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Help please! Haunted house?

Some very odd things have been happening at my house lately …

It all started a few months ago: I had walked into the dining room and (you know how your ears feel when you’re in an airplane) one of my ears “popped” and the other one felt like I had just arrived at 30,000 feet. Half a second later, on the other side of the room the cat carrier fell off the chair it had been sitting on for over a week. This alone wouldn’t have made me think much of anything, but since then our animals have been acting strange (er than they usually do). We have 2 cats and 2 dogs … cat 1 who is normally super friendly and seeks attention from everyone that enters the house now pretty much ignores anyone he doesn’t know well.

Cat 2 has always disappeared as soon as new people come over but when its just family home he is usually around … not so much anymore, even at meal time he waits to come out (this is very strange – Scooter lives for meal time).

Dog 1 (Golden Retriever) has been somewhat antisocial lately … not mean, just stand-offish … anyone that has a golden knows just how bizarre this is.

Dog 2 (Yorkie-poo) this dog barks at absolutely everything, but she has never seemed to have problems with “doggie fairies” (barking for no discernable reason) when she barks there is a reason. Lately she will run to the door barking when no one is there and I’ve seen her growl at the corner of the room.

My husband and our roommate have been sleeping way more than normal but I am lucky if I get to sleep more than 4 hours a night. All of us are cranky and seem to be on a short fuse when we are home … away from here we are all fine.

Our house isn’t very old (30 years or so) and nothing horrible has ever happened in it. I’ve lived with spirits before, they were occasionally annoying but mostly benign … the feeling around here is disturbing. We’ve all heard voices when no one was speaking, things go missing and we are all so tired! It’s making us crazy!

Thank you for reading this long post … if anyone has any helpful advice I would truly appreciate hearing it.


I can assure you my roommate is not being mean to the animals - she'd kick a person before she would hurt the pets.

Update 2:

This isn’t ‘all in my head’. A friend stayed over a couple weeks ago and she and I both got up when we heard the coffee grinder, I thought the roommate was making coffee … nope, she wasn’t even home … and the worst part – got woken up by the noise and there wasn’t any coffee!

Update 3:

My pets do occasionally ‘spazz out’ but not all of them at the same time or for this long.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This might sound rather bizarre but I wonder if you have had the house checked for gases seeping in through the basement floor/walls.

    And if you live in an area prone to quakes there could be minor tremblers producing movement of sand or clay below the foundations. This can be felt as a vibration by animals.

    I would certainly have levels of gas checked in the house. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    A common mistake ppl make is thinking that their home is not old enough to be haunted, nothing ever happened there. Well, it doesn't have to be the home, it could be the property. Who knows what could have gone on? I was once visited by a spirit of a pioneer woman, who was from the land, not the house. Animals are often more sensitive than ppl when it comes to spirits, and they will react even if its a benign spirit. However, the sense of unease you and your family feel could mean something.Negative energies like to cause fear and disharmony, they feed on it and can become stronger. I would suggest you do a simple blessing on your home, and the property, if you don't know how, find someone who does. Be sure you say a protection prayer over yourself and your family first. Just a note, I am non tradtional christian, I always rely on the power of God, but I believe true faith is the answer, what ever yours may be, so use it, so long as it is positive. In my experience, and I do have just a little, my methods work and work well. Do be aware that sometimes you have to repeat a cleansing and blessing, so don't be surprised if things quiet down then get busy again, just don't give up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I too live with a spirit, who I have made friends with, his name is Gregg. It may be a cry for attention, so try talking to it. Don't talk to it like you're not sure if it's there, talk to it like you know it is there. Do this for a few days, and you may hear thoughts in your head that aren't yours, the ghost had become attached to you and can read your thoughts. If this doesn't work, use a pendgulum. A pendulum is a necklace (chain preferred), with a shape on the end, like a chain necklace with a rectangle on it. It can't be small, it has to be at least 3/4 of an inch. Ask it a yes or no question, rotating clockwise means yes, counter-clockwise means no. The first thing you should ask is "Are you there?", although the most important question is "Are you evil?", which you must make sure you ask. If all fails, or the ghost tells you that it is evil, have a priest come to bless your house. What he'll do is he'll sprinkle holy water all around, and it should ward off all evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am just as frustrated as you. I have the exact same things happening to me. We have pet rats and they cling to the cage when I walk by. I take them out and they run back and forth over and over. Then they cuddle real tight. Some of it is snuggles but other times I get the feeling something is wrong. I here voices or kids playing. All of mine are at school. I was at the stove cooking my 9 year old and my 5 year old were home from school playing in there rooms in the back of the house all of a sudden I felt something touch my backside, like my 5 year old would. I whipped around to look at nobodybody was there. heardher laughing with her sister in there room. There is no way it could have been her. Nobody else was home. How do I find out who lived here that died here. I am so sorry for all the things you and your family are going through. I will write if I find out anything k please do the same. Freaked out in McKinleyville ca

    Source(s): experience
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  • 1 decade ago

    pets spazzing out and things going missing is not enough to conclude a haunting. the voices could be anything, especially if you live in a house with many people, many media devices, or in a close neighborhood. This could all just be in your head. I've seen a share of hauntings, and one thing they all have in common is: no one thinks "maybe" it's haunted. it's pretty well definite.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they were my animals I would think that someone (possibly the room mate) had been kicking them while you are not looking.

    If your animal's behavior has really changed that much please look for a logical and real reason for it instead of blaming on ghosts, there is no evidence that a ghost can change an animal's behavior but the effect of a bloke with a boot is well documented.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that you can assign anything to a ghost like that.

    You animals may be upset by other things.

    Usually ghosts create strong smells in the house and may accompany light phenomenons.

    There are always things like popping ears, changes in temperature and things falling.

    Snow Man

  • 1 decade ago

    The dark barking at the corner is a little odd. I KNOW I have spirits in my house and occassionally I'll catch my dog looking at the floor and then tilt her side to the side and perk her ears up. As if she were looking at something, say a cat, just in front of her. Except there's nothing there TO stare AT. So I understand that one. that could definitely be.

    I'll even agree to the whispers. Spirits are often heard that way. And things going missing is a classic sign as well. I STILL have things I have yet to find that disappeared in thin air.

    But the other stuff, such as the animals acting outside of their normal behavior. If they were avoiding certain rooms I may think something of it, but I've had animals all my life and that honestly just seems like they're stressed out. And I agree that if YOU"RE stressed, they will be too.

    Just my 2 cents, based on my own experiences. I will tell you one thing, if there are spirits in your house, no worries, they can't hurt you. If they were other than friendly spirits, you'd know it. Darker spirits tend to attack without provocation.

    peace and love to you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you're all really stressed out and the animals are sensing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    o wow! that's weird! Consult one of those paranormal.. um i forget what they are called.. sorry!

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