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  • how many lies is it okay for police officers to tell?

    Last week my husband was arrested, I'm the one that called the police. We got in a stupid argument when I was on my way to bed, I had taken prescription sleeping pills. Without going into all the details my question is this:

    The police lied to me, when they gave me the warrant to sign I didn't know what it was, when I asked they told me it would allow them to keep him for the night and he would be released the next morning. They knew I had taken the sleeping pills since that was the reason they had to drive me to the police station. The situation was not so dire that he needed to be arraigned and kept in jail for 3 days. I know you cannot sign a legal document when you're drunk, (ie: not fully aware of what you are doing.) is it okay to sign a legal document when you have taken sleeping pills?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Help from DMs please?

    I have made an error with my players and I am not sure how to fix it, because I had a headache and was not paying as close of attention as I should have been …

    2 of my players have been playing since the cradle, I have been playing this game for 8 years … so it's fair to say they know things I don’t which can be a little frustrating. Most of those things I over-come by telling them they are in MY world now and the normal rules do not always apply. (Like Drow aren't always evil etc)

    The party consists of: An Elf-Ranger, a Halfling-Thief, a Gnome-Bard, a Dwarf-Cleric, and a Human-Fighter.

    Here is my problem: They found a wand of cure light wounds, I did not realize the Elf-Ranger snatched it. As far as I know he cannot use it, this player is not the sort to spend the points to take cc skills. Normally this is something I would ignore and let them work out themselves, but a couple players have come to me bitching. He may be planning to spend the points to get UMD … but since they found the wand they have not leveled so he has not had the chance to do so. Wouldn't it make more sense that the rogue (who does have UMD) or the cleric has that wand? Not having access to their character sheets right now I am not sure what to do, I would like to have a satisfactory solution to this issue before we play Saturday.

    They (stupidly) let the CN rogue carry party treasure and I know the rogue is planning to pilfer some of the gems they have found and go on a shopping spree with the cleric. Sigh, I would prefer to avoid that sort of chaos in my dining room since I know it will result in a huge argument. I suggested to the rogue he simply steal the wand from the ranger and slip it to the cleric (something he could easily do) … but he said no. Someone help please, what would you do in this situation? (Other than not get into it in the first place)

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Car Storage? For-freaking-Ever!?

    My roommate moved out this week, under somewhat unpleasant circumstances. She has taken all her stuff (clothes, bed etc.) but she left her car. It has been in our driveway for 6 months – it does not run and she has made no arrangements to pay us a storage fee. Un-running car in the drive way was not a real problem while she lived here, but now that she is gone I am not sure what to do about this car. My first thought is to call a wrecker and sell it for scrap, but I don't have the title and I doubt this would be legal. We have asked her to remove the car several times with no result, I would imagine with her not being here she will be in no hurry to move it out of our drive way. (out of sight out of mind)

    So could someone tell me, how long do I have to wait to do something about it? Who could I call that could give me the answers? BTW we live in Cuyahoga County, Maple Heights, Ohio.

    Thank You for any help.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Help please! Haunted house?

    Some very odd things have been happening at my house lately …

    It all started a few months ago: I had walked into the dining room and (you know how your ears feel when you’re in an airplane) one of my ears “popped” and the other one felt like I had just arrived at 30,000 feet. Half a second later, on the other side of the room the cat carrier fell off the chair it had been sitting on for over a week. This alone wouldn’t have made me think much of anything, but since then our animals have been acting strange (er than they usually do). We have 2 cats and 2 dogs … cat 1 who is normally super friendly and seeks attention from everyone that enters the house now pretty much ignores anyone he doesn’t know well.

    Cat 2 has always disappeared as soon as new people come over but when its just family home he is usually around … not so much anymore, even at meal time he waits to come out (this is very strange – Scooter lives for meal time).

    Dog 1 (Golden Retriever) has been somewhat antisocial lately … not mean, just stand-offish … anyone that has a golden knows just how bizarre this is.

    Dog 2 (Yorkie-poo) this dog barks at absolutely everything, but she has never seemed to have problems with “doggie fairies” (barking for no discernable reason) when she barks there is a reason. Lately she will run to the door barking when no one is there and I’ve seen her growl at the corner of the room.

    My husband and our roommate have been sleeping way more than normal but I am lucky if I get to sleep more than 4 hours a night. All of us are cranky and seem to be on a short fuse when we are home … away from here we are all fine.

    Our house isn’t very old (30 years or so) and nothing horrible has ever happened in it. I’ve lived with spirits before, they were occasionally annoying but mostly benign … the feeling around here is disturbing. We’ve all heard voices when no one was speaking, things go missing and we are all so tired! It’s making us crazy!

    Thank you for reading this long post … if anyone has any helpful advice I would truly appreciate hearing it.

    11 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • Ack! Hair Breaking ... and purple!?

    Okay, I admit it - I messed up. I dyed my hair purple (Splat! color) Then I used a frosting kit to try to "dial it back." Um, yeah - not such a great idea. Now it looks like my hair has layers - not a great look on me. So should I just "suck it up" and wait for it to grow out, get it cut short or leave it alone?

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Trimming the dogs nails?

    She is small, squirmy, and her nails are black - they need trimming badly. She behaves just fine for the groomer (I have actually witnessed this phenomenon.) But for us - it takes two people and a straight jacket. I don't have the money to take her to the groomer so I need to do it myself. I have clippers for the dogs nails - I am just not sure how much I can trim off - is there a way I tell by looking? Also, if I do trim to short what can I use to stop the bleeding? (Something around the house – if I had the money to get the powder from the pet store I would have the money to get the groomer to trim her nails.)

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Martial Law?

    Over the past few years I have read and seen some things that truly frighten me. I honestly want to know: If Bush declares Martial Law could he remain president indefinitely? (Emperor Bush?)

    Who would enforce Martial Law? Would they? Are there enough people in support of Bush that something like that could actually happen?

    If there is no doubt in your mind that Osama Bin Laden is to blame for 9/11: Watch the movie 'Loose Change'. I am not suggesting they are 100% right, but it will open your eyes and make you think.

    Imagine a United States where George W Bush has absolute power:

    No more birth control.

    Homosexuals imprisoned.

    The Constitution rewritten to satisfy GWB's personal morality.

    You will be in church every Sunday, and don't think you will be picking the denomination.

    I realize the above list may seem extreme, but over time I think it's realistic. Read 'The Handmaid's Tale' by Margaret Atwood, it is fiction … so far.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Looking for honesty here ...?

    Okay, I realize that pain tolerance is an individual thing. I consider myself to be a relatively stoic person, however if one more person tells me that getting a tattoo or piercing doesn't hurt there is a good chance I will clobber them! (I have MS, and getting from having some strange symptoms to a diagnosis of MS requires some pretty painful tests.) I've been pierced twice (not counting my ears or the cartilage in them, then the number would be 10) and let me tell you it HURT!!! I have 7 tattoos and granted some hurt more than others depending on where they are – but every single one of them hurt. On a pain scale of 1 to 10 honestly nothing was below a 4.

    So do you all think people that say getting a tattoo or certain piercings do not hurt is just saying that so they don't scare someone out of doing something they want to do – or do you think they really felt no pain?

    18 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Fast Busy Signal?

    What does it mean when you call someone and get a fast busy signal?

    We are calling from a VOI to a regular land line. (not cell phone)


    8 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • Angels and People?

    Somewhere in the Bible it tells how God delt with Angels that came to earth and inpregnated humans. Could someone please tell me where that is. (Book & chapter)


    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago