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Lv 6
☮amy asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

Teeth going crooked after braces?

Okay, so I had braces for 3 years, and I got them off 2 years ago (Feb 2008), but recently I've noticed that my bottom teeth are slightly crooked.

Its only one tooth that's crooked, but since its in the front, it makes my entire bottom row look crooked.

Oh and I do wear my retainer, I have a removable retainer for my top teeth, but my bottom teeth have a permanent bar retainer..

I wouldn't mind getting braces on my bottom teeth again, but if we have to pay for it, I'm sure my parents won't be happy.. hahah.

I was just wondering, if I mention it to my orthodontist, would I have to pay more? Since I did everything I was supposed to.. I guess the bottom retainer just didn't work.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think you'll have to pay more if you tell your orthodontist.

    One of my top teeth moved up, and it made the whole top row look crooked. My orthodontist told me that retainers can stop the teeth from moving in or out, but not up or down.

    I had to get braces on my top teeth again (for 2 months) after having them for 2 years :(

    So I don't think you'll have to pay more. It's your orthdontists job to get it corrected, and you wore your retainers etc.....


  • 1 decade ago

    honestly, if you're wearing your retainers like you're supposed to and you've been dedicated to wearing them, it's not your fault that your orthodontist didn't do his or her job correctly. they should issue you a temporary fix or adjustment w/o the hassle of you having to pay extra. then again, it all depends on how long its been since you've taken your braces off since wearing retainers only does so much to keep your teeth aligned.

    by the way, dorky, but soo sexy. lol. =)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Wear your retainer and it should straighten out. If it does not, go back to the orthodontist and ask him about it. His job was to straighten your teeth and if one of them is crooked still, he needs to fix it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Better consult your orthodontist.

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  • 1 decade ago


    the more crooked they become the harder it will be to fix it, and its probably easily and cheaply solvable right now

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