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I'm just me
how to tell a woman she has a beautiful smile in italian?
I've found "hai un bel sorriso" online. Would this be correct if it was a man telling this to a woman? I know that sometimes there are masculine and feminine forms of words, and translators appear to be useless for this sort of thing. The google translator tells me that "you have a beautiful smile" is "si dispone di un bel sorriso."
This is going into a manuscript, and I just want to make sure I've got it correct.
4 AnswersLanguages9 years agoChanging food--will a dog's poop eventually firm up?
We have a puppy with a sensitive stomach. She's a year old now, so we've been trying to switch her to adult dog food. We've gone through six brands now. All of them gave her gas and some form of loose stools. Well, we're on the seventh brand now, and having much better results. No gas, and her stools are semi solid. When I say semi, I mean it comes out formed, but when I pick it up, it turns to mush. **And yes, I'm switching her slowly. I did 1/4 new to 3/4 old food for an entire week. And I've had her on 1/2 and 1/2 since Monday and will go until Sunday before I increase again.**
We learned when switching her puppy food (when we first got her), that we'll know within days whether or not she can handle the food. When we found the puppy food she's on, her stools got solid immediately and stayed that way (and it's what's technically considered a "lower quality" food). When switching to an adult food, the same thing happened--when her stomach reacted to a new food, the minute we took her off and went back to her old food, her stool firmed up. (again, YES, I'm switching SLOWLY--none of the new foods made it past the 1/2 old, half 1/2 new mark)
So, my question is this: this is the first adult food her stomach hasn't rejected outright. Should I continue with it? Will her poop eventually firm up? Or is the softer stool yet another indicator that she isn't tolerating the food? It's blue buffalo basics, BTW.
5 AnswersDogs9 years agoSwitching dog foods--how long?
We have a dog with a sensitive stomach. We're attempting to switch her from puppy formula to adult formula. Unfortunately the problem is finding one her stomach can handle. How long should I give a new food before we finally decide her stomach can't handle it? We're switching slowly, BTW. As slow as i need to. I'm just wondering how long do I give it before I realize her stomach just isn't handling it? This will be the third day on the latest trial, mixing 1/4 new to 3/4 old, and so far she's got super bad gas. I don't know what her stools are doing in the last twenty four hours, b/c unfortunately she's taken to eating it (that's an entire other problem we're having with our two dogs).
2 AnswersDogs9 years agoBoth of my dogs have hives?
We have a chihuahua mix and Shep/Lab mix. The Chihuahua had it first and the worst. Her little face swelled up and she broke out all over her little body. But it died down after a couple of hours, then was just super itchy for a couple of days. We gave her benedryl, which helped, and made her sleepy. Now all of a sudden our Shep/Lab mix has it. not as bad. Only one eyelid is a bit swollen and she's got hive spots scattered around her body. Nothing has changed that we know of around the house. No new food, no new toys. It's winter, not summer, so I don't see how it could be bug bites, but it's obviously something they're both getting into. The odd part is, they're both very rarely ever outside together (sorry, this is disgusting, but...we do it because they're both poo eaters. The big one taught the little one).
Any ideas how what this could be?
8 AnswersDogs9 years agoHow to switch from puppy food to adult dog food?
I know when you switch a dog's food you have to do it slowly or it upsets their systems. Does the same apply if you're switching within the same brand of dog food? For example, I feed my 9 month old Lab/shepherd mix Iams puppy formula and I want to switch her to the adult. Should I do this slowly, over the course of a few days?
8 AnswersDogs9 years agoSeeking the doggie experts...why are they doing this?
We are currently watching my mother's dog, a small 15 pound terrier, while she's in the hospital. We have a 13 week old puppy, Shep/Lab mix, 25 lbs. Our girl wants desperately to play with my mom's dog, but he wants nothing to do with her. He's been around other dogs before, grew up with them, and he plays fine with the neighbor's dog. But he seems afraid of our puppy and growls at her, will run into a corner where she can't reach him and hide from her. Now, this has become a game to her. She's become relentless about it. She's just a social dog and she wants desperately to play. She does it with EVERY dog she comes across. I should add here that she's never mean about it--she licks his face, his ears, gives a playbow, but she will not leave him alone, and he's constantly snipping at her (he doesn't do this with any other dog but her--BUT...for him, just being away from my mother is VERY stressful on its own. my mom says he's this way every time she has to leave him, no matter who she leaves him with).
