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James M asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Do Florists offer discounts on bunches of flowers in times of tragedy....?

Or do they still charge the full price? I'm not talking about a death in the family,but more the deaths that receive nationwide coverage,i.e Jade Goody,the 2 firemen in Southampton and of course,Diana...


Just to point out,i'm not wanting to know so i can buy a bunch.I'm just curious to see if they do offer a reduction,or if it's just business as usual.

Update 2:

Dollybird-I didn't buy a wreath when my dad died,so i couldn't care less if they bumped the price up or offered a reduction.Along with a wedding,funerals are a licence to print money...But knowing the prices they charge,i wondered why folk would part with their hard earned brass for someone they didn't know...

9 Answers

  • Dolly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    why would they offer a discount ? you don't go into macdonalds and ask for a discount on burgers when you've bought more than 1 do you ?

    nice to see Haz back in the house

    *waves* hello sweetie x

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    no not in general florist only make sales for things like weddings birthdays other parties and funerals.

    weather its an important person a big tragedy or just a regular person, funeral homes still sell caskets and don't offer discounts just because someone died, that is what they are in business for .and if a funeral home did give a discount remember they have a very very high markup florist just don't make that much of a profit to offer special deals.

    Real flower shops will soon be a thing of the past, I have worked in flower shops for 30 years and most of my friends who own shops have gone out of business. people don't go out of their way to stop at a flower shop any more,

    they go to the local grocery store and the local grocery stores order flowers for hundreds of stores at a time from south american wholesalers at reduced pricing and the little flower shops can't even get their product in for these prices.So people go the the store and pick up their flowers like an afterthought with their food at cheep prices.

    some of the florists in the stores ain't very good and in the past haven't know what they were doing. now they are getting better but that is because many real florists have had to leave the real shops and get jobs at local grocery stores as their florists because the company's they worked for have all gone under.

  • 1 decade ago

    Being that flowers are not a essential commodity I would think they would keep the prices the same. They are in it to make a living and in times like this can not really afford to cut their prices.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it varies; different owners will do different things probably, either stay the same or offer reduction or even jack up the price they call that a score i think.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would say the opposite. They probably take full advantage of such situations and charge as much as they can possibly get away with.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think most are likely to be found rubbing their hands with glee and checking their bank accounts online every hour or so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most should. If the situation is explained i'm sure they'd be glad to help. It all just depends which florist you go to and what kind of mood they're in.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. As far as they are concerned they are providing a service,its a shop,therefore you must pay the full price. You could always make your own.

  • 1 decade ago


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