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Jehova's witnesses: Some questions to better my understanding?

1) Do you believe you will go to heaven?

2) In which year were you born?

3) Is it true no one born after 1935 will even be considered for 1 out of the 144,000 spots in heaven.

4) Those that do not make the 144,000 will be resurrected when jesus returns to earth, correct?

5) Don't you also believe the soul ceases to exist at death?

5 a)If so what will be resurrected?

5 b) Will you still have the same memories as when you died?

5 c) Will you be given a new body, will you be reborn as a child, or will there be a bunch of zombies wondering the earth (sorry, I couldn't think of a better way to factor in the decomposition)

6) What happens to those still alive when jesus returns? Are they granted immortality so to speak, what happens when they die? What happens to the people who were resurrected, do they continue to age and also eventually die again?

Please answer as best you can, other religions / atheists have no need to answer, but I know you guys will. Especially Atheists, lol. I am tempted to ask these questions when they knock on my door, but don't want to disrespect them, or make one look foolish if they dont know the answer (since they travel in groups)

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. No

    2. 1947

    3. No. The scriptures don't say that so the possibility could exist.

    4. Jesus will not return to earth physically. Some of the other sheep will live through the end of this system and into the new earth. Those resurrected to an earthly hope will be resurrected during the 1000 years following the end of this system commonly know as Armageddon.

    5. You cease to exist at death. You cease to be a living soul. Your soul or life or hope of life however is in God's hands and you will be awakened as it were from sleep at your resurrection. In a manner of speaking since death with the hope of a resurrection is likened to sleep it is as if your soul is in suspended animation whereas if you had no hope of a resurrection then you would be eternally dead. You are still unconscious and have no knowledge. You are dead until re-created at resurrection time.

    5a. God has everything about you stored in his memory banks and can re-create your dna and your memories and everything about you.

    5b. Maybe, maybe not... God may spare you of a horrible death and the memories attached to it. Black it out so to speak because he is merciful. Others may remember things up until they went to sleep [died]. We really don't know. That should be obvious.

    5c. New body of course. The old one is long gone. Reborn as a child? No. You want to put your mother through that again? Whether you will be resurrected in the equivalent of a 30 year old body when you died at the age of 80 we really don't know. It is possible that you would grow young again after your resurrection but it is also possible that just as God would likely not resurrect someone with a disability or deformity he may not resurrect persons with aged bodies. Job 33:35 says, "Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor."

    6. As I said faithful ones have the hope of living through Armageddon.They are not granted immortality. Only those who go to heaven receive immortality. In fact they are not even granted everlasting life as a reward until after the thousand years are over and they pass the final test of faith. Most will no doubt live through the thousand year period and be rewarded with everlasting life. some may not. Many who are resurrected may choose not to accept God's ways and not to conform and thus they may not even live to see the end of the thousand years and to face the final test. Isaiah 65:20 says, "for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age" Anyone living through the entire thousand year period whether resurrected from the dead or who lives through Armageddon will be rewarded with everlasting life after passing the final test at the end of the thousand years. Everlasting or eternal life on earth is different from immortality. You still have to eat food and breathe air to live for example. If you had immortality you would not need to eat or breathe. Anyone who lives through Armageddon or who is resurrected and who dies afterwards will be dead and non-existent forever and ever. You die the first time due to inherited sin from Adam but the second time is your own fault. Jesus died to wash us clean from sin inherited from Adam not because of sins of our own freewill. Just as Adam will not be resurrected neither will you if you die the second death.

    "He that conquers will by no means be harmed by the second death.’" Revelation 2:11 NWT

    The New Living Translation says, "Whoever is victorious will not be harmed by the second death."

  • Suzy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1) Me personally, no. I am not of the "little flock" that do go(144,000) but hoping to be of the "great crowd", this depends on if I die before Armageddon.

    2) 1957

    3) Not necessarily. If someone should for some reason leave the Truth that was of the anointed then someone else will take that place, could be somewhat younger.

    4) To my understanding these are the ones the Bible speaks of when they will be caught up in a twinkling of an eye, so it will not happen before Jesus comes. Most religions believe this to be the rapture. This is only for the anointed, not the ''great crowd". **If I'm wrong on this part may my brother's and sisters correct me** As it's in spirit form when Jesus returns we may not see it happen.

