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Did you hear? A new twilight book is going to be in the rampage!?

Oh my. I know what you're thinking. My mind reader powers are telling me you are thinking or even yelling, " ". (Hint, press the blue button. Can't miss it. Even if you are Mrs.Cullen. Oh, and make sure your sound/speakers are on!)

Here's a link to the story.

What do you think? And who the hey is Bree Tanner?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am wondering if she is going back on her refusal to write

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Loki,

    I have officially bookmarked that button. It is the highlight of my day and will now be used in everyday life.

    I cringed a bit when I saw that she was writing another book. But looking over it, I sort of remembered Bree.

    She was one of the very few interesting characters that were either only in it for a few pages or killed off within a chapter. Bree was in Eclipse and was one of the "bad vamps." (By the way, I was POed when Smeyer killed Bree off. I remember that Carlisle had wanted to "adopt" her, but the Volturi was against that. Does she have any *idea* what a fantastic character Bree could've been? She could've made Breaking Dawn the slightest bit interesting. I thought it'd be pretty to here about Carlisle putting his trust in the wrong place. I'd rather read about *that* instead of Bella getting all prego. Breaking Dawn was terrible, even compared to the rest of the series.)

    Sorry for that rant, but I felt very strongly for Bree.

    Truthfully I *will* read the book. She and Jane (another one of the interesting characters that Smeyer sort of brushed aside) were my two favorites in the series. I can only hope that she doesn't make Bree a Bel-- I mean a Mary-Sue. (Which I wouldn't be surprised; Bree could've only been interesting because she was a newborn vamp. Who knows? She could make a perfectly nice human being *gag.*)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Hahahahaha this is such a joke. Couldn't she just have ended it? And you're right -- I actually have read Eclipse and I don't remember this "Bree". Then again, I did just skim it -- but seriously? What could possibly be the point other than to keep the hype up?

    It will probably be just as poorly written and unoriginal as the rest of the series, if not worse (is that possible?).

    This is just my opinion, however. I'm sure there are many fans who would love to add this to the collection. But I personally do not see the point other than to generate more hype and money.

  • DRJ
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Oh God, they are really milking Twilight's success, aren't they?

    Well, if they really must make another book I hope it comes out soon and so deluded people can obsess over it sooner and then the hype will finally be over quite quickly :)

    Oh and I love that blue button, you read my mind. I can't be bothered to read the story you posted for fear of losing IQ points.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i admire analyzing that type of stuff too yet no longer Twilight. i've got examine some particularly good ones, no longer all Vampire yet i be conscious of what you're searching for, we've the comparable style lol. those i've got examine have been, Morganville Vampires sequence, Hush Hush, The Immortals sequence, Wake sequence, Shiver (Linger and forever) sequence, The Fallen a million & 2, Juliet, Fallen sequence (Vixen, Torment), and much extra! (That i'm no longer able to think of of acceptable now) i found different particularly good unique ones off of Kindle for loose that saved me analyzing for MONTHS on end. particularly desire this helps :) i'm additionally desirous to instruction manual somebody to a good e book

  • 1 decade ago

    Bree was one of the "newborn vampires" the attempted to surrender in Eclipse during the big battle but was killed anyway when the Volturi came. (you would have figured that out if you actually read the article by the by)


    @NO FOOL: courtesy for spoilers is gone after the book has been out for a year, last i looked hasn't it been nearly 3!? honestly thats like me saying right now "Hey, did you know Dumbledore dies in The Half Blood Prince?" btw, this is not a big part in the story at all, her name is only on about 3 pages, which is why i don't even get why she's writing a book about her, she could have at least written about that one blonde vampire, Riley i think his name was. at least he got in nearly a whole chapter

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG! I luv (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) Twilight!!!!1!! It is the best book. Why? Because Edward is a hunky piece of a vampire!!!!1!! Soooooooo much hotter than that Dracula guy! OMG Bram Stoker TOTALLY copied Twilight, it's sad, I kno, rite?

    Also, since I don't have any friends, I lik to pretend Edward is my bf! Actually, no! I like to pretend that Jacob is my boyfriend, since he is lyk, totally Taylor Lautner. OMG SO HOT.

    Also, I find Twilight to be a delicate criticism of the Iraq war. It seems indubitably be the best social commentary book since I Am America, and So Can You!

  • Kelly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The is an April Fools Day joke! I know it, I just know it!

    Please! Tell me it is!

    Edit: So after reading this on SM website, I'm half-way convinced it's for real, but I'm half-way still hoping it's not. But I truly loved this little bit in the blog SM wrote:

    "One dollar of each book purchased in the US from the first printing will be donated to the American Red Cross for their relief efforts in Haiti and Chile and other parts of the world where people are in great need."

    Wow! One dollar of every book? My goodness! That's quite generous, considering SM is already very poor and truly needs the extra money. Giving up that much must really be hurting her, and we can all just forget her donating *all* the money to the Red Cross, because that's just outragous, considering SM and her family are already living like stray dogs on the street.

  • 1 decade ago

    Congrats, you made my day with that button.

    But no seriously **** Twilight. I read the first three books and I was just like "**** son my sanity can't take another hit like that, I ain't readin' that last book"

    Anyway, I think we shouldn't talk about this. Feedin' Da Twilight Fans sounds like an awful plan.

  • Well thats good news for the Twilight fans and bad news for the Twilight Haters. For me I am just waiting for the new Mercedes Lackey Valdemar novel.

    Source(s): Myself.
  • 1 decade ago

    oh great now more sparkle cows will become mentally ill thinking they are vampires or werewolves

    don't get me wrong i like the movies but (i don't "read" much) i wont get obsessive over it! i don't go see the movie then look at the person next to me and wonder if they are a vampire or werewolf because there hands are either really hot or really cold.

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