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BulliesRock asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog Resource Guarding Against Cat?

We have one dog that resource guards her bully sticks and food against one of our cats. She doesn't do it with the other dog or our other cats, nor does she do it with her doggie friends (but none of them really go near each other when they are eating or enjoying a bullystick/bone). Any ideas on why this would be a problem with only one of the cats and none of the other animals in her life? She will always try to share her toys with this cat, though. No guarding with other resources, just her food dish and bullysticks. She has never resource guarded against humans. We can take anything we want away from her. We are starting to work on desensitizing her. I really wouldn't even bother since it seems to be directed at our pushy little cat, but I don't want this spilling over into other areas where she decides to guard against a new dog coming into the home. Does anyone have experience with guarding just around other animals? I know that resource guarding is normal animal behavior but in all my years of owning dogs, I've actually never experienced it before.

2 Answers

  • Mina
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What breed is your dog?

    In general (not knowing your dog or cat) dogs who suddenly start guarding do so because someone (or some cat) has taken, or tried to take, or the dog thinks it's going to be taken, the thing he is guarding.

    You describe the cat as pushy, it would be easier to just make sure the cat does not bother than dog, or go near him when he's eating, rather than try to make the dog comfortable with the cat bothering him.

  • 5 years ago

    Well its one thing to growl when another animal approaches their food ... but what if it escalates beyond that? I don't let my dogs resource guard against each other or my cats. Part of being the alpha is being the Boss of all resources. Until they start chippin in on the grocery bill - that's MY food they're eating, not theirs.

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