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  • Just Curious About Dog Breed Restrictions with Homeowners Insurance?

    Our new homeowners policy restricts several breeds of dog, including "Pit Bulls". I, personally, have nothing against bully dog types, so if a dog chooses me and it is an American Staffordshire Terrier, since their rules say "Pit Bulls" - I'm good, right, since technically a "Pit Bull" isn't a breed?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Anyone have a recipe for Happy Wok's Kato Chicken?

    I love Happy Wok's Kato Chicken and was wondering if anyone had a recipe for it? I'm in Wisconsin, and their website doesn't even have the dish on the menu, but I order it every time I go there. It's very sweet, with a good kick of spice at the end of every bite.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How do you loosen a water pipe in the shower?

    The water pipe that comes from the wall (the one you put the shower head on) is too low for my husband and I. I bought a different one that will make it taller, but I can not get the original one off. I know for a fact that the bathroom was a complete gut job in the last 5 years, so it's not like it's been there for 70 years. Obviously, if I could afford a plumber, I would call one. I have a Robogrip and a rubber grippy thingie (I was trying to prevent damage and create more "traction") and I can not get the darn thing to budge.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • My sister's dog ate Zoloft!?

    My sister's dog got into her roommates Zoloft, fish oil pills and caffeine pills - why the hell those were left within a dogs reach I will never know, but my sister just dropped the dog off with my husband on her way to work - should he call a vet? I have no clue what the dosage was (the pills weren't in their prescription bottle - again, WTF) and she isn't doing anything unusual according to my husband. She's a bit hyper - but that's nothing new. I think it happened about two hours ago, but I'm not sure. I'm gonna absolutely kill the person that was dumb enough not to put things away....

    Thank you in advance!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 98 Cavalier Z24 - simple fix, or haul it to the car graveyard?

    My husband's 98 Cavalier Z24 has somewhere in the neighborhood of 150K miles on it. Recently, the engine light started coming on intermittently and then, before we could get in to the mechanic, sputtering a bit. He said the other night, the tach started "flipping out" (I would assume this to mean jiggling) when he was on a major highway - without the engine missing or anything (makes no sense to me either). He also told me that when he slows down, it sputters a lot under 20mph and also wants to kill when fully stopped. When he started it up the other day, the exhaust reeked of gas (it was also a little bluish, but the car hadn't been driven for two days and that's normal for that car). Opinions? I'm thinking either oxygen sensor or catalytic converter. Or, possibly a bad tank of gas.

    As the frame is rotting out, I do NOT want to spend a whole lot of money for a fix on this. I'd rather go drop 7K on a used car. I'm not even sure they'll let us fix it, I had a hard time getting it away from the mechanic the last time (because of the safety issue). However, I do need my car back. Of course, he's starting full-time (but yay) work the last week of September, and this is only going to get worse if we can't fix it cheap....we can't make it work with one car for long.

    Let me know your thoughts and if you need any more info, let me know and I'll tell you what I know. Thanks!

    2 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Help me prove someone wrong - have you ever heard of a Miniature English Sheepdog?

    I know it's not real. I need help convincing someone else it isn't. They paid $1,500 dollars for what they were told was a purebreed, papered (won't show me the papers) Miniature English Sheepdog. Does anyone know what breeds make up this latest mutt scam?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What could this lump on my dog's shoulder be?

    First off: We are going to the vet on Friday. I repeat, we have a Friday appointment at the vet (because, I wanted him to go on a real nice vacation this year lol).

    My dog was at the vet three weeks ago, because she was itching. My husband told me, "he gave her a whole bunch of shots", but couldn't tell me where, or how many. (Don't worry, this is going to be relevant).

    This past Sunday, I fell down the stairs of our apartment building, I tripped on my dog's leash. Now, I know it may have been selfish of me, but I kind of didn't want to break my neck, so I did NOT see if she fell, or got dragged...all I know is that when I was done falling, she was standing next to me. At that time, I wasn't all that sore, so we continued on with our walk. Monday night, I noticed a lump on her shoulder, probably about the size of a large grape, and it feels like a fluid filled cyst that I have. It doesn't appear to hurt her at all, but it is very near where her harness hits, and if she was dragged or she fell, she would've hit that part, for sure. Everything else about her is completely normal, except that lump. I only talked to the Office Manager at the vet office, so she couldn't tell me whether it was caused by a vaccination or a blow to the area. I don't know if this is relevant, but a few years ago, when my cat strained a muscle in his leg, he also had a lump very similar to hers. Since this isn't considered an emergency, we are going to the vet on Friday. I just wanted to see what everyone thought about it, or if you've had something similar happen.

