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Looking for honesty here ...?

Okay, I realize that pain tolerance is an individual thing. I consider myself to be a relatively stoic person, however if one more person tells me that getting a tattoo or piercing doesn't hurt there is a good chance I will clobber them! (I have MS, and getting from having some strange symptoms to a diagnosis of MS requires some pretty painful tests.) I've been pierced twice (not counting my ears or the cartilage in them, then the number would be 10) and let me tell you it HURT!!! I have 7 tattoos and granted some hurt more than others depending on where they are – but every single one of them hurt. On a pain scale of 1 to 10 honestly nothing was below a 4.

So do you all think people that say getting a tattoo or certain piercings do not hurt is just saying that so they don't scare someone out of doing something they want to do – or do you think they really felt no pain?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    everyone channels pain differently. i have friends that do suspension and for them its a spiritual thing. its like they go into a trance and feel nothing.

    for me i have quite a few tats and YES it hurts. the one on my back was the worst. up on my shoulder blades was probably an 8 on pain scale. now the one on my forearm and wrist wasnt that bad. more like a pinching sensation.

    for those that say they dont hurt i would believe a few of them, but i think others want to look like a bad ***.

  • Mika
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have four tattoos, and let me tell you, the one on my thigh and the one on my ankle both hurt like the devil! I would have to say a 7-8 out of 10.

    However, I do have a tattoo on my neck. Everyone told me it was going to be my most painful tattoo yet, but it hurt the least of all my tattoos. Honestly, it was maybe a 1. It sounds weird that a tattoo with no padding underneath wouldn't hurt that much, but it's the truth. I also think I have a high tolerance for pain. I walked for 2 months on a ruptured tendon and I have had 8 surgeries in the past 5 years which including inserting pins into my ankle bones to hold tendons in place. So maybe it is just that I am used to it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had some piercings. The first time I got my tongue pierced it honestly did not hurt. It was sore afterwards for a few days but at the time did not hurt. The second time was horrible. They say it's cause of scarred tissue. When I got my nipples pierced I screamed like a little girl. I'll never do that again. Now keep in mind I went through labor with out ever shedding a tear, so my tolerence is pretty high.

  • 1 decade ago

    In all honesty I have 11 tatts and they all hurt. Some more than others. The biggest thing that helped me getting over the fear is the fact that I'll wait like a year or so before my next one so I can TRY to forget about how much it hurt! But by the time I sign those papers to get my next one I'm already like damn. When I hear the tattoo gun it makes me shiver even more. So yeah they HURT!!!!! But I love em' :) Some people have a better tolerance but I'm sure they still feel some sort of pain!

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  • ?Dawn?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have no idea why they do it or if some actually think they don't hurt. My tat did hurt, not unbearably though. Definitely above a 4. My tongue piercing really only hurt a little bit. Probably a 4, maybe a 3. I think to say they didn't hurt at all is not the full truth. I'm sure they felt some pain, it just didn't bother them. I don't know.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have noticed that as I get older, it seems to hurt more. The first one I got when I was 19 years old, and yes, there was some pain, but nothing like I expected.

    I am going next month (if I can ever pick out a tree design!!) for my next tat. I am a little nervous about the pain, but there a lot of things in life that hurt more than a tat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they say it because they don't realize what they're saying. I think they KNOW it hurt, and they think the implication is that of course it hurts, but say "it didn't hurt" relative to how much people THINK it will hurt.

    I don't have MS or any other such illness, and all 10 of my piercings and my tattoo hurt. Yeah, go figure, a bunch of needles in your skin is painful. And saying "it doesn't hurt," even if that isn't really what you mean, is definately deceptive.

    And then there are some people who think "pain is for p*ssies." Well, I think being a macho idiot is for p*ssies, so we're even. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    well, the most painful thing i ever went through was childbirth and honestly i KNOW it hurt, but i can't really remember the pain. yeah it hurt, but i can't describe it to people. same with my tattoos too. yeah they hurt and i can tell where it hurt the most at, but i can't say it felt like anything else. some people may just not remember it exactly and just say that it didn't since they can't explain. that's one nice thing about the human body, you forget the most painful things you've been through mostly. otherwise, everyone would be an only child

  • 1 decade ago

    Tattoos not painful, whoever said that? I have one on my shoulder. It took 50 minutes to do. I laid on my stomach, so I could handle the pain. If I had sit up, I might have passed out. At first, I thought it felt like light cat scratches. That was just the outline. Once she got to the sensitive area of my shoulder, I had to bite my lip. The worst part was the final color. She would go right up to the edge of another color, and I would cringe.

    All in all, I wouldn't change anything about it. I designed it myself, and I love it. Eventually, I want another!! I guess that it is worth the pain to get the results you want!

  • 1 decade ago

    i really absolutely positvely felt NO pain while getting my tattoo. it actually tickled me. i kid you not. but i have an EXTREMEMLY high tolerance of pain as that may be why. the only part that KIND OF hurt was when he went right over the bone in my hip..but it just stung a little..

    same goes for my was just sore after..

    my sadhu piercing actually kind of did hurt a little..but only for like 2-3 minutes and then it went away.

    i've also had several surgeries as well..

    and went 6 months with no ACL in my knee what so ever after tearing it in my championship soccer game when i as a freshmen..i went back in the game afterwards too..and would have kept playing if it werent for my knee sliding backwards out of place..(and i dont remember pain then just felt really funny..but i had a lot of adrenaline pumped up b/c it was a tough game and we were playing out rival school) I've also broken my nose in a soccer game..knelt down for a second pushed it back into place and then got up and kept was super cold so i didnt bleed too much until after i got into the heat..i just kept wiping off the blood that kept coming down so the ref wouldnt see..and i've played with my jaw popped out of the socket from a knee to the face for an entire half of the game..and i played a 5 game tournament with appendicitis and not breaks during the game except half time.. i had to get rushed to the hospital afterwards..but we won first place..i broke my arm when i was 12 and walked home and started playing with my dog until my ma noticed my bone was sticking out funny. i thought i had just sprained it or something..didnt really hurt. so maybe its just a personal tolerance thing..for some of us it really doesnt hurt.

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