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Lv 610,938 points

James M

Favorite Answers31%

As i've aged, i find that i'm less tolerant of intolerant folk. I'm a youth develpment worker during the day,and a music geek/obsessive by night.I love music,i love the feeling you get from hearing something new or rediscovering a lost gem.Current favourites at the moment are Metric,Yeah Yeah Yeahs,The Duke Spirit,Those Dancing Days,Tindersticks,The National..... All time favourites include GY!BE,The Smiths,Love,The Beach Boys,Spacemen 3,Low,Explosions in the Sky and many many more. I like to read and watch interesting documentaries,i'm currently reading up on TV Evanglism and the huge amounts of money involved.The human mind,never ceases to amaze me.I'm interested in serial killers and their motives behind the murders. But i also like watching The Wire,The Office,The Royle Family,Come Dine With Me,Nighty Night,NMTB. I'd love to try my hand at stand up comedy,running a marathon,learning braille,origami... Anything else you want to know,drop me an email.......

  • Have U2 and REM got anything left up their sleeves?

    Both are featured in a couple of music magazines as having new records out next year,but will their new albums reach out to a new audience or will they play it safe and go for 'rock by numbers'?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • At least 8 re-issues and over 10 million copies sold,yet The White Album is still on sale for £16.99...?

    Can someone please explain why?

    Could it not be the case that any album selling over 'X' amount of million copies then costs no more than £5?

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Can,or should a band still be classed as Punk Rock if they're signed to a major record label?

    Is punk rock an attitude,a genre of music,a lifestyle choice or just another marketing ploy by 'The Man' designed to get punters to part with their hard earned cash??

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What is actually going to take place at The Second Coming?

    A few questions about the long awaited arrival of Jesus that i wouldn't mind getting the answers to:

    Where and when is this event going to take place?

    What happens at it?

    Will anyone get a heads-up as to the imminent arrival?

    What is Jesus waiting for? Nice weather? Does his dad not control the weather?

    Does anyone really believe that a second coming will happen? If 2 world wars couldn't shift him,then i don't what else could.

    I know i've presented these questions in a light hearted manner,but they are all valid questions.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Crimewatch UK -BBC 1.Now Judge,Jury & Executioner it seems?

    I never knew that Crimewatch also doubled up as a court of law-tonight's lead story was a feature on convicted murderer Peter Tobin. Apparently he also attacked a woman 42yrs ago in Glasgow.

    My problem is this-Regardless of what i think about Peter Tobin,it seems that an alleged victim can go on national TV and accuse someone of a crime that took place 42yrs ago. Without any DNA or witnesses,then this alleged assault would never get to court.

    Can anyone explain why Crimewatch might have done this? Is it because they know Tobin will never see the light of day??

    Is it even legal?

    I am genuinely puzzled by this....

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • When did it become the norm to reward someone for simply doing their job?

    When you're a parent and it's the last day of the school year. I honestly lost count the number of gullible parents buying gifts and cards for their child's teacher.Do these parents not realise that the teacher gets paid every month to teach their child? It's their job to teach.They chose that profession.

    Why do parents feel the need to reward teachers,given that nearly 1 in 5 pupils are failing to make satisfactory progress in the three-R's??

    16 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • 2 Words That Strike Fear In Many A Music Fan.............?

    Concept Album!!!

    Who,in your opinion, can lay claim to having released the greatest concept album?

    And to make things fair and balanced..........

    Who has released the worst concept album??

    11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Do you think that introducing a minimum legal age for buying Mephedrone...............?

    would have been a smarter move than banning it outright???

    I really think the government has missed the boat here.Rather than having the opportunity to control the purity and set a minimum price,they have now pushed it underground,leaving it open to be cut with all sorts of rubbish.

    If they really cared about the future of young people then they should have a rethink about the classification of it.

    And just to clear things up-i'm not condoning using it,but i'd rather work with the problem than against the problem.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • It was 20 years ago today that The Stone Roses played Spike Island,so i wanna know.....?

    have you witnessed any moments of music history? Queen at Live Aid in '85? The Sex Pistols at The Lesser Free Trade Hall in '76?

    For the record, Spike Island wasn't as great as folk might think-the sound was terrible,the support acts rubbish and it signalled the beginning of the end for The Stone Roses,but i'm glad i was the right age at the right time to be able to witness a wee bit of history......

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Which 2 bands or artists have been responsible for the worst collaborations?

    I only ask as i heard that bizarre Texas/Method Man collaboration today.It got me wondering who decided that getting the Wu Tang Clan & Texas together would be a good idea.........

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • HMV-How long until they stop selling CD's?

    I walk into my local HMV,and am met by DVD boxsets,Books,Games. You have to venture upstairs to find CD's.and when you do get to the selection,it's a waste of time....

    2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Do Florists offer discounts on bunches of flowers in times of tragedy....?

    Or do they still charge the full price? I'm not talking about a death in the family,but more the deaths that receive nationwide coverage,i.e Jade Goody,the 2 firemen in Southampton and of course,Diana...

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • MP Salary Question....?

    Should an MP earning a basic salary of £64,766 per year,with a very generous expenses allowance and an equally generous final pension scheme be allowed to have a 2nd job?

    As they get an 80 day break from Parliament,i'd suggest they get a summer job picking berries if they are that strapped for cash..........

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Charity Fatigue or Just A Bad Cover Version.......?

    We Are The World 25 has failed to knock Kesha from the top spot in the Billboard Hot 100 chart.Given the amount of publicity the single has had- it premiered at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics,and the reason it was re-recorded,i'd have thought it would have been a certainty to take the number 1 spot,especially since Kesha has been at number 1 for the past 8 weeks.

    Are folk no longer interested in the Haitian earthquake,or is it due to the single being terrible?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Brian Wilson-Genius or Over Rated One Trick Pony?

    Pet Sounds was released back in 1966-thats 44 yrs ago,yet he's still held up as a musical genius.There were far more prolific artists around at the same time who never seem to get the column inches Wilson does.

    Good Vibrations was co wrote with Mike Love.

    God Only Knows was co wrote with Tony Asher

    Wouldn't It Be Nice was Wilson/Asher/Love.

    California Girls was Wilson/Love.

    And when the bar was raised by The Beatles releasing 'Sgt Peppers',Wilson couldn't compete.Drugs had made their way big time into his life and he chose drugs over making new music.

    Do you reckon that journalists are just afraid of upsetting his fragile mental state,or am i wrong??

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • The Police Reunion Made Sting Sick....?

    He's quoted as saying in this months Mojo magazine that the reunion tour undertook by The Police was "like going back to a dysfunctional marriage where all the old problems were still there" and that "I got physically ill. I got through it, but it wasn't easy."

    If it was as bad as he makes out,he should have just walked away.But is the real reason he got through it the £28.3 million he made from the 150 shows? Greed-pure and simple.

    MQ-Who's the most pompous self centred rock star,and why?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Scottish Literacy Report-What's the solution?

    The report released today found that 18.5% of children in Scotland leave Primary School without being functionally literate-that equates to 13,000 children every yr. Unfortunately,there are no figures for those leaving secondary education,but i'm willing to bet it's not that different.

    Yet,for years the Scottish education system built a worldwide reputation for good education.

    Who's to blame for this mess? Parents,teachers,society? And more importantly,what's the solution to this problem?

    I can only imagine that the figures in England are similar,so it's not just a Scottish problem.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Stephen Fry-Bona Fide Brain Box or just someone with a great memory?

    There is a difference- i can recall an obscene amount of useless facts and trivia but that doesn't make me an Intellectual heavyweight,just someone who used to read quiz book questions when i was younger-Sad i know,but you would want me on your pub quiz team..:-)

    Same with Carol Vorderman-Held up as a maths genius,yet only scraped a 2:2 from Uni....

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • As today is Martin Scorsese's 67th Birthday,what's your.......?

    Favourite and Worst film he's directed??

    For me it's Taxi Driver as his finest moment,and The Aviator as his worst.Given the story of Howard Hughes,i felt that Scorsese missed an opportunity to make a fantastic film.I also felt that DiCaprio was horribly miscast as Howard Hughes.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Songs Of Praise,BBC 1 Sunday Evening......?

    Everytime i've caught this on TV,the church they are broadcasting from is usually packed with a happy,smiling congregation.

    Now this goes against the reports that state attendance at church is declining with each generation.

    So my question is this-are these folk singing their hearts out only there to get their faces on the TV,or have these reports got it wrong?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago