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What is Moksha ? ... Salvation or Nirvana compared to reincarnation ...?

Who has achieved 'Moksha' ? Saints, Prophets, DemiGods, .... are they free to will Rebirth/re-incarnate ?

Many Saints say my 'Soul will be ever-present to help you'. Even great GOD 'Krishna' said he will reincarnate when-ever World is faced with Problems. "yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya

glanir bhavati bharata

abhyutthanam adharmasya

tadatmanam srjamy aham ....

And many say world is ruled by the devil ! We take birth due to our 'Ku-karma' and 'Ahankar'.


'Raam' liberated Ahilyaa, Ravan, Bali, ... !

If judge puts some one in jail for his misdeeds, setting him free won't be wrong ?

Are we judged for this karma to take rebirth .... there are so many who help out ..... but get the result in this birth itself to go into Moksha ! ??

Update 2:

Attaining Moksha ... from simple to divine Soul should be possible as GITA summerises as 'Tat Twam Asi'.

Does Moksha .... follow Trinetra power ?

Then the person helping out someone will know if it is His karma. He can take birth willingly to liberate someone ! He must have attained Moksha.

Update 3:

Even someone 'Selfishly' attaining power aiming for Moksha by 'Yog' has to take Rebirth displaying Miracles from childhood. He can only attain Moksha by serving public. So 'Raj Yog' has 'Seva' as useful karma.

Update 4:

We find from 'Puranas', that God or Lord are not untouched by the 'Karmic cycle' (Cause & Effect), so could Moksha mean "Willful Birth" ?

If the stories of 'Middle East' were to be in 'Bharat', then 'Jesus took birth as Muhammad to take revenge on Herod Antipas’. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Bad karma is intentionally harming. Did Ravana & Duyadhona do things out of their understanding ?? Nor did Herod ! They were right in their own way.

Many do not believe in re-birth, saying "Kal Ko Kisne Dekha!" (Who's seen tomorrow?).

Could Moksha be imaginative like 'Heaven & Hell' ??

Update 5:

Middle east stories as per Indian style would be Blasphemous unless 'Effect & Cause' would be untrue. The philosophy there is simplified and not much intriguing and detailed as Indian.

Could be that 'Moksha' is unlimited / infinite and meant only for the Parmatma.

Update 6:

Imagination playing galore can logically revert back to research through Veda--> Upanishaad--> Vedanta--> Reality till Gyan Yog is for the Laymen.

Update 7:

Isn't Moksha AND Cause & Effect contradictory ??

Update 8:

'Cause & effect' can only be unlimited in this Maya's world of desire.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The difference is that normal people take birth as slave of Karma, they are forced into a womb against their wishes, but rishis and gods come back to earth to fulfill some divine work

    And Krishna incarnates by taking help from Yogmaya, where he behaves like a human being, but is not bound by Maya, or sin or Karma. He comes as master. It is his divine playground, he is not forced to come but decides himself to play his leela

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Moksha Salvation

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Moksha has 4 meaning----

    1) Free from birth & Death---Means soul can take birth according to its wishes or sometimes through any other means it can help people.( may be Christian believe Jesus helps today also.)

    2) Free from opposites---Means those who are on the path of Moksha, never bother or never believe in good or bad nor strong or weak etc.

    3) Free from cause &effect---Means those who are on the path of Moksha, never bother for cause and effect. They believe it is the phase of human life.

    4) Free from Desire----Means their desire is limited .They are satisfied whatever comes on their way.

    If anyone falls under these four categories ,they may attain Moksha.That is why path of Moksha is very difficult. Many people believe, after death ,every soul