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Can someone answer this question for me?

This has been bothering me for some time now, and since the health care vote happened and so many are pissed, I figured that this would be a time to get something.

I watched the debate very closely. I work in the health care field, and I am a small business owner. I will be effected either way on what happened, and I wanted to know what was going to happen. But since the beginning, I heard people saying that the Republicans wouldn't take part in the writing of the bill, and the Republicans saying they weren't asked.

Okay - so IF they weren't asked (which I highly doubt), why didn't they go in with their notes anyways?? They knew it was happening, and they knew that it was going to go through. So why not put your stuff in the bill that you wanted? Doesn't that make you look better, knowing that you put your party thoughts aside and went in to work on this bill to try and make it a little better for your side of the aisle?? Why not participate? Why look like you don't want anything for those that need it??

Just a question - please no insults. I currently don't like either party and think they both should go, so don't try to lump me in anywhere, either. Thanks in advance.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is from January, but it is the flavor of what has been going on throughout this whole process I don't see any effort to be inclusive here, and I don't have to give you all the quotes that amount to, we won-go away. Even with the "fix-it" bill, every one of 29 amendments brought up by Republicans was shot down, including the one that promised "middle-class Americans will not be taxed for this program". I'll find those and come back and post them.

    Source(s): Here's an excerpt: By 57-42, Democrats rejected an amendment by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., barring federal purchases of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for sex offenders. Coburn said it would save millions, while Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., called it "a crass political stunt." Democrats also deflected GOP amendments rolling back the health law's Medicare cuts; killing extra Medicaid funds for Tennessee and other state-specific spending; barring tax increases for families earning under $250,000; and requiring the president and other administration officials to purchase health care from exchanges the statute created Here's a link: Didn't he promise middle-class families would not be taxed for this? Another note, I'm not defending either side either. I think all of this was done incorrectly by all involved.
  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't do your homework. President Obama kept saying that if the Republicans had any ideas, he was ready to listen to them. The Republicans HAD ideas. They were posted on for over a year! But when you keep repeating something, as Obama does, people take it at face value without investigating what the other side has to say. This Health care fiasco has made it all too clear that mainstream media and mainstream journalism are DEAD. You need to get your news from many different sources and then arrive at your own conclusions. The mainstream media is fond of repeating the talking point "this bill will reduce the federal deficit by $132 Billion over the next ten years" but they ignore the fact that this number is based on TEN years of revenues offset by SIX years of costs. Yet, they keep repeating it as if it's a good thing. The link below is from the Washington Times. It's a dire report from the CBO yet the mainstream media would rather report on Nancy Pelosi's 70th birthday and whether or not someone shouted the N word at a rally.

    Also, if you paid attention to the Health Care Summit, Congressman Paul Ryan in particular made some excellent and well articulated points for health care reform and Obama just looked angry, bored, impatient and uninterested. Put-upon taxpayers and business owners such as myself are so angry and frustrated because we realized a long time ago that our president is an ideologue. He says he passed a historic bill, yet the tax burden will be so onerous on businesses and individuals that we fear he's wrecking the economy.

    Here's a link to the Washington Times story that the mainstream media is ignoring today:

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Point of fact, there are over 200 amendments to the bill, put there by Republicans. The day after Obama was in office he had Republicans in the Oval office. Then a few months ago they had a televised meeting during which they were more concerned about the shape of the table than the substance of the meeting.

    He has given the Republicans more opportunity to add their voice than he should have, it made him look weak and in need of approval when clearly there was no approval that would be given.

    At that meeting the Republicans ignored the purpose of the meeting and chose that time to talk about how we were going to hell in a hand basket and being led there by the President. Like the Republicans who yell liar, and baby killer it was not the time nor the place.

    As to the why of it, its simple, if it doesn't work they can run on it. They can't think of a positive to run on, so they run on a negative. Not that they are smart and want the country to run well, but that Dems are socialist, communists, pacifists etc etc etc. And yet some fall for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The MAIN request of the Republicans and the Blue Dog Democrats was to NOT use public option, and instead substitution private co-ops which would try to provide the same benefits.

    This was made the CENTERPIECE OF THE SECOND VERSION of the Bill.

    Yet Fox and Republicans are still circulating the fiction that they "weren't included" when in fact their main suggestion was used as the basis of the entire program.

    Source(s): They are pathetic revisionist liars - they just don't care, because Fox TV knows their users will never check their sources or question anything they say.
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  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I reply first, and if the answering makes me feel or makes my day, then I'll megastar. I is choosy of me, sorry. o.o But this manner I come to be pointing my lovers and contacts to the *well stuff* you realize? ^__^ Or a minimum of I attempt to. But have a celeb besides only for being sufferer and knowledge. ^_^

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    On the House side the Republicans were LITERALLY locked out of the process. Yes, I used that word right. Democrats actually had the conference room locks changed. They AREN'T ALLOWED to offer legislation or Amendments. The WROTE a complete legislative package but CANNOT introduce it "officially."

    On the Senate side, things are only SLIGHTLY better.

    In other words, Republicans DID all they COULD to participate but they were locked out by lying Democrats who claimed they "refused to cooperate."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republicans chose to oppose ANYTHING proposed by President Obama. That's all you have to know.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they wouldn't have been able to put in anything really impactful, only extremely minor things, and if thats the case then its not worth the democrats and liberal media being able to call it a 'bipartisan bill' and tricking america

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    republicans tried to put what they thought was good into it but nancy pelosi did not want to know what they wanted ..

    wow thumbs down?


    so the obomb pelosi and reid really cared what the republicans wanted right?


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