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ladybajan09 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My dog does whatever feels like when I am not there?

My dog is 10 months old now and I have had him since he was 2 months. So I went through the teething stage, and even then, he always just chewed on his toys or whatever I gave him. And even as soon as two months ago, he never did anything bad.

Now though, when I leave him, he chews up things and does everything he is not supposed to. He has chewed my wooden table and chairs ragged. If I ever leave a paper or paper plate on the edge of the table (instead of in the middle where he can't reach), he jumps up and pulls the paper on the floor and destroys it to bits. He pulls things from the kitchen garbage can.

I have done the corrections and rewarding him thing and he knows not to do it when I am there. When he is alone, he just does whatever he feels like. I don't know what to do with a dog who knows I don't want him to do something and just does it when I am not there. Is this a respect thing?


It is not separation anxiety because he is fine otherwise. It might have something to do with him being bored but I walk him a lot but he has this puppy small dog energy (he's a Bichon) and he is always overflowing with energy. And I have bought so many new toys and he likes them the first day and he gets bored. Even with his food, he gets bored after two weeks and stops becoming food motivated, and then I have to add new things or mix foods to get him to eat properly. So what do I do with a constantly bored dog with too much energy?


I exercise him four times a day. And he is confined to the kitchen, which is the only place I can keep him. And I could put him in his crate and I have been doing that lately but eventually I want him to be like any other dog who is allowed to roam the house. But if I can't trust him, he will always be stuck in the crate or kitchen and it does not seem fair. And quite frankly, I'd just have to give him up because it gives me way too much anxiety to have to keep wondering what he will do even if I am in just in the bedroom.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It may be separation anxiety. This occurs when a dog becomes too attached to his owner. Don't make a big deal out of leaving. Just spontaneously go out the door. Put his morning meal in a feeding cube which will take him a large amount of time to work out. Give him rawhide chewies and Kongs with peanut butter inside. Put all this inside an X-pen or a small room. Make sure he has water and a place to sleep.

    He needs to have two half-hour walks a day, along with a half-hour of fetch in the backyard.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Exercise him. A lot. He probably needs at least one 45 minute walk, per day, two would be better.

    Also, invest in a crate. OR, shut him in one room. My step-brother has had to spend about $3,000 on home repairs because he refused to spend $50 on a crate. Guess who got to say, "I told you so"? Guess who bought a crate for his new pug? Guess who's still too retarded to buy a crate for his Malamute/Lab mix? Man, he's stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    He needs exercise. Take him for walks, it'll be as good for him as it is you. Play with him and his toys. It's not as fun playing by yourself with toys as it is with others.

    He probably gets bored and destroys things as a result. If he's tired, he might do it less, but prevention is best. I you on't leave out paper plates, he won't chew them. Get him something with a challenge to it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he's confined in a crate or a small, safe room, he can't do all those things, can he?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "So what do I do with a constantly bored dog with too much energy?"

    Exercise him three times a day.

    When you aren't home, crate him.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can lock him in a room, like a bathroom, with special toys to chew

    or smack him hard when he disobeys

  • 1 decade ago

    this what a crate is good for.

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