    We're going to the vet on Friday (in case you didn't get that before).

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone with cats use a Diaper Genie (or similar) for disposing of soiled litter?

    When the building we live in went in to foreclosure, the bank removed our dumpster. Garbage is only collected once a week, so we have had quite the issue with dirty litter. We're only allowed to put garbage out on Monday nights, so we have no choice but to keep it in our spare bedroom. Flushing isn't an option.

    So, does anyone here use a Diaper Genie (or another product like it) for dirty litter? If so, how does it handle the smell? I know parents love them, but I'd love to know if someone here uses one and how they think it works? I'd love to have my spare room back, instead of storing garbage in it.

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Anyone have any ideas on why my poor dog is so itchy?

    She went to the vet today, because she has been scratching excessively near her tail and managed to "chew" holes in herself. Almost $400 dollars later, we only know what it's not. It's NOT fleas, lice, parasites, mange, poison ivy, oak, sumac, hot spots, or an allergic reaction to anything, mosquito bites (or any other insect bite). He did a thorough exam, a skin scrape, expressed her anal glands, and my husband said he even dragged a giant book out to look through. lol

    He put her on antibiotics (open sores), an anti-inflammatory and an antihistamine (which I'm hesitant to give her - it's not an allergic reaction, why on earth load her up with that?). He also suggested giving her a bath once a week in shampoo, Ecto-Soothe by VIRBAC. Won't that just irritate her skin more?

    If anyone has any suggestions, I'll be glad to bring them up with my vet. As of right now, he's stumped.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is this leash aggression, or something else?

    I'm very confused by my dog's behavior when meeting new dogs.

    We have been at several events where there are sometimes hundreds of dogs present, all on leashes. These events have been charity walks, or "dog fest" type events. She's great at these events, greeting dogs properly and making new doggy friends.

    She goes to doggy daycare often, and has never had an issue there, EXCEPT when she's in the lobby and on a leash and another dog comes in on a leash. Otherwise, if she's out in the yard with up to 20 dogs (and she's one of the only dogs they can put with large dogs or small dogs...she's 11 lbs), she's fine. No issues.

    Then, there are situations like I ran into tonight. She sees another dog, they're both on leash. She goes NUTS. Barking, whining, generally being a stereotype "small dog". So, when they meet, if they sniff her wrong, or look at her wrong, she growls. But, we can walk with the dog, and she's absolutely fine.

    So, I'm truly confused. The trainer at the doggy daycare is confused. He was at the "dog fest" and asked me how she was doing with all the other dogs around while everyone was on leash. She did beautifully. I used to think it was because the other dogs weren't greeting her correctly (some tend to go right for her privates and push up on her stomach, which she doesn't appreciate) but it seems like tonight when it happened the other dog didn't do anything wrong. Is she possibly reacting to unstable dogs? The vet and the trainer have no answers for me. Obviously, she's not telling me what's up lol Any ideas?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • No one is ever going to believe this, but I have a very special problem with my cat, help anyone?

    Please forgive me if this shows up more than once, the first time I posted didn't seem to "take".

    So, my cat Zeus is a little over two years old. We've raised him and his brother since they were 3-4 weeks old (they were dumped) and they've never had any litter box issues. Until now.

    A few months ago, I noticed that Zeus was peeing everytime I did, normally. Well...he stands when my husband's in there. He's not spraying, he's peeing. Solved that by having hubby shut the door. I was washing my hands a few minutes ago, and in comes Zeus and pees standing up. Obviously the simple solution is to shut the door whenever we're in the bathroom. But, I wanted to see if anyone else had ever had this happen. I mean, I can't punish him, technically he's IN the litter box. All I can do is laugh...

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How dangerous are pressed rawhide bones?

    My friend gives her dog pressed rawhide bones and while I try to avoid rawhides for my dog as much as possible (she's usually happy with bullysticks and knee bones and such) she got a hold of that pressed rawhide bone and it occupied her for a long time (I had dropped her off there while I ran an errand).

