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Mandating insurance for citizens?

Why is it that so many are up in arms about the fact that it will be mandated that people carry health insurance when 48 of the 50 states require drivers to buy liability insurance to show financial responsibility? The two states that don't are New Hampshire and Wisconsin. Neither of those 2 states are suing the US Government over the mandate of health care coverage. But the states thus far that are -










South Carolina

South Dakota





all require the people driving in their state to carry auto insurance! What is the difference?? Isn't this also forcing people to buy what they don't want? Isn't this socialism as well? Why is this okay, but when the federal government - who ends up covering medical bills when the people can't do so - demands people take "financial responsibility" and purchase health insurance so that they don't have to spend so much covering people when the medical costs go up because of lack of payment, suddenly people come out of the woodwork and start screaming "This is Unconstitutional!". Can someone explain this to me??

And to save many of you the trouble: I HAVE read the bill cover to cover, for I work in a field that is directly effected either way by the bill, and I am a small business owner. So save the rhetoric and just answer the question.


@open4one: My husband is a history professor. There is a print of it hanging in his office at our house. I MIGHT have seen it a time or two. . . I can't recall.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Federal government (through Federal income taxes & Social Security taxes) ALREADY mandated all citizens with income pay taxes at least a portion of which funds Medicaid & Medicare, and of course Social the notion some (very inattentive) people have that the Health Bill is the "first time the Federal government has EVER mandated citizens buy something" is laughable...and the sad reality that there are States whose ATTORNEYS GENERAL are too dim-witted to realize that is just plain sad!!!

  • Peg
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Driving is optional, therefore if you can't afford insurance you don't drive. Personally, my family is struggling, I can spare an extra $50/mo. I don't know how I'm gonna pull off $1,000/mo. to cover my family. When we go to the doctor we pay it ourselves. We only end up spending about a $100 or so a year.

    One way we could afford health insurance.... We stop working and you can foot the bill. Oh, wait... I have too much respect & pride so I'll just keep working and complaining.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    vehicle insurance isn't mandated for all electorate, basically for people who p.c. to tension. If somebody needs to offer up paying for vehicle insurance all he has to do is park his automobile. Does every person think of president Obama cares with regard to the form?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because you don't have to drive. You have a choice. Mandating health insurance is acquiring a monthly charge for your very existence. By penalty of fine. There is no puiblic option. So like car insurrance went up with a car insurrsance mandate set in place by Bush Sr. health insuurance will go up. After all, its all about the profits. This bill is to designed to help us. Its designed to help insurrance companies. Read it.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I personally know 3 people that operate their cars on the roadways of every state in the country, notice I didn’t say drive, none of which have an operator’s license or license plates on their cars. There no is statute that can make them comply! My brother doesn’t have an operator’s license because he doesn’t wish to operate a motor vehicle. There are many so-called laws that we obey just because we believe we must comply and that is because either we are too busy to find out for ourselves or we let our elected officials incorrectly inform us. An elected or appointed official is always going to explain the laws in their favor. If you prefer to let your employees tell you what you must buy then I guess you must not like the responsibility of being a free person.

  • SusieQ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The difference is that no one is forced to own a car. Don't wanna buy car insurance? Don't own a car. Car insurance protects OTHER drivers that you may injure or whose property you may destroy in an accident. HUGE difference. Monumental difference!

    Edit: The only way "Obamacare" could be made constitutional is if they provided the same healthcare they've pushed and made it an OPTION for those who fall between the cracks. FORCING people to buy anything is unconstitutional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    See, you don't have to drive. You can own a car, and never have it insured. But, if you get caught driving without the insurance, you will pay fines, and in Texas you even loose your license on the first offense. It gets suspended, then you have to pay the fine amount to the court, a reinstatement fee to Austin to reinstate your license, then pay a surcharge of so much money per month for 3 years. Plus, carry an SR-22 with your insurance company, and you cannot reinstate your license without showing the SR-22.

    Forcing people to buy health insurance is a crock. I heard somewhere that the fine is $400-$2000 if you do not have the health insurance. And for most everybody, and I do not say that loosely it is actually cheaper to just pay the fine each year than it is to beat yourself against the wall trying to pay $800 or more PER MONTH for health insurance.

    Now, when you put things in a little more perspective, and see through this crap the government tells you, and you actually discover a few ulterior motives by the US Government, is when you yourself will be against this forcing health insurance thing.

    As I just pointed out, it is cheaper to pay the fine than the monthly premiums for the health insurance correct? Guess who gets that fine you pay...that's right. None other than the US Government. Wow, that was an amazing eye opener for you wasn't it? Hmmm, now why would the Government care whether or not you had insurance, and why fine you for not having it? Well simple. This retarded *** president "Obama" has already made things worse than what they were when we was elected. He went giving millions to bail banks and automakers out, and now they have to replenish this money, which is worth less than the face value already. So to do that, they pass this stupid law, and then make you pay a fine for not having the health insurance. WhY? Because they are the US Government and think they are all high and mighty.

    I do not know about you, but I know my insurance premiums will be through the roof. I am 26, I had cancer at 20, and I have to get a cat scan every year. According to the doctor who handled my cancer at that time. I have yet to go for even one annual cat scan yet to make sure the cancer has not returned. Why? Because I cannot afford the health insurance, already as it is. My employer does not offer it either. Actually they do, but it would cost me like I said at least $800 per month, and that's with me paying all of it, they pay no part of it as a benefit or anything like that. And it is too small a company to get a group discount. Anyway moving on.

    So now, yet again, they changed laws as well. You think "well we are forced to get it, but at least right now the rates not to high"? Guess what, that will sky rocket before anything else. Now that they have made it ILLEGAL for them to not cover something based on "preexisting condition" that means THEY HAVE to cover it. Now, your rate may double, triple or more within the next couple of years. Sooner or later it will end up with more than I would say 70% of Americans not having the health insurance as it is no longer affordable. And all will be paying the fines imposed by the government. Making "we the people" pay for their dumbass mistakes. There is no law which limits the amount of money they can charge you to cover you. The law is you must have the insurance, or pay a fine. So when you are tight on money, you can't pay the insurance premium, but you know you have to pay on or the other, which will you pay? I personally would have no choice but to pay the fine to stay out of jail.

    Do you see the point here now? The USA is not just a happy go lucky place to live, right now anyway. Not with some idiot in office who knows nothing of what he is doing. A monkey slinging poop in his cage could make better decisions than this retard president has made.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I buy insurance for my auto, I am not being forced to pay for insurance for drivers who say they can't afford it but insist upon driving like idiots. Under the new socialist health care law, I am forced to pay for insurance to cover fat people, drunks, junkies, tramps, smokers, baby factories, their bastards and illegals. All of then people in these groups have health problems because of their choices (except the bastards who are the responsibility of their parents). If you really want to hold people "financially responsible" for themselves then eliminate the unconstitutional communist welfare state programs that reward lazy leeches with a tax free paycheck.

  • 1 decade ago

    In addition to the differences noted above (optional, and covering liability not the driver), the biggest difference is that States can do what they want, if their own Constitution permits it.

    The Federal Constitution does not.

    Have you read THAT "cover to cover"?

  • 1 decade ago

    comparing the mandate to auto insurance isn't very good. im sure you read the vitriol.

    this is simple:

    our cap will be 1% of our income...30k=$300

    a cap on out of pocket (up to 4k if i got that right)

    and a subsidy for those making less than 50k.

    and we will all be healthier b/c of it...meaning we will all be better off...

    we wont have to worry nearly as much, this is a BFD! and a good one...

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