But here's the curious thing and my actual question: we've discovered if we toss them both out in the backyard (with water), they quiet down, ignore each other and behave. I mean it's instant. We come around, and it starts up again. It's complete chaos and I've tried everything from reprimanding our puppy, praising her for when she leaves him alone, to a rolled newspaper (smacking my hand or a nearby wall, NEVER her), but it doesn't stop her. But throw em outside and everything quiets down.
I'm really curious by this dynamic. Why in the world are they doing this? And how can i get this peace INSIDE my house? He can't leave and keeping them separate appears to make the situation worse.
6 AnswersDogs10 years agoHow long does it take to get rid of worms in a puppy?
We adopted a puppy. She was 10 weeks when we got her, is 13 weeks now. When we got her, she had worms and had been given the first dose of the worming medicine. I was given the second and told to give it to her on a specific date, about a week later. A few days later, she passed a long worm (round worm). So, we gave her the second dose on the day we were supposed to, and a few days later, we took her to the vet (long story short: she wasn't eating, had started throwing up--turns out the new food I was switching her didn't agree with her. I changed the food, and she's much better now). But on that vet visit, they took stool sample from her behind with a little scoop thing, and did a parasite check on it, and said she was parasite free, BUT...a few days, almost exactly a week from when I gave her the last worm medicine, she passed another worm (it was still wiggling).
Long story short, she went back to the vet, this time to get her second set of shots and I'd told them everything, that she'd passed another worm, and he gave her another dose of the medicine. Well, now, a week later, she just passed another worm. Might have been a couple of them.
Yes, we're cleaning up the poop every day. And yes we have another appointment, set a month from our last appointment, per the vet's instructions.
My question is, how long does it take get rid of worms? Everything I've read says she ought to be rid of them by now. One dose to kill the adult, one dose to kill the eggs. But every time they give her medicine, she poops out some. She's fine otherwise. She eats fine, poops and pees fine, plays like normal. I'm just wondering how long it's going to take to finally rid of her of these things.
4 AnswersDogs10 years agoBest Face Wash for sensitive skin?
I've always had super sensitive skin, but the older I get, the more sensitive my skin gets. Since I hit 35, it's like the skin on my face has completely changed, and I'm having a heck of a time find something that doesn't irritate my skin. I used to use Oil of Olay face cloths, but they make my skin break out now. Like it leaves red bumps on my face that sometimes also leaves painful pimple like sores all along my forehead and cheeks. Cetaphil does the same thing. Used to also use St. Ives. Apricot face scrub, have used that for YEARS, and now suddenly it's making my skin break out.
any suggestions on face washes that will leave my skin feeling soft and clean, but not irritate it? Have also tried Aveeno, positively radiant.
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years agoAny idea what it means to dream about a giant fried egg?
I had a dream last night that has me really curious to know what it could mean. In the dream, I was with a friend who had an alien locked up in a room. They were keeping it separate from wherever they lived. And so I went with this friend to this room and they showed me this alien. What I remember is the friend opening the door and seeing this thing standing in a room that had a red floor but was otherwise pitch black.
The alien...was a giant, six foot tall, fried egg, sunny side up. lol The yellow yolk of this egg had broken, so it wasn't rounded but flat and runny, and it was on the floor, as part of it's....foot. Or whatever you want to call it. But I remember looking down at this "foot", then back up at it's face. I'm fairly certain it was wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses, but it was dark...I couldn't see the glasses or the hat clearly, but more the shape of them in the dark.
Any ideas?
3 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago10 week old puppy not eating--should I worry?
We adopted a 10 week old puppy on Saturday afternoon. She's a Shepherd/Lab mix, around 20lbs. She was on Pedigree puppy food, so that's what I bought for her, b/c it's what the shelter we got her from had the puppies in her litter on. She ate like a hog that first night and all day yesterday (I fed her three times yesterday, breakfast, lunch and dinner). She has access to water all the time. Well, a couple hours after she would eat, she would have some really smelly gas and her poop was on the runny side. I read that it could mean her tummy wasn't quite agreeing with the food she was on, so I started to switch her to Purina One. It's only been one day, and I haven't completely switched her yet. What I did yesterday was mix give her 1/4 cup of the new food mixed in with 3/4 cup of the old food with every feeding. Again, she gobbled it up. In fact, she kept going BACK to her dish and licking at it like she was starving.
She slept great last night. She went for four hours before she wanted to go potty. I tried waking her up before that but she didn't want to get up. When she sleeps, she's out cold. You can roll her over and she doesn't even blink an eye. She appears to be drinking fine, she had a ton of energy this morning. I got her up at 5:30 this morning and made her go outside, and she peed several times and made a big poop.
But so far today she hasn't eaten. She's gone in for a few bites, then walks away from it...and I put the food out 6 hours ago. I've even tried giving her ONLY the old food she was eating at the shelter and she won't even touch that. So What I've done is mixed both together, the same mix as yesterday (1/4 new, 3/4 old) and set it out and again, she won't eat.
Now, if we get to tomorrow morning and again she won't eat, then yes, of course I'll call the vet. No worries about me neglecting my puppy. But in the meantime, I'm worried. I don't want to start her on the habit of having to put something in her food to coax her to eat, but I don't want her to starve either.
Oh, I forgot to mention...since the poop she had this morning was a lot more solid than it's been since she got here. And she's a lot less gassy.
Again, I'm worried. Should I be? I've had dogs all my life, but I've never actually raised a small puppy. Our last dog we got when she was already an adult.
1 AnswerDogs10 years agoDivorce/Business question--what does this mean?
I'm a writer, doing research, and I could use some help understanding something. A man owns a business and he and his wife divorce, and according to an article I read, "the ex-spouse is entitled to a share of the value of the business - often half."
Am I correct in assuming this means he has to pay her (money) for what half the business is worth?
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAnybody happen to know what kind of bird this is?
We have a tree and a feeder in our backyard and I get a lot of little birds, but there are these ones I cannot for the life of me figure out what they are. We have the most of these and I'm very fond of them, I'd love to study them, but I have no idea what they are. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to capture a picture of them (when I step up to the back door, they all scatter), and b/c I don't know the name, I can't seem to find any pictures of them on the internet. But...
It's a small bird, about the same size as a chickadee, has a fat round little body, all brown, like a milk chocolate type of brown, with an all black head.
Anybody happen to know what these are?
6 AnswersBirds1 decade agoCalling all cooks--what would YOU make?
Hi there! I'm a writer and I've come seeking ideas. I need a dish (or two) a woman would cook for a man. My heroine's cooking dinner for the hero, who hasn't had a good home cooked meal since his wife died. I'd like it be something "feel good", and homey, that warms your tummy and just makes you feel like you've come home. You know what I mean(the proper word for this is eluding me at the moment; it's right on the tip of my tongue)? IOW, nothing fancy.
I'm banging my head over here trying to think of things and coming up with...well, not much. So, I'd be very grateful for any and all ideas!!
oh, BTW...I came here rather than looking up cooking websites because I wanted personal opinions. You're making dinner for someone you love; you want them to FEEL loved eating it. What do you make?
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoOld dog peeing in her bed?
Our German Shepherd/Husky mix is 13 years old and has suddenly started peeing in her bed. She's a little slow, but she has no trouble getting up and down out of the bed and more often than not, she's literally JUST come inside from being outside for hours (her choice, we don't force her to stay outside, she prefers it, for some reason, she likes the cooler air). So far, it's been every single night. She comes inside around 8:30, 9pm, goes into her bed, lays down, pees in it, then lays there licking at the wet spot.
What on earth is going on?
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHad a dream that my husband switched bodies?
I had a dream where my husband switched bodies. I went to sleep and when I woke up, he was in a different body and I was having trouble getting used to the new body.
Anybody happen to know what it might mean? I've looked up dream symbols, but there doesn't seem to be one for this one...
3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoHas anybody ever been to Salsero night at the Tropican Hotel in Vegas?
