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I saw a question the other day does anyone have answer?

What is the one unforgiveable sin? Someone posted the question and it was worded better but essentially it asked what was the one thing that is unforgiveable according to God.

Many answers were not believing in him.

If that is the case that the ONE unforgiveable sin is not believing in him where does suicide fall? Inother words are ya'll telling me I could kill myself and somehow be forgiven and get into heaven but if i didn't believe but lived a good life I'd be cast to hell.

If someone has the legit answer please say it and if you care to comment on my drawn conclusion from that feel free to.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Th unforgivable sin is "blaspheming the Holy Spirit". Which means to deny Christ as Lord. This is shown when Jesus was casting out demons (something only the Lord can do) and the pharisees witnessed it.

    Matthew 12:24

    Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”

    What they saw could only be an act of God yet they, in their denial, chose to attribute it to Satan.

    When someone rejects the Holy Spirit of Christ, they have rejected the principle way that Christ offers salvation. If they have donr this then there is no hope. it is not that they cannot be forgiven, but that they will not allow themselves to be forgiven.

    Plus, I don't believe that suicide is unforgivable, salvation is procured when someone accepts Jesus as their savior and places their faith in Him. What this means is that every sin you have done, are ;doing, or will do has been forgiven and nailed to the cross; suicide included. The logic that suicide is unforgivable is somewhat flawed. it is based on the assumption that because you have killed yourself, you have no opportunity to ask forgivness since you are dead. But lets say for argument's sake that i am walking down the road and stub my big toe. In my pain I shout "GOD D*** IT!" I have just taken the Lord's name in vain and sinned. A second later before i can ask forgivness for that sin a car runs me over and kills me. Do I go to Hell because i did not ask for forgivness? No. Salvation is based upon faith in Jesus not of works lest any should boast.-Ephesians 2:8

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What is unforgivable sin?

    Knowledge brings greater responsibility. Pilate’s sin was not as great as that of the Jewish religious leaders who turned Jesus over to the governor, nor that of Judas, who betrayed his Lord. (Joh 19:11; 17:12) Jesus told Pharisees of his day that if they were blind, they would have no sin, evidently meaning that their sins could be forgiven by God on the basis of their ignorance; however, because they denied being in ignorance, ‘their sin remained.’ (Joh 9:39-41) Jesus said they had “no excuse for their sin” because they were witnesses of the powerful words and works proceeding from him as the result of God’s spirit on him. (Joh 15:22-24; Lu 4:18) Those who, either in word or by their course of action, willfully and knowingly blasphemed God’s spirit thus manifested would be “guilty of everlasting sin,” with no forgiveness possible. (Mt 12:31, 32; Mr 3:28-30; compare Joh 15:26; 16:7, 8.) This could be the case with some who came to be Christians and then deliberately turned from God’s pure worship. Hebrews 10:26, 27 states that “if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment and there is a fiery jealousy that is going to consume those in opposition.”

    At 1 John 5:16, 17, John evidently refers to willful, knowing sin in speaking of “a sin that does incur death” as contrasted with one that does not. (Compare Nu 15:30.) Where the evidence indicates such willful, knowing sin, the Christian would not pray for the one so offending. God, of course, is the final Judge as to the heart attitude of the sinner.—Compare Jer 7:16; Mt 5:44; Ac 7:60.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm a Muslim and that i'm keen to respond to all of your questions. I examine countless the replies for your question and that i imagine they're deceptive. We trust contained in the go back of Jesus lower back and he will strive against the anti Christ and could unit the religion. We even trust that on the end of time Yagog and magog will come from the east in the route of Palestine the position God will smash them. they'll do a large style of the destruction of their thanks to Palestine. We trust that the first signal of the visual attraction of the day of judgment the solar will upward thrust from the west and beginning from that element on repentance heavily isn't popular. between the replies you acquire became speaking about Jins telling you the forged and the undesirable this isn't actual. What we position self belief in is that each and each body is assigned 2 angles that write down his deeds, the only on the right will write the forged deeds and the only on the left will write the undesirable deeds yet we do not trust that they let us know what to do. As for the day of judgment we trust that before that God will ask the attitude of lack of existence to take the existence of each residing ingredient and then he will be requested to take his personal existence and really God will be Alive. Then on the orders of God each and each of the useless will be raised and the day of judgment will commence. between the replies you acquire became claiming that the non believers will upward thrust bare this isn't actual so a concepts as i recognize we can ALL upward thrust bare and thanks to the horror we will be dealing with we can't even imagine of a desire to conceal ourselves. As for the component to crossing a bridge to heaven, that's actual regardless of the undeniable fact that it's not a bridge that's something extra like a cord. God bless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To deny Jesus when you die.

    It does not matter what you do. You must repent and ask Jesus to forgive you. If you do that, you will not kill yourself. You know you have eternal life.

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  • Dave
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There are no unforgivable sins.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Source(s): (the name of the picture)
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