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Mr. Dave asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Does anyone use a dog 'wheelchair'?

We have a 3.5 yr old Black Lab, who we've just learned has both ACL joints in rear legs (knees) blown out. Surgery is possible, but cost is prohibitive. (we're told $7K+) Dog is otherwise in good health. (no continence issues or anything) Vet predicts pain can be managed with meds 2 - 3 time a week, but this dog is a ball of energy, and despite his knees, will run full tilt when given the chance, and then suffers incredibly as a result. If the dog were another 7 or 8 years older, we'd do our best to manage pain until the point where quality of life was no longer there, then send him to that Great Doghouse In The Sky. However, being this one is barely out of puppyhood, we are looking at all options. We're considering a doggie 'wheelchair', which will allow him mobility, without additional wear & tear on the ACL joints. In the house he'd be free to roam on four legs, however when in the yard, or at the dog park, we're thinking this might give him good quality of life, reduce the chances of further injury, and extend the dog's life in a meaningful way.

Just wondering if there is anyone out there who has used a similar item with their dog, and their opinion of them. Are they a good option, or is it just prolonging the animal's suffering? My wife and I do not want the dog to suffer unduly, but are loath to simply put him down, at such a young age.

Any (polite) advice for or against the doggie wheelchair would be appreciated. Tks...


For K-9 Cart; You say you don't recommend the doggie wheelchair for dogs with ACL problems, but do not explain why. Can you clarify?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    check this site out...there's plans to make your own chair for your dog, and also check for sites that sell them. I had a 5 yr old dachshund go down with a ruptured disc and used a wheelchair for him for another 5 yrs before putting him down due to cancer.

  • Lynne
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    As long as the dog can walk as described, then I do not think the doggie wheelchair would be the direction I would be looking. It might be the the dog will need to always be on a leash when outside to keep him from injuring himself. I have a 5 year old lab with a shoulder injury and I must keep her from going full tilt.

  • 1 decade ago

    At K-9 Cart Company East (,/ we do not recommend dog wheelchairs for pets with ACL problems. There are several ways in which the knee can be repaired, but you are correct that on average this runs about 2-3K per knee. Analgesias for the knee pain are a double-edged sword, in that they do alleviate pain, but also can lead to more damage to the cartilage in an unstable knee. For animals that need both knees repaired simultaneously, a dog wheelchair may be helpful for rehab. A handheld sling ( may be another option. If you are really in dire straights, there are many amazing organizations that may help you financially such as AAHA Helping Pets Funds (,com_linx/I...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A decision which should be made by the owner and vet taking into consideration the quality of life the dog is getting, some people are not willing to make a commitment towards the dog and for the extra care needed, my dogs used to play with a dog using wheels and the dog was having a good life tail always wagging, loved to meet and play with people, her owner was very committed to her though and made sure her needs both physical and mental were met EDIT I have just looked at the link suggested by James the answerer below me and it is great that the dogs can have so much freedom in the carts one dog is digging and later swimming in his cart - excellent

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