    5) Yes, there is a Scripture that says, the soul that is sinning, it itself will die. Every person sins so the soul dies with the body.

    a. The soul. Remember that Jesus did resurrect Lazarus after he was dead for 4 days. Not a pretty sight and never mind the smell.

    b. Lazarus did so we can expect the same. Why would we not really, it would be to glorify Jehovah so we'd remember and praise Him.

    c. New body, most likely, as those that were killed by fire or dismembered, common sense really. As a child, no. Now children will be. Zombies, no. full knowledge.

    6) Do you mean those of the ''great crowd"? I'm taking it that way - Those that make it through Armageddon will never have to experience death at all. The ''great crowd'' will never die. Those that are resurrected will live during the thousand year rein and grow in perfection without Satan, knowing Jehovah. They will learn how to live without sin, we all will. After the thousand years Satan is let out and will have a short time(we don't know that time frame, Bible doesn't say) to do his evil again. Remember that man has been living for 1,000 years without sin. Some will sin again, this goes against Jehovah and they will die again(the second death) and have everlasting nothingness. No burning hell as many Christian religions teach. Just nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Do you believe you will go to heaven?


    2) In which year were you born?

    Somewhere between 1950 and 1996

    3) Is it true no one born after 1935 will even be considered for 1 out of the 144,000 spots in heaven.


    4) Those that do not make the 144,000 will be resurrected when jesus returns to earth, correct?

    No, after he returns.

    5) Don't you also believe the soul ceases to exist at death?


    5 a)If so what will be resurrected?

    The person who died. A resurrection is someone who is dead returning to life.

    5 b) Will you still have the same memories as when you died?

    See 5a. The person who died will be resurrected, so I can't see how they wouldn't have their memories.

    5 c) Will you be given a new body, will you be reborn as a child, or will there be a bunch of zombies wondering the earth (sorry, I couldn't think of a better way to factor in the decomposition)

    Since your old body will have decayed and recycled into the earth's bioshpere, you will be provided with a new body.

    6) What happens to those still alive when jesus returns? Are they granted immortality so to speak, what happens when they die? What happens to the people who were resurrected, do they continue to age and also eventually die again?

    Ageing will cease when Jesus returns.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will try to also answer some of your questions.

    1) If I were to say yes, and since you do not know me personally, you would not know if I were correct in saying that or not. Age is not involved as a factor. Some are classified as young, some middle aged and some older.

    If a person has the heavenly hope, that is between the person and Jehovah. We do not make a rule that says anyone can't be of the heavenly hope or anyone has to be of the heavenly hope.

    Jehovah God does the selecting. And a person that he has selected KNOWS the answer to that question without a doubt at all.

    2) 1947

    3) NO

    4) It is not necessary for Jesus to "return" to earth to be involved in resurrecting individuals. He will use the holy spirit given him by Jehovah, and it is powerful enough to allow for him to be in heaven and see the results on earth. God did not have to come to the earth to create Adam. And he used holy spirit at that time. So when he gives that same holy spirit to Jesus, he also does not have to be standing on this earth for the resurrections to take place.

    5) Yes the soul, the person ceases to exist.

    A new body is created, new material, and all memories and personality traits in God's memory are reintroduced into that new body and the original person now exists. Think about this - person is short for personality.

    6) John 11:26 - "and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?"

    Both those who survive the great tribulation and those privileged with a resurrection will not ever need to die as long as they are repentant and working toward gaining Jehovah God's full approval. That is what the ransom sacrifice opened up for them, the opportunity to live forever ON EARTH. Even if they are older looking when they are resurrected, they will become young again. Job 33:25 lets us know this.

    Those resurrected to heaven are given immortality and they will be instrumental in helping the earth's inhabitants to reach their full potential of perfection. They are serving in a priestly function - Revelation 20:6 explains - and they will apply the benefits of the ransom of Christ so their lives will improve - aging and all related imperfections will stop.

    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses
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  • 1 decade ago

    They wouldn't think you were foolish for asking these questions- they actually are interesting :-D

    1) Do you believe you will go to heaven?

    Nope. If Jehovah sees fit to grant Vot everlasting life, it's Paradise Earth for me. Mangoes!!!! Whoopie!!!

    2) In which year were you born?


    3) Is it true no one born after 1935 will even be considered for 1 out of the 144,000 spots in heaven.

    Not true.

    4) Those that do not make the 144,000 will be resurrected when jesus returns to earth, correct?


    5) Don't you also believe the soul ceases to exist at death?

    The soul (which is the person himself) ceases to exist at death, yes (Eccl. 9:5,6)

    5 a)If so what will be resurrected?

    The person himself (i.e the soul). We do not believe that humans have a separate part called the "soul". This can explained in detail later.

    5 b) Will you still have the same memories as when you died?

    Looking at the resurrections in the Bible, did they have the same memories when they came back to life? Did they recognise themselves and friends and family around them? Yes.

    5 c) Will you be given a new body, will you be reborn as a child, or will there be a bunch of zombies wondering the earth (sorry, I couldn't think of a better way to factor in the decomposition)

    New body- as you said the old body decomposed, its elements were drawn up by grass, which was eaten by a cow which was eaten by a lion, which later died and also decomposed..... catch my drift?

    6) What happens to those still alive when jesus returns?

    The wicked will be destroyed, the righteous will remain alive. (Ps. 37:9,11)

    Are they granted immortality so to speak, what happens when they die?

    No, they are not granted immorality. The reason they are saved is because they exercised faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice. (Rev. 7:9,10, 13-17) If they sin, they will die. (Isaiah 65:20)

    What happens to the people who were resurrected, do they continue to age and also eventually die again?

    Those resurrected who survive the final test at the end of the 1,000 years will receive eternal life, no aging and no dying (unless you sin) in Paradise. (Rev 21:3,4)

    This might sound rather confusing for you, and explaining everything in detail will make my answer REALLY long, so I'd advise you to ask for a Bible study from the JWs who come to your door so they can answer each Q step by step and show you the answers from the Bible.

    Like I said- very good questions :)

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since my birth day is unimportant, I will tackle #3.

    We have no authority to say. It is Jehovah's choice. There are those who left the truth, as with the ones that followed Russell after his death, and others who gave out and abandoned their faith. Since it happened in the 1st Century it is no surprise that it happens today. God would replace those ones.

    I think the basis of your question is that from 1935 on, most people identified with the "great crowd" and the hope for everlasting life on earth.

    I know of those who partake that were born after 1935, some even younger than me.

    This is from a study back in 2008.

    *** w08 1/15 p. 23 pars. 15-16 Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom ***

    15 Even so, over the years since the 1930’s, a few individuals have been called to a heavenly hope. Why? In some cases, it could be that they replaced individuals previously called who had become unfaithful. (Compare Revelation 3:16.) Paul even spoke of personal acquaintances who had left the truth. (Phil. 3:17-19) Whom would Jehovah call to serve as such replacements? Of course, that is his decision to make. Still, it would seem reasonable that he would call, not newly converted ones, but individuals who—like the disciples to whom Jesus spoke when he initiated the Memorial observance—have already proved their loyalty to an extent.—Luke 22:28.

    16 It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930’s are replacements for ones who have fallen away. Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians among us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 17:5) And we can be confident that the full number of 144,000 members will be completed in Jehovah’s due time and that all will eventually take their place in the Kingdom government. We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever-growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. Soon it will “come out of the great tribulation” brought upon Satan’s world and will joyfully move on into God’s new world.

    end quote ---

    So, the only important part for all of us is to be faithful, because the location of where we live is up to God, not ourselves or the opinions of others.

  • 1 decade ago

    All excellent and very sensible questions. Please never worry about embarassing or angering one of JWs--they would be delighted that someone has thought so deeply, and if they don't know a particular answer, they can always put it on "hold" to go home and do a little research, or get someone else who perhaps has studied longer to help them and you.

    In brief,

    1) Most of Jehovah's witnesses hope to live forever on the earth when it is transformed into the paradise it was originally designed to be. "“Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5 NW) "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it." (Psalms 37:29 NW)

    2) I was born in the early 1950's.

    3) The opportunity to reign with Christ in heaven was the first hope held out to Christians 2,000 years ago (Luke 22:28-30; Revelation 5:9-10; Revelation 14:1-5), the opportunity to become earthly subjects of that Kingdom was foretold to come close to the end of this system of things (Revelation 7:9-10, 13-17, note that this unnumbered great crowd comes out of the great tribulation near the time of the Kingdom's coming (Daniel 12:1-2). So it seems unlikely that there would be many slots to reign in heaven left empty at this late date. And who are more numerous--rulers or their subjects? The answer is obvious.

    4) Not exactly, but yes, after Jesus' return in kingly power and the destruction of the wicked, those doing what is right but not ruling in heaven will be raised to life on a paradise earth.

    5) Yes, the Bible is very plain about it. Genesis 2:7 shows that the first man didn't receive a soul, he BECAME a soul--body, life, and all: "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man BECAME a living soul." (KJ/AV). It similarly says that all the animals WERE souls, making no distinction. The Hebrew word for soul, "nephesh", is thought to come from a root meaning, "breather." So, the Bible says that your soul is YOU. Ezekiel 18:4 plainly says of humans, "The soul that is sinning—it itself will die." This is what we observe. We all sin, and we all die.

    5a) The Bible says, "And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting abhorrence." So dead persons--dead souls--will return to life.

    5b) Sure. All those resurrected in the Bible did. It wouldn't be YOU if you didn't have your memories and personality, would it? You can lose much of your body and still be "you" if your personality is unchanged. 100 years of human memories--video and audio--can be stored in a space the size of a grapefruit, can't they? That's the size of our brain.

    5c) New body. Those "asleep in the dust" decomposed long ago. Scientists are working on cloning bodies right now, aren't they? That is just being a "copycat"--basically, it is biological plagiarism. Surely the Designer of the body can do the same or better.

    6) Please just refer to Revelation 7:9-17 and Psalm 37:29, above, again.

    Thanks again for the sensible questions.

    Best regards,


    Source(s): the King James Bible; the Douay Bible; the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures; 44 years' experience as one of Jehovah's witnesses
  • 1 decade ago

    Too many questions to fully answer any of them here.

    However, there is a book (&, a brochure) online that answer most if not all of them,

    which also give Scripture references for our beliefs:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses

    ---Who Are They?---What Do They Believe?

    "What Does the Bible *Really* Teach"

    I encourage you to read those Scriptures, along with the text of the publications.

    More specifically:

    1. No

    2. 1950s

    3. Not necessarily.

    4. Not all will die, so, no.

    Jesus returns long before Armageddon begins:

    5a-c. We believe that Scripture accurately describes death.

    If the soul didn't die at death, there would be no need of resurrection.

    6. Both those who are protected through Armageddon & survive it, and those resurrected after it, will all together be educated as to God's updated requirements. Those who already know some things will teach those who have not yet learned. Death will come only to those who decide to willfully reject God's will / God's requirements for them. (Whether they actually learn them or not, if they *refuse* to learn them, they will at some point die.)

    . . . Ananius & his wife Sap·phi′ra dropped dead when they played false to their fellow Christians (Acts 5:1-11) . . . The Bible is not explicit as to exactly how things will be handled during Christ's 1,000 year reign, but, perhaps such attitudes & behavior exhibited then will be dealt with similarly.


    Source(s): Check Scriptures Online in a *variety* of Bibles: NWT; NASB; NRSV; KJV; ASV; BEB; WEB; YLT; DarbyV; Douay-Rheims; Webster's; WeymouthNT
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why Does God enable suffering? what's God’s purpose for the Earth? the place Are the ineffective? the thank you to Make your loved ones existence happy what's the fact approximately God? what's God’s Kingdom?

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a lot of quesitons - the best thing is consult the book "What does the Bible Really teach" and look up the relevant chapters.

    I will answer the first question for you.

    QUESTION 1) Do you believe you will go to heaven?

    ANSWER: No, my hope is to live forever in paradise on earth (see Matthew 5:5)

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