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Do you think Glenn Beck could be right?

about America's future.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lets hope not. But history is a factor in his views. Ive checked them out myself. A lot of people dont like to bring up history and people who made it. Let alone remember NOT to make those same mistakes.

    But, people ARE lazy these days. THey'd rather "dumb down" on American Idol, LOST, Tigger Woods, lame soap operas and game shows, Celebrity Dancers, fake reality tv, Oprah and 'the Kardasians ghetto dramas'. Look how Obama got elected! What "world experience" did HE have, besides smiling wide and looking good in a a law school professor.

    Nobody cares. So when Beck brings up "dirty secrets", people call him a nutter and change the channel.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you believe the Pope is a communist/Nazi, then Glenn is right. If you believe the American Democratic Party is the anti-Christ, then Beck is spot on. If you believe President Obama is a racist and hates white people, then Beck is your buddy.

    If you believe that he 'actually' believes all the balloon juice he spews, and is not doing it just for the ratings and big bucks then you are terribly misinformed.

    Fortunately, most free-thinking, intelligent Americans recognize a snake-oil salesman when they see one, and run quickly the other way. Beck's own co-horts at Fox Noise are distancing themselves from him as even by their low standards, he has gone off the deep end.

  • 1 decade ago

    Glenn beck is nothing more than an attention seeking sensationalist who never got past the behavioral age of a five year old. If he is the one true prophet ,then God help us all!

  • mcq316
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! If Glenn Beck said the sun was going to rise tomorrow, I wouldn't believe it until it actually happened. The man is crazy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Glenn Beck is off his rocker. No one with a brain takes him seriously.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Almost everything he has made a prediction on has come true so regardless if a person likes him or not any one but a bias little piss ant has got to admit he is intelligent and does his research and yes for the most part does know what he is talking about.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's kind of extreme...and usually people that extreme on either side are wrong. He might have some valid points of concern, but he tends to exaggerate a bit.

  • 1 decade ago

    HAHAHAHA NO. The guy just wants you to get worked up and watch his program. It makes him money

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say everything he says is but everything he said about healthcare is true and its not just him saying it...

    If your talking about the whole conspiracy of like every liberal guy and their nephew then yea I seriously doubt that that is true...

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