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Lv 6
Adri asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

I need help with contacting the right authorities, for what i believe is a malnourished dog!?

Hi everyone...

Last night walking back from the store i saw something i've only before seen in ASPCA commercials. This poor dog, i think he is a pitbull, not sure, but he's defiantly some kind of terrier, was so skinny, you can count the ribs on this poor fellow!

This house is @ the corner of my block, and i walk passed it everyday on my way to and from work, and i always hear a dog barking, but never seen any. This little guy was NOT the dog that was barking, that dog was still locked up in the back. This little guy was just walking after us in the yard. I wanted to just steal him out of there. He had outside just a bowl with water and a pillow.

I know for a fact the ASPCA was called before and they came to investigate and said, that YES the dogs are skinny, but not skinny enough where they can do anything about it. Do i call a local shelter (which i know of) or do i call the ASPCA again. I don't want therm to put this poor animal down.. I've never had to do anything like this before.

I like in Queens NY...if anyone can direct me in the right direction on the right authority to call...your help will be greatly appreciated!


When i see something that i can count its ribcage too, regardelss if it's a dog, cat, bird or any other animal, i will try my best to help it, but thanks for your input anyway

Update 2:

I'd also like to add, that throughout the WHOLE winter, these dogs were kept outside at all times. The weather has gotten much nicer these past 2 weeks, but we had a cruicial winter and LOTS of snow. Other people on the block are, as well, worried, i am not the only one

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Call the SPCA and any pitbull rescues in your area.

  • Shanna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Call again if you feel the dog's condition is worse than it was when they came out before. Explain to them that the dog has gotten worse since they were last out.

    If the dog is NOT worse, then perhaps there is a reason for the dog being underweight. I have 2 dogs that I keep somewhat thin due to one having had knee surgery and arthritis and being a little underweight is better for her joints. The other is a few pounds underweight due to all 4 legs being malformed and again, being a lighter weight is better for her in her condition. So just because a dog looks a bit 'skinny' doesn't necessarily mean it's being mistreated.

    So I'd call them if you think the dog has gotten worse and alert them to the situation and then let them handle it.

  • clyne
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well performed for taking her in. Start feeding her bland meals, like rice and chook or meat combined. Puppy meals could also be a well begin, smooth and rainy if her tooth are unhealthy. She will certainly scoff the lot, however do not be tempted to feed her a large quantity to begin with, as she'll mainly be unwell. Small and normally is first-class. Some dog milk (if to be had) in small quanities will aid as good. She additionally demands to recognize that the meals will hold coming, as a substitute than the existence she's been dwelling. Also, be certain you wash your palms after touch, earlier than you contact your possess puppies. Her foremost predicament will mainly be worms, however do not bug her but, till she places on a bit of of weight otherwise you see the vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i wouldnt call the shelter bc if hes so skinny tht u can see his ribs as well as u discribed thn they will put him down so i think you should call the ASPCA again bc the owners obviously didnt feel like taking a warning to care for this poor animal, also i think you can request to adopt it after hes all healed up if you call the ASPCA. thats what id do =/ good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Call Animal Services or ASPCA again maybe when they came out there the dog was not as serve as when you saw it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call the shelter they will come out a Access the problem and need be remove the dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    call the ASPCA, and they will handle it...and they wont put the dog down if its adoptable and can regain its health.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to MYOB. If ASPCA came out, and didn't find anything wrong, why would you call again? I have Border Collies who work, and one is a bone rack, and gets plenty to eat. Some dogs are just thin.

  • 1 decade ago

    call both and see what both of them will do

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "He had outside just a bowl with water and a pillow"

    Were you expecting him to have a flat screen TV and an all you can eat buffet?

    Once my dogs eat their food, they are "just left" with a bowl of water.

    If the authorities deemed the dog to not be in danger, then you need to mind your own business.

    If you think the dogs condition has deteriorated then go ahead and call again.

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