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No political party system...what are your thoughts?

If the United States was to do away with the political party system (Democrat, Republican, Green, etc...), do you feel that this would be a positive or a negative for the country? Would it stay the same? Would it force us to vote for the candidate rather than the party? Would it help unite those who are in opposing parties because they may realize that they have more views in common?

Please feel free to give any opinion you have, but I would appreciate it if we could stay away from party bashing as that is not the point of my question. Share your thoughts!


So far, so good. I am not asking whether it's "realistic," because I know it isn't. I just want to know what people think would happen and if they would like it that way. I like most of your answers, so far.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it would be great. So many people just pick a side, dont review the issues, begin to believe all the stereotypes of the other party, and an ignorant civil war ensues.

    Republicans, not all people on welfare are lazy system abusers.

    Democrats, not all republicans are wealthy racists and not all wealthy had it just handed to them.

    It seems every fight on here starts with one of those two assumptions.

    Both parties hopefully want what is best for the people of this country but it seems the gov. takes pleasure in dividing us against ourselves to avert attention fromm all our freedoms and income being stripped away. Getting rid of the parties would allow us to devote all our time usually spent hating the other to focus on fixing our government.

  • 1 decade ago

    The party system, and specifically the two party domination of our political system, is a product of how we choose representatives.'s_law

    People will always form voting groups, etc., but the big problem right now is that we have only two major options. The system gives every incentive to vote for the lesser of two evils rather than the party or independent candidate that actually represents you. Take the election of Scott Brown in MA for example. They said that independents determined the election, and yet the one candidate that actually was independent (Joe Kennedy) got only 1% of the vote.

    You can't get rid of parties by any mandate, but we would have much better alternatives if we had a different type of voting method that would allow better representation of minority viewpoints.

    And direct democracy is the worst. It means that the 51% majority can impose whatever it wants on the 49% minority. There is no protection for the individual. That would be very, very dangerous. The same goes for the electoral college. If we did away with that our president would be chosen by the populations of only a few major city areas and the interests of everyone else would be ignored. Direct democracy is the tyranny of the majority. We should never do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    that is the most wonderful idea---fantasy as it may be---but what an amazingly good wish.

    the answer to all of your questions:

    yes a positive;

    no, it would not stay the same--it would improve greatly;

    votes would be about the candidate

    they realize that they have view in common now, but are mired in this stupid political party game--which is so very unpatriotic--not at all what the basis of our country was founded on

    we've somehow attracted and deposited some

    truly silly, scary, narcissistic, selfish, lazy, under-educated and unpatriotic

    con-artists into our governing bodies and ON BOTH SIDES of the aisle.


    Source(s): fox news, msnbc, cnn, cspan, abc news, nbc news, this week, face the nation, meet the press, nightline, usa today, the new york times, gannet publishing.
  • 1 decade ago

    Considering that I've never wanted to be one of the 2 major parties...Democrat or Republican...for different reasons....I'm already in the No political party system...which is Independant. They'll always be divisions, bur right now, we went from the Far Right of the Bush the Far Left of the Obama years. Considering, I'm a moderate, do not like what's been happening to America since the new century started in 2000.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The political party system isn't in the Constitution, it just happens as factions with common interests band together and the parties just form on their own. So, think of the parties as factions with common interests and you will look at it in a new light. Take the Democratic party, they have union thugs, trial lawyers and welfare parasites all banded together to rob those of us who make an honest living as an example.

    You can get some opinions on this in the Federalist papers, particularly FP #9 and 10.

    If the founding fathers were alive today, they would have the patriots load their muskets, fix their bayonets, and eliminate Democrats from the earth, just like the tories, as they should be.

  • hog b
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    As things stand the 2 parties are both owned by the same people, it's just the presentation that is different,

    like whether you want to drink your Coca Cola from a tin or a bottle,

    it's still the same Coca Cola,

    If the people haven't sussed this by now, they probably never will, but will continue being unimaginative, dumbed down, units of production and consumption,

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would rather it go the other way, with the ability for alternative voices to have an easier road to ballot access in local, state and national elections. The dice are loaded in this game for Democrats and Republicans, so "third-party" voices are marginalized as being "unelectable." Level that playing field and the game will change.

  • 1 decade ago

    The US government really need a no political party system

    especially the Presidency

    second runner-up should be Vice-President

    if not, let the Corporations pay for the elections

  • Dass
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think in Canada, although it may slow down the process down a fair amount, it may be beneficial if everyone were running as independent. Plus we could do away with the Governor General who keeps letting Harper go on strike.

    However, there are some issues that should NEVER be left to popular vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, but its impossible. Even if we officially ended the party system, there would still be parties. Its human nature to create groups with like-minded people. It also gives humans an "us vs them" mentality which we love. So unless you have a way to change millions of years of behavioral evolution, then i would say your cause is hopeless.

    Edit: And to all the imbeciles complaining about the electoral college.... get an education. If it werent for the electoral college, politicians would only campaign in the populous areas like NewYork and L.A. All the less populous areas would get totally ignored.

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