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alright I got an answer but now new question?

So i've been informed the ultimate sin is to deny Jesus christ as the way. In so doing it's hopeless to be save. One response was it's hopeless not b/c you can't be forgiven but b/c you won't accept the forgiveness. So here's my question. I'm ATHEIST used to be a catholic ( christian ) so i've settled the dispute of which is worse suicide or disbelief and it seems that it's disbelief and some seem torn on this; some say suicide is unforgiveable and others say it is feel ferr to put your opinion, but my main question(s) is(are) if I die and didn't believe and go to before him to be judged am I not then allowed to believe since i now see him and can i not then repent.

Also I get that no good deed can cancel a sin supposedly, but I'm kind of wondering how is it that a person in jail for rape and murder who believes in God can get it but i can't?

And further if that's the ultimate unforgiveable sin what does that say for people who believe in God but not Jesus as the savior like Jews and Muslims?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus never existed.

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    <<alright I got an answer but now new question? So i've been informed the ultimate sin is to deny Jesus christ as the way. In so doing it's hopeless to be save. One response was it's hopeless not b/c you can't be forgiven but b/c you won't accept the forgiveness. So here's my question. I'm ATHEIST used to be a catholic ( christian ) so i've settled the dispute of which is worse suicide or disbelief and it seems that it's disbelief and some seem torn on this; some say suicide is unforgiveable and others say it is feel ferr to put your opinion, but my main question(s) is(are) if I die and didn't believe and go to before him to be judged am I not then allowed to believe since i now see him and can i not then repent.>>

    That's not how it works.

    You have until the earthly course of your life is finished to accept Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. If you pass from this earth having rejected him, and never retracted that rejection, then that rejection goes forth into the afterlife.

    You see, no one goes to hell against their will. People freely choose hell by freely choosing not to have God in their earthly lives. Those who don't want God in their earthly lives are not going to be forced to make God a part of their afterlife, hence their self-condemnation to hell.

    For you, having once been Catholic, but fosakening your Faith in favor of atheism, you have until the end of your earthly life to reject atheism and turn back to God. Since no one knows when their earthly life is going to end, it's not a good idea to wait.

    <<Also I get that no good deed can cancel a sin supposedly, but I'm kind of wondering how is it that a person in jail for rape and murder who believes in God can get it but i can't?>>

    Again, that's not how it works. The "judgement" at the end of your earthly life isn't merely a tally of yoru good deeds as compared to your bad deeds. All the Good Deeds in the world count for nothing if you pass on in a state of (even one) mortal sin.

    Even a single mortal sin is enough to severe your relationship with God. If you die in this state, it carries over into the afterlife - into hell.

    Those in a state of mortal sin have until the earthly course of their life is finished to repent mortal sin.

    <<And further if that's the ultimate unforgiveable sin what does that say for people who believe in God but not Jesus as the savior like Jews and Muslims?>>

    The ONLY unforgivable sin is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That is - forsaking ALL that is Holy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christ said: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:44

    "God is not willing that ANY should perish" II peter 3:9

    You're right! There is coming a time when ALL who ever lived will be resurrected and have a chance to know God and accept His way. There is a firs resurrection and a second, a first death and a second, the firstfruits and the second, a first harvest and a second (bigger) one.

    These are all outlined in the Holy Days (which almost no church keeps. Pity!)

    Source(s): FREE booklet "God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind"
  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, obviously Jesus existed. NO ONE of any intelligence can dispute that, there are too many witnesses. Those groups that do are the same fanatics that refute the holocaust. Give me a break. Now, as to how you get into heaven... If you have ever sinned, even just ONCE!, you don't qualify. You're out. As far as your own merit goes, your done and can NEVER get in. However, God sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. If you believe that he can get you in, and not only believe but accept that you fall short and he is the ONLY way to make up for your shortcomings, you're automatically in, no matter what. They Bible never says "Whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall have eternal life. EXCEPT those who commit suicide. EXCEPT rapists. EXCEPT murderers." There are no exceptions. You're in through Jesus, or you're out entirely.

    As far as why you can't wait to see God, and then repent, I don't have a solid answer for you, except that that is just how it is. Why don't ducks quakes echo? Where do crop circles come from? These are interesting questions, but the fact that there aren't answers shouldn't cause us to stop believing in either ducks or crops. If you follow that analogy. My personal belief on the matter is that since faith in Jesus is exactly that, faith, waiting until you have proof at hand defeats the exercise altogether. Hope I was helpful, if not, I apologize in advance for misunderstanding the question.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus will forgive anyone no matter what they have done if they come to Jesus while they are still breathing. Hebrews 9:27 " And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" Question # 2 John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

  • 1 decade ago

    No you can't believe in at judgment that's completely beside the point. Anyone would believe in him then.

    The guy in jail can repent and turn from his ways. If he goes back he didn't mean it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither one of them exists..... The God delusion has been the outcome of indoctrination..

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    babe...this is through the fact the teenie boppers are out of school for the summer season and their burning "am i exceedingly" validation questions are all we can see till the whip cracks interior the fall

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