    My friend said that she didn't get any large chunks off it, but rather softened it up and pulled small pieces off. I've been keeping an eye on her and she seems fine. My vet wasn't too worried, but I thought I'd check with the general population here on the dog section.

    Thanks in advance!

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are mashed potato flakes bad for a dog?

    Our cats were kind enough to open the pantry and they dragged out a bag of plain mashed potato flakes and helped themselves. I was unaware and while I was making lunch, Pixie found them and had herself a snack. Is this anything I need to worry about? I'm pretty sure it's not, but I was just wondering. Thank you!!!!!!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can you recommend a good nail clipper for my dog?

    Clipped Pixie's nails today and I guess I need a new clipper because her nails are super rough and she scratched the crap out of me while we were playing. Normally, I would just go and buy another pair of whatever I have, but I have no clue where I got these, and they were originally purchased for our cats, so they're super old. Pixie has very thin nails, much like a cats. So, I don't need any heavy duty type ones.

    I haven't even looked at nail clippers for years, so I don't know if there are even any brands, but if you have any that you like, by all means, please suggest them. Thanks!!!!!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I have a Sanyo 32" flat screen CRT HDTV that keeps turning green?

    We've had the TV for at least four years. This started about six months after we got it. We had a repairman come up twice, and he didn't find anything wrong either time. If we rock the TV back and forth, it will eventually go back to how it's supposed to be.

    All winter (October-last week), it NEVER turned green. Now it's been back to doing it. It doesn't make any sense. Any ideas? It's no longer under warranty, besides, the repair guy couldn't find a thing wrong with it. And of COURSE it wouldn't turn green when he was here.

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Is it too much to ask that my family know how to spell my last name?

    Well, it's wedding season again, so I've been getting a barrage of wedding and shower invitations. None of which has my last name spelled correctly. I have been married since 2006 (and have been with him since 1995 - since I was 16), and have a fairly common last name, but with an uncommon spelling. My maiden name was very uncommon, so I have been dealing with misspellings and mispronunciation my ENTIRE life.

    HOWEVER, is it really that much to ask that my family know how to spell my last name? It's very irritating to know that the people who are supposed to care the most can't even bother to check how my last name is spelled. One aunt can't even get the name right at all, she just makes up whatever she thinks it is that week and adds an "son" to the end.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Can dogs get skin tags on their feet?

    On the bulletin board at the Village Hall where I live, there was a poster with two puppies and it said "Labradoodles for Sale". Someone had written on the poster, "Be responsible and spay and neuter your pets!!!!!!!!!!!" Someone else had crossed out Labradoodles and put Mutts. Man that made me happy.

    Legitimate question: Can dogs get skin tags in the skin between their pads? My friend's dog has what looks like a skin tag on his foot and she's on vacation so I was wondering if this is something that could wait until she gets back next week or if I should take him in tomorrow morning.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I really want this house, any advice?

    I fell in love with a house today. It's perfect for my husband and I. However, we discovered in the basement that there is evidence of past termite damage (which is really weird because there are not termites in the area in which we live), but it wasn't extensive, just a few joists. The house is over 100 years old and the termite damage and foundation stuff (someone had plastered over the limestone foundation and the plaster is coming off) were about the only two things that we found that was major. What are the chances that the seller (a flipper) will fix this and how serious is it?

    Basically, I need someone to talk me out of

    9 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • My cat has gotten ridiculously cranky in his old age...what's up with that?

    My cat, Bob, is 12 years old. I've never had a cat this old before, so I'm not sure if his behavior is normal. Before you all go nutty on me, he was at the vet recently and is completely physically healthy.

    Bob used to obey me, the first time I said something. Like, when I told him to get down from something, or to stop tearing up paper (his favorite thing to do when he wants attention)...anything like that. Now, in the past year or so, he just doesn't give a rats butt. Like I said, he's completely healthy, physically. We've taken to calling him Cranky Old Man Bob. Is this how older cats get? They just don't care? I find it slightly amusing, but at the same time annoying because we have two younger cats, Dexter and Zeus, that absolutely idolize him and I don't want them to pick up on his sudden ridiculous behavior.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How much do you tip the dog groomer?

    Is it a percentage? Like, 15%? I usually just tack on $8 to a $35 grooming bill (I don't know how I came up with that number). Thank you in advance!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago