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I'm just me asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

Both of my dogs have hives?

We have a chihuahua mix and Shep/Lab mix. The Chihuahua had it first and the worst. Her little face swelled up and she broke out all over her little body. But it died down after a couple of hours, then was just super itchy for a couple of days. We gave her benedryl, which helped, and made her sleepy. Now all of a sudden our Shep/Lab mix has it. not as bad. Only one eyelid is a bit swollen and she's got hive spots scattered around her body. Nothing has changed that we know of around the house. No new food, no new toys. It's winter, not summer, so I don't see how it could be bug bites, but it's obviously something they're both getting into. The odd part is, they're both very rarely ever outside together (sorry, this is disgusting, but...we do it because they're both poo eaters. The big one taught the little one).

Any ideas how what this could be?


Thanks. No plastic bowls. At first we thought it was the new food. We were switching the big dog to an adult food, and the little one would snatch a kibble when we weren't looking. But the new food made the big dog sick, so we haven't given it to her in a week.

We did switch detergents, but not recently.

spiders did occur to me, though I haven't seen any in or around the house. This year they seem to be hiding, because I haven't seen many.

We did call the Vet. All they told us was to watch out for signs of serious reaction (vomiting, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, etc). Neither of them is having problems breathing or I'd have taken them straight away. And I know this because they're running around playing and eating and drinking like normal. Just covered in bumps and really itchy (thank goodness).

Will call the vet tomorrow and see what they say. Thanks everybody. Just going to have to watch them I guess.

Update 2:

Deenie--I have no idea. It would be something new, though, only in the backyard (which both of them have been running around in for the last two months). I did do a search, but I'm not coming up with much, just basic information on what to do.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do they sleep on any type of bedding? Have you changed detergents or anything like that? I know Iv'e seen dogs breakout because of bedding and you said they didnt get into any foods. So other then bug bites and detergent, I cant think of anything else. Take her to the Vet would be my recommendation.

    Source(s): Veterinary Tech for the US Army
  • 9 years ago

    ALWAYS get your dog to the vet when this happens - that swelling can block their respiratory tract!

    The vet can do a better exam in bright light - they may find the cause.

    In the meantime, look around for anything that might have spilled, or perhaps there are spiders in a dark corner, a new rug or rugs cleaned...and it's probably somewhere low, if the CHi found it first.

  • 9 years ago

    It sounds to me like you're using plastic dog bowls. Since I don't know for sure I can't say for sure. Many dogs are allergic to plastic. Try changing the bowl out to a metal one. Hopefully it'll stop. If not, take it a vet. Some dogs do have allergies to different things. I'm throwing the plastic because it's a common one that's easy to fix. So change the bowls if you're using plastic, if you're not or it doesn't work you need to see a vet.

    Source(s): Service Dog Trainer
  • Alison
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Keep giving the benedryl and try to determine what he is allergic to. If the hives get worse you may need to take him in to a vet much sooner. If his breathing becomes labored you have an emergency situation on your hands.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    dogs hives

  • 9 years ago

    I would keep giving both of them benadryl. They might just have dry skin. Do you run your heat often? Both my dogs get dry skin in the winter because of the heated air in the house. Also, don't bathe them too often. Good luck.

  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Do you have any poisonous plants or trees outside they could have both gotten into? Are you sure it's hives? At least call a vet if you haven't yet. Did you google "dog hives"? ...

  • 9 years ago

    Watch your dog closely and whats it eating or touching and when you notice the itching and stuff then inspect the thing it ate around

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