold enough that this is an option.)

    4. Binding: What do you use? Do you bind 24-7? When do you take it off/ put it on? What aches and pains do you get? Where? How do you resolve them?

    I have an Underworks black tri-top, and have used one of their longer binders that reaches part of the thighs. More often now, though, I use two maidenform body shapers which are too small for me.

    The long underworks binder always rolled up on me and then cut off circulation in my legs. A friend of mine has the same problem. It was an awful, useless thing. The tri-top eliminates this problem, but it has the same problems otherwise that the first has - It cuts into the shoulders, it is difficult to pull on and take off, and on hot days the sweat is not absorbed into the material but instead sits on the skin and really increases my acne problems.

    The maidenform body shapers are much more comfortable. They do not bind as well, but the difference is minimal and the comfort is far, far greater. The material is thinner and softer. After awhile these will cut into the shoulders too, but not very much. I've had one roll up on my one time, but other than that I haven't had any problems with these.

    I like being able to breathe and no one notices the trouble I go through with them, so most of the time I go without anything. A vest is a great way to hide things, as is a loose shirt. I don't bind any more than I have to when I actually do it, so maybe 4 to 8 hours at a time. I'm resolving the whole problem by saving up for surgery.

    If you want any other answers, you can feel free to message me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Binding: I use a tritop from Underworks with a compression muscle shirt also from Underworks, together. I bind like I wear contacts put them on in the morning take them off in the evening. I've heard bad things about binding 24/7 so I refuse to do it. I used to get many aches from my chest due to my chest not being used to wearing 4 layers of compression but I just gradually built up my time wearing them and now I can wear them all the time.

    Dating: I have dated a couple of women who were either out as lesbians or bisexuals. I have never really had anyone reject me.

    Overnight trips: I either let the person who I am staying with know or wait til they go to bed and change or maybe even just sleep in my compression shirts.

    Emergency Situation: I can't say of anything I would be trying to bring with me. Considering I am not on hormones and I don't pack. But if I wasn't dressed, I would grab my compression shirts.

    I just realized I went backwards. Sorry man, just trying to be different.

  • 5 years ago

    I've watched plenty of movies in the theater by myself, but it doesn't really count because I was the general manager of a 2 screen second run theater and I was screening the movies after I built them up lol

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