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Have you noticed how the attacks against the Catholic Church on YA is getting even more hatefull?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well i am sorry to say the Catholic Church has made itself an easy target with all the sex scandals going on; but it really is broader than that, and the real attack is against God and the Gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan is getting ready to set up his leader in the earth, and this Age is coming to a close; and the hatred against God and all who love Him is only going to increase. If it did not we would have no reason to believe we are in the last days..........

    "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. "

    II Timothy 3:1-5

    Jesus warned of 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins. I hope you are wise and preparing yourself with a supply of the Holy Spirit and the word of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you also noticed how ignorant they are of church history and Catholic theology? These people will say that the news is a bias source and is telling the story wrong when the news reports something they don't like, but they'll gobble up everything the news says about the Catholic Church as if it's the most truthful thing they've ever heard. They don't stop to consider that the media companies are anti-Christian and love the chance to put down the Catholic church. They don't think about all the truths that the media isn't sharing. They won't even give the Pope a chance to explain the truth.

    They say Catholics are bad because of the Crusades and the Inquisition, but they don't know how much of a hero Pope Pius was when he managed to save countless Jews during World War II. They also can't even explain the historical issues at the time of the Crusades and Inquisition, and they can't tell what what orders the Pope actually had on each issue. They don't know history, only names. All they will know from the sex-abuse cases today is what the media tells them. They won't know the actual issues with homosexuality, and what was psychologically going on with the priests who victimized the teenage boys. Have you ever heard of a young boy getting victimized? How about a young girl? No? That's because the victims were fully mature (past puberty) teenage boys. The priests became priests as a way to fight their homosexual tenancies. It failed, and the church and the rest of the world didn't understand homosexuality enough back then to properly address the issue. They thought they were addressing the issue by putting the priests through psychological care and didn't understand when it didn't work. Now that we understand the issue of homosexuality, the church is able to properly address the issue and prevent this from happening again.

    I challenge ALL of you to tell me one non-government organization that has done more to relieve the world from harm than the Catholic Church. It's impossible to find any church that has done more than the Catholic church; statistics and research have spoken.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic Theologian
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    As the Roman Catholic Church is being attacked on the inside by the sexual abuse scandal, those who hate the church will take up the attack in the hope they can destroy it. The media is the biggest force against the Church because it hates the morality and teaching the Church promotes.

    The Church has survived for 2000 years, dispite the human weakness of its members. That is because the Holy Spirit runs the Church not us. Attacks against the Church strengthens the Church!

    Source(s): History
  • 1 decade ago

    It crossed the line into illegal hate speech a long time ago. People think the Catholic Church is rich now? What if they decided to up and sue all those people slapping around slander and libel against it?

    People attack the Catholic Church because it is an easy target - because it, unlike most Christian sects, actually does turn the other cheek.

    edit - Chrisme - do you realize that you just said that you learned about pagan deities and the inquisition in a BIBLE STUDY? Bus-ted! Plus anyone can look at Exodus 20 in a Catholic bible and compare it to another bible and see for themselves that there was no change. Lying for Jesus is still lying.

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  • 1 decade ago

    here goes a saying: Once a catholic, a catholic forever; once a priest, a priest forever.

    Test of the times again: Catholic are catholic forever for riding the waves of discontent; same as they faced the lions, gladiators, torch in Nero's garden, hiding in caves, w/c took about 400 years. The sex scandal going nowadays is nothing compared to the sacrifice of our forefathers. Offcourse, in conjunction with the Pope, I am also ashamed of the pedophiles priest and has to be brought to justice. For the meantime, we are right in the eye of the storm. The attacked is raging on but again, the true church of Jesus 'will prevail'.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take a stat on total child molesters and the numero ono are the baptists - protestants.

    Courtesy of Spirit roamer and txs:

    Only if you're going to shut down all of these too.

    Boy Scouts - cover up

    and the JW's - cover up

    and the Baptists -HUGE cover up

    and the Jewish

    and the schools

    And the SDA church

    And the Methodist church

    During the 1980s a rash of sexual abuse cases involving day care centers drew national attention.

    Several sexual abuse scandals have involved abuse of religious authority and often cover-up among non-abusers, including cases in the Baptist religion, Catholic Church, Episcopalian religion, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, Lutheran church, Methodist Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Orthodox Judaism, and various cults

    In the last decade, clergy sexual misconduct has been exposed in virtually every faith tradition. National studies have shown no differences in its frequency by denomination, region, theology or institutional structure.

    some statistics can be gleaned from three insurance companies that provide liability coverage for 165,500 PROTESTANT churches in the United States:

    * The largest company, Church Mutual of Merrill, Wis., with 96,000 clients including the Wyoming Conference, reported an annual average of 100 child sex abuse cases during the past decade.

    * GuideOne, headquartered in West Des Moines, Iowa, reported an average of 160 reports every year for the past two decades among its 45,000 clients.

    * About 75 claims have been investigated by Brotherhood Mutual in Fort Wayne, Ind., each year for the past 15 years, but the company did not specify if all complaints involved minors.

    People who molest will ALWAYS seek positions of trust, with easy access to children. Those who deny this only aid and abet the molestor.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Sounds equivalent to what my spouse reports on the "Christian" e book save that she works at. whilst clientele locate out that she is Catholic, they're going to in many circumstances ask her "Why are you working in a Christian e book save." or "how are you able to paintings in a Christian e book save once you do no longer believe in Jesus." i think of that some (no longer all) "Christians" who've been taught that the Catholic Church is a team of idol worshipers, have no concept only precisely what the Catholic Church believes. occasion, praying to saints. Scripturally this custom is noted interior the Bible, which those comparable "Christians" tend to let us know that "no the place interior the Bible does it let us know to desire to the ineffective" "it particularly is hence a holy and healthful theory to wish for the ineffective that they could be loosed from their sins."___2 Machabees, 12_46: (it particularly is between the previous testomony books handed over from the Protestant Bible SEE DUTEROCANONICAL or Apocrypha. handed over from the Protestant Bible, because of the fact it did no longer help their believe). And Purgatory. As no longer something defiled can enter Heaven (Rev. 21_27), there would desire to inevitably exist a state of cleansing or purgation often referred to as "purgatory." The existence of Purgatory Jews, Catholics, and jap Orthodox have continually traditionally proclaimed the reality of the appropriate purification. It substitute into no longer till the Protestant Reformers got here interior the 1500s that all of us denied this doctrine. Purgatory has been area of the "Christian" faith from the very commencing up. "And whosoever speaketh a be conscious against the Son of guy it particularly is going to be forgiven him: yet whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall no longer be forgiven him, neither in this international, NEITHER interior the international to come again. ( i.e. some sins can hence be forgiven after loss of existence.)"— Mt. 12:32 because of the fact they have been taught this from an early time of their lives, they have an inclination to believe it. regrettably for them, this has additionally been fortold interior the Bible besides. Paul informed Timothy, "For the time is coming whilst human beings won't undergo sound coaching, yet having itching ears they're going to receive for themselves instructors to slot their very own likings, and could turn remote from listening to the reality and wander into myths" (2 Tim. 4:3–4). feels like Martin Luther and his fellow reformers would belong in this team. delight in the reality, it particularly is the Catholic Church.

  • Acorn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I haven't noticed that myself. There have been anti-Catholic mud slingers here for as long as I've been here. I haven't noticed an increase in their rhetoric.

    But I'm not on as much as I used to be, so maybe I'm missing it.

  • Catholic-bashing is funny.

    The other Christian religions get such a rise out of taking jabs at Catholicism based on the acts of individual Catholics and ignore the crap that their own fellow members do.

    Pot/kettle, anyone?

    Source(s): The Ku Klux Klan - a collection of "Christians" acting for Jesus, at least if you ask them...
  • Sue
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes very much so and it is getting beyond a joke, but we still have the fullness of the Church and God

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. it has been prophesied by Jesus Himself and His saints.

    and the anti-Christ didn't even come yet.

    "If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you."

    John 15:18

    "If you had been of the world, the world would love it's own; but because you are

    not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world

    hateth you."

    John 15:19

    Blessed be Jesus Christ!!!

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