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Is there a way to heal brown scar tissue? (And follow up, if it can't be healed fully, can I still get a tattoo on the area?)?

The skin feels different there, and I think it's ugly but I don't mind that part as much. Problem is it's an area where I wanted to get a tattoo and now I'm wondering if I have to get that tattoo somewhere else :(

1 Answer

  • 3 days ago

    If you meant by heal is going back to the previous condition then it can't. You can reduce it by surgery or something but as far as I know it will never fully go back to previous state. The brown tender skin is actually a healed up, healthy skin. You can still get a tattoo in that area (when the scar already closed up), its often called a cover-up tattoo. Make sure you have a good tattoo artist because its harder to tattoo on a scar.

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