I don't live anywhere near Vegas. I'm a writer and I need a description of where the Salsero night at the hotel is located. For example, is it in one of the ballrooms upstairs that I see on the map? Does anybody happen to know? Has anybody ever been and can maybe give a brief description of what the room looks like? I can't seem to find any pictures of it....
thank you!
1 AnswerLas Vegas1 decade agoI think I'm pre-diabetic--why am I shaking?
I think I might be pre-diabetic. Have had some symptoms, so I bought a meter and have been testing my blood sugars every morning, after a 9-10 hour fast. My morning glucose levels have been around 111-115, which, from what I've read, is on the high side but not diabetic high. So I started trying to eat better and exercise more. More fruits and vegetables, I eat a salad for lunch with baby spinach, oven roasted chicken, some cheese and chick peas, FF low cal dressing. I've been staying away from bread and sugar (I'm a big processed sugar person, too many cookies, brownies, etc), though I did eat whole wheat pasta the other night. The thing is... I found a website that told me how to test myself, to see if I might be diabetic. she said to fast overnight and take your blood sugar level in the morning. Then eat something high carb, at least 60-70 grams, and test and 1 and 2 hours afterwards. I ate two pieces of toast and coffee with FF creamer and truvia sugar substitute. My numbers were high-- 184 (1 hr) and 148 (2hrs). The entire two hours, however, I shook like a leaf. I feel really wired, and I don't normally feel this way. i usually only drink coffee for breakfast and don't usually feel hungry until around lunchtime.
Well, I've just eaten lunch. A baby spinach salad with string cheese, oven roasted chicken breast, cucumbers, and chick peas and FF low cal dressing, and I'm shaking again, a very low sort of trembling. I don't FEEL good. My head feels funny... my mind is all over the place. I feel very...spacey, hard to focus. I don't feel this way when I eat a normal meal. I think I get sleepy when I eat too many carbs (from what I've read anyway, that would be my guess on why I get so sleepy after meals). The other night for dinner I had one breadstick with my (whole wheat) pasta and I felt fine after dinner. Not tired at all, not shaky. Just...normal.
I do plan on calling my doctor on Monday (obviously they're not open now) but for the time being, I'm really curious... why do I feel this way? Why am I shaking like this? Am I doing something wrong?
Just trying to understand things a grateful for any info you more experienced people might be able to give me. :)
Thank you!
10 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoNormal blood sugar ranges?
I have some symptoms that lead me to believe I might be pre-diabetic (thirsty ALL the time--drank 10 glasses of water yesterday and I'm STILL thirsty. I also get shaky in the morning if I wait too long to eat). So I've been doing some research, and I've bought a blood glucose meter. I've done three tests so far. One after I ate dinner last night (like half hour later) and two this morning after a 9 hour fast. This mornings readings were 117 and a few minutes later 107. The one after dinner last night was 107 as well.
My question... I've been looking up question around YA and I'm find some conflicting information. What exactly are the normal glucose levels? Am I within range or should I talk to my doctor anyway?
8 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoChemotherapy Questions?
Hi there! I hope it isn’t offensive to anyone that I’m here asking questions. I’m a writer and I’m trying to do some research on breast cancer, but I’m confused on a couple of points. I can’t seem to find the answers, and I’d be very grateful for any help. I do understand that it varies, depending on the individual, the type of cancer, etc, but I’m looking more for estimates. What's the usual, if there is one.
The website says you receive one cycle a number of days a week, with a certain number of “off” days, and that the entire cycle would run 3-6 months.
1: How often would you receive a cycle? For example, would you have more than one cycle a year?
2: How many years would you have them for? Is there a limit to the number of years?
3: when do you stop having them? do you just go until the cancer is gone? What happens if it just keeps coming back?
Thank you very for your time!!
1 AnswerCancer1 decade agoBest family neighborhoods in New York City?
I need a setting for a book. I'm looking for best family neighborhoods in New York City. Looking for middle to upper crust, good suburban type of neighborhood. I'm not from there (obviously) and frankly, the boroughs just confuse me. There's cities inside cities and my head is spinning. So I come looking for help! I thought I'd ask people who actually might live in the city (and who would have more experience than me). Just looking for names of cities, so I could narrow my research down a bit.
thanks very much!
2 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago