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Jehovah's Witnesses- Are There Any Individuals Actively Associated With The Watchtower Society...?

.... Who are not Jehovah's Witnesses themselves?

Vot doesn't mean the commercial truck drivers who deliver fresh fruit to Bethel or the local council man who comes over regularly to make sure the WTBTS building standards are up to par. Vot means the individuals working right at the "hub" of our organization.

I ask because Vot sees people on here saying they "do not hate JWs, but hate the WTBTS"...... how are the two separable?

They obviously don't hate the legal corporation itself- they "hate" the *people* behind the legal corporation. But those people are JWs TOO and they hold the exact same beliefs as the little old JW lady next door. They don't make a living off "misleading" JWs in the rest of the world and live by the same standards encouraged by the Bible- the same standards JWs around the world live by.

Is Vot missing something, or is their thinking rather skewed?


Greek, Coptic & Bible Forensic- Vot remembers that article very well.... xD

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ba Asy at shani!

    What I have noticed about people who dislike the WTBTS is that they think the WTBTS is a controlling body who make the rules. Some of these people claim the society restricts and controls JWs. Well of course this is a misconception as the so called restrictions and rules are from the bible.

    JWs will not compromise bible standards as it is man's sole purpose on earth to obey God's commandments. Whether this is too restrictive is up to one to decide. We are all free moral agents and need not hate others for that.

    The members of the WTBTS are JW and the values and principles they try to hold are shared with all JWs, so there is no point in trying to separate.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Do you think the question was an honest one? Throughout the interview the reporter was asking about being "spirit inspired" and then she snuck in "spirit directed or what not". Jehovah's Witnesses are not inspired of God. We have the Bible to guide us and because we use it as a guide for everyday life, we are directed by God's holy spirit. Because of this, we are the only group of people, or organization, who can claim to be God's representatives on Earth and the only channel of communication that God uses to relay what the Bible teaches with regards to His promises. Thank you again for showing me and many others how dishonest anti-JW's are in presenting who and what Christians are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vot, the apostaposers don't really know anything about us.

    The dear brothers who are on the Governing Body are just like the rest of us. I've personally known and do know several of them. They are kind, very humble dear people. They love God and His word with their whole, heart, mind, soul and strength. I wish some of these haters could get to know even one of these dear brothers.

    Still while a few brothers may be on the necessary legal entity called the WTBTS that's all it is a legal requirement in the United States.

    Those brothers are just like ALL of us. They love Jehovah God and want to serve Him fully and so do we. If you see us all together you cannot possibly tell who might be someone from the WTBTS or just a 'regular' Witness. WE are ALL regular Witnesses.

    As to your original question, I'm pretty sure no one can be on the WTBTS without being a faithful Witness. Maybe today they aren't all anointed ones but they would all be Witnesses. My Grandpa was a member way back years ago and there were only other anointed ones who were on that legal entity.

    Source(s): Being a Witness for a very long time and very happy about it.
  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Only if you are very good "fake" Jehovah's Witness. LOL...

    I have never heard of any working for nothing at our complexes as our brothers do. As you listed, if there was someone there, it would be a contractor's employee doing very speciallized work. (And if he is there too long, the chances are he will become one!)

    So, those who state "they love us" individually, but hate the WTBTS, are telling us "You are so good and kind and nice, but the people who helped you to be this way are foul creatures of the dark!"

    That is equal to the insult when one says "You grew up to be such a nice person, even though your mother is a whore!"

    They really don't know that the "good" people at their door, (if they hadn't been trained or listened to the direction through the WTBTS by the FDS), would still be the person breaking into their home, chasing their wife at work, or selling drugs to their children at school.

    You are not missing anything except their hatred for the Good News and the FDS.

    @ Tears

    Sorry Tears that I have only 1 vote TUs which doesn't override the TDs. But I tried...

    LOL - Glad to see the turn around Tears!

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  • It's an old tactic, Jesus mentioned it: separate the sheep from the shepherd. (Matthew 26:31)

    That never helps the sheep, unless the shepherd is a "hired man." (John 10:12-14)

    The reality is that Jehovah's Witnesses are not nearly as dumb or as self-serving as our opponents think we are. We can see through the phoniness of their arguments quite easily.

    Source(s): The HOLY Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they are looking for excuses. They want to blame someone but the JWs we meet every day are such nice and kind people.

    So they pick on the ones we don't often meet. They rely on the fact that in most human organisations the ones "at the top" are corrupt in some fashion.

    So those running the WTS are an easier target for slander and blame-shifting.

    It a kind of "someone up there somewhere made my life bad...grrr" syndrome.

    But those ones are just as kind and friendly as anyone else. No one is "on the take" and everyone is trying their genuine best.

    Some people can't accept that. That makes their problems closer to home.

    Source(s): Too much time dealing with disgruntled blame-shifters.
  • 1 decade ago


    Even though the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society is simply a legal entity, NOT the organization we belong to, people who attack it are attacking all of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They condescendingly assume that "rank and file" Jehovah's Witnesses are misled by some giant conspiracy. It makes me laugh. The intense Bible knowledge and the transparency of Jehovah's organization is truly amazing. The opposers can't attack us with the scripture so they go after the people.

    In doing so they reflect the actions of Satan. Remember he approached Adam and Eve acting like he was working for their welfare. He suggested that God was holding out on them, and that HE was acting in their best interests. He never directly attacked God, but subtly implied that God was keeping something secret from them.

    Opposers of Jehovah God work the same way today. They never directly attack Jehovah's organization, rather they subtly imply that something is being held back from us, that somehow our brothers are not acting in our best interests. They also suggest that THEY are really trying to help free us from all the "lies and fabrications" we are subjected too by the evil GB.

    All Satan wants to do is drive in a little doubt, make us unsure about our future and our standing with Jehovah. Then he can get us to stop obeying GOd, to stop preaching, and to "fall asleep".

    That is why I have a growing list of opposers that I ignore and refuse to wrassel with. It is just not worth it.

    Source(s): the force
  • 1 decade ago

    No...we are all the same status but some choose to see differences where there are none.

    The fact that no one makes monetary gain escapes their every society deception is ALWAYS made for either monetary gain and/or status...this doesn't occur in WTBTS but it doesnt stop them claiming that it does!

    I suppose they can make any outlandish claim and there are always those foolish enough to believe them

  • 1 decade ago

    If the government moved in and removed the WTBTS, JWs would still be JWs. This has happened in several nations.

  • 1 decade ago

    While there are consultants and experts that work with Jehovah's Witnesses from time to time (legal, medical, construction etc..) there are no members of the Board of directors of the WBTS that are not Witnesses.

    The reality is haters often don't like to "look bad" to the general public so they SAY they don't hate us per se they hate the WTBTS or at a push all 9 or so members of the Governing Body (possibly only those in the writing committe... who knows)...

    Deep down the apostates hate every single one of us, right down to 90 year old Sister Sweetness that lives down the road and gives freshly cooked bakery to the homeless of a weekend...

    Mr Joe Public has no idea of how we are organised and just hate the idea of having to stand on their doorstep for 2 minutes of a Sunday morning. (I guess they also hate the idea of buying a bathrobe... but that's another story)...

    Ms Zealous christian opposer does actually hate what she believes to be false teachings but I still wouldn't like to be stuck in a lift with her...

    No, anyone that says they hate the "society" actually hates the elders (that disfellowshipped them back in 1978) and anyone associated with it from the Bethelites to Missionaries and back again.

    They just don't hate euphemisms...

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