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how many lies is it okay for police officers to tell?

Last week my husband was arrested, I'm the one that called the police. We got in a stupid argument when I was on my way to bed, I had taken prescription sleeping pills. Without going into all the details my question is this:

The police lied to me, when they gave me the warrant to sign I didn't know what it was, when I asked they told me it would allow them to keep him for the night and he would be released the next morning. They knew I had taken the sleeping pills since that was the reason they had to drive me to the police station. The situation was not so dire that he needed to be arraigned and kept in jail for 3 days. I know you cannot sign a legal document when you're drunk, (ie: not fully aware of what you are doing.) is it okay to sign a legal document when you have taken sleeping pills?


Chrys - call me niave but I had no idea what I was signing. Had I known what I was signing I would not have signed it. All my life I have been told to respect and trust the police - they lied to me. I was "altered" from taking the sleeping pills and was pretty out of it and they took advantage of that.

Update 2:

having never been in a situation like this - no I did not know what I was signing.

4 Answers

  • Chrys
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    your legal problems are not of anyones making but You knew you were taking sleeping pills, and knew that you had to sign a warrant for your husband arrest and you knew he was going to what makes you think you didn't know.....grow up

  • 1 decade ago

    same thing happend to me, well almost... my neighbor called the cops because we got into an arguement, and i was yelling, he was drunk, pissed me off and i punched him in the head.... the cops arrested him???? tried to get me to sign something, I have no idea what, as i said no and didnt even read it... the next morning they released him, then all a sudden hes getting charged with domestic violence???? the report they gave was incredible, apparently he threw me across the room, punched me, kicked me... I got an attorney, needless to say it didnt help, my attorny asked if my husband hit me, I said yes, mind u, i punched him and he open hand smacked me,, i had no marks or anything, so the police had no evidence of that either.... but the attorney said it wouldnt matter, if they asked me in court if he hit/smacked me then i would have to say yes, and he would be guilty, so they decided that he had to take AA and anger management??? so he had to do it, and he had to pay for it and they dropped the charges,,, complete bullshit if you ask me, because in reality, I should have been the one who was arressted.... you could not have believed the report they gave.... and to the bitoch who answered b4 me,,, she has no idea waht shes talking about... ive taking sleeping pills, and even w/o sleeping pills, when ur tired ur tired, and add stress on top of that, I believe you didnt know what u were doing, and u were prolly delerious,,,, they should have not asked u to sign anything under the influence of sleep inducing medication...

  • 1 decade ago

    you called the police because you were in distress.. The police did their job by seperating you 2 to prevent either of you from being harmed or further escalating the situation. You even got a cooling off period..

    Dont call the cops if you don't need their help.. The END

  • 1 decade ago

    As a general rule, deliberate intoxication does not count as being drunk and thereby negating the act.

    Source(s): I am a legal learner practitioner
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