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britjayhawk0405 asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Is this warmblood gelding worth his asking price (video)?

Here's the DreamHorse ad:

Here's his YouTube video:

Do you feel this horse is worth his asking price? (and why)

Also, what precisely is going on in the cross-country segment of the video? Is he fighting the rider, excited/scared about jumping, etc.?

Do you think he'd make a good show hunter?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, absolutelynot worth the price.

    For that, I want a top horse who's ready to compete at at least prelim. This horse is doing low jumps, and he's rushing them, and flipping his head, and generally showing his complete greeness. In the dressage section, I saw a decent working trot, but that's all. No canter, no lead changes, no lateral movements, nothing beyond beginner novice level, if that. He's nowheres near ready for that price tag.

    In the cc, he's excited, but I think he's rushing the jumps because he hasn't yet found his balance. He's a little afraid, so he's going too fast. The rider's not helping here. I didn't watch the whole vid, just enough to know he's not in the ball park with that price.

    Show hunter? Not for me.

  • 1 decade ago


    I liked the horse, a big strong powerful type but, I noticed a lo on the video.

    The horse is 15 years old and yet they were only going over the small fences AND, after each fence he was very quick to get the horse back to a slow canter or trot. The way the horse put his head up looked to me as if he wanted to move on faster than the rider did and I would suspect that this horse could be strong to ride.

    In the dressage video, notice that there was no canter? I am not sire what the rider was trying to do but her reins were like skipping ropes and see how she really sawed to get him down at time and how behind the bit he was going?

    I think it is a very clever video, just repeating the same small jumps at a show jumping pace and walking down the bank every time does not overly impress me.

    At 15 I would expect him to have won money in whatever field he had competed in and, with the prices as they are in the US then I would say because of his age then he is not worth the money.

  • Greg B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't think so. He's 15 years old, unregistered, and doesn't seem that highly trained. They say successfully shown in dressage, but list no specific show results. I saw nothing in the video that was above first level. He does have nice gaits and is working over the topline.

  • 1 decade ago

    What kind of a poor rider are you anyway that you would even think to pay that much for a 15 yr old horse? I would think if you rode well at all you could get a real nice broke and started horse for a fraction of that price and train it yourself. and have the great rush it gives one to know they have done themselves and not have had to have a trainer.

    With the economy what it is now there are a lot of very nice horses out there for a very reasonable price.

    Source(s): Have trained a lot of horses and most are easy to train if they have a good and giving disposition.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hes a nice looking horse with relatively good conformation but is probably not worth that.

    he would probably make a nice show horse as he has a good flowing movement, he'd probably make a nice dressage horse.

    in the video i think hes just excited about the jumping, hes definatley not scared as he takes on the jumps. he is fighting the rider slightly but he looks a keen jumper!

    its up to you and good luck with him if you get him!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think so. He is beautiful and he can jump and run nicely, but I just don't think it's worth $12,000. But that's just me. Good luck with whatever you decide! =)

  • 1 decade ago

    i think for wat you are looking for he isnt the right horse for you. he does look like he can get strong and doesnt look like he knows his lead changes so thats not good for the hunters. but i would say go try him for yourself and see is he is something that you could work with.

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