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Hi asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

Im having Sex with my Step Sister, is this a bad thing?

Ok, COULD YOU PLEASE read this detail beforing answering, i want some supportive answers not just reactions to the title.

Ok, so basically my Dad Seperated from my Mum, and he Met this single mother who has a daughter. Shes very nice and so is her daughter. Theyre both very beautiful and attractive.

And last year they got married.

Me and My new step sister got along great. Were very similar people, Im 18 shes 21.

We dont have many friends, so we spend alot of time together.

Ok, my Dad and My step mother went on a week holiday together on Wednesday, and since then its just been me and my step sister hanging out at our house.

One night, we got talking about sex. We feel comfortable talking to each other about it, but its mainly informal and joking. She started asking me questions like "are you a virgin". I said yes because, i was a virgin then.

And, that night she looked really really sexy and i dont know what it was but she seemed to be doing something, you cant describe it, it was like a certain non-verbal flirting.

Anyway, she came up and sat next to me and said " have you ever kissed a girl before ", i said yes because i had, sort of. and she said "properly?", i didnt know how to react and i said " i dont know what you mean" and she said let me show you, and she french kissed me. I was a little frightened at first, but i just let it happen, it was quite nice.

After that she started kissing me repeatedly, and my heart was beating so fast and i was so turned on at that moment, i couldnt do anything but let it happen. I was so excited.

She then said "i will go all the way with you if you want" and i nodded.

So we just let our passion get the better of us, we tore off each others clothes, she got ontop of me and we had sex. Obviously i wouldnt have done this, if she was my REAL sister. But shes not, and we both admitted that to each other.

Since that night, weve been spending pretty much every hour weve had alone, just having sex.

We said to each other that this isnt love, its just for fun and experience.

Sometimes i get the feeling we should stop, but i also remind myself its just a bit of fun. No-one needs to know, and we are taking the right precautions. She wont get pregnant, so dont bring that into the answer please.

47 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nothing wrong with it no...

    Just make sure you don't develop a love for her, otherwise.. it'll be difficult for people to accept, its just fun and a good stuff to get you in the role for when you meet an available girl that you love dearly and want to express your feelings. If I experience, just experiment with her and try all sorts of new were you, i'd keep this on the down low, and make sure you don't get caught. &! That she doesn't get pregnant, because that will be awkward... Nothing wrong with it really though, your not 'blood' related, if she was your sister, it would be weird and incest. Socially and morally it is fine, if you are enjoying it, and taking all the precausions then just have fun! Your bound to be attracted to girls at your age, in fact really, its probably all you think about, (that's not a rude gesture btw). But, you know.. there is an age gap, (nothing wrong with it), but undoublty you'll find someone your own age! But the gap isn't big, so don't think im against what your doing. Overall, i'd encourage you to be safe and have fun and don't let the situation get too serious. Good luck!

    - you have to options really.

    1) - Avoid sex.

    Let her down gently, get a girlfriend your own age, avoid her for a while and look away when you see her trying to be prevocadtive around you and try keep calm when she is trying to seduce you. Stop the fantasies and the imagination of yours spririling out of control

    2) - Carry on

    THIS CAN END UP SO BAD i really wouldn't consider this.. you could get her pregnant? it's incest! she is supposed to be your sister! if people found out, you would be humiliated....

  • laxson
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Step Sister

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Im having Sex with my Step Sister, is this a bad thing?

    Ok, COULD YOU PLEASE read this detail beforing answering, i want some supportive answers not just reactions to the title.

    Ok, so basically my Dad Seperated from my Mum, and he Met this single mother who has a daughter. Shes very nice and so is her daughter. Theyre both very beautiful and...

    Source(s): im sex step sister bad thing:
  • Diena
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    im sex step sister bad

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  • 5 years ago

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  • 5 years ago

    If you want to discover ways to say the ideal thing when a woman flirts with you… and ways to get her Attention when she does not then select that guide Tao of Badass.

    The Tao of Badass shows you that many of the fears you've about girls are completely unreasonable. And when you learn to beat those fears, you'll lastly have the ability to get nearer to meeting the proper kind of woman or girls, and get the love you've always wanted.

    Tao of Badass also shows you that appealing to girls is a talent you will get better at with time, and that by training it, you'll shortly achieve the purpose where you are no longer positively pursuing women - they begin using you. It's that life-changing issue that causes a lot of men to talk about The Tao of Badass.

  • 7 years ago

    Nothing wrong with ******* your step sister! She's not blood so it's fine. I have a sister I live with most the time that is my blood and we might start just doing each other little sexual favors and my step sister lives at my dads house and she is 20 but I'm only 15. What can I do?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I Fucked My Step Sister

  • I did read the details,

    but I only needed to read the damn title. Is it "wrong" to have sex with your step sister, I guess not... but then again she is your first sex partner... IDK what to say about that one there, bud. U guys just have sex, all the time? I don't think its a bad thing, but I just don't think its usual. You might wanna stop doing it all the time, because regular (non-related) couples don't even do it that much! I do have a bad feeling that one day it won't be fun, it could get serious, or ugly. Even though now it seems like fun, it might scar you emotionally (and maybe even physically). But, it will probably be OK. Was it her first time too? Just B careful. I wish you the best.

    Source(s): LIFE
  • 5 years ago


  • 7 years ago

    What you mean about my step sister you dumb *** the answer is here my step sister

    Why you don't **** your mum next you both mature enough to make decisions that's why this world is fucked not just you because you never had sex the trying to help by there comments and finding ok to **** your sister it doesn't matter step or without step it still the word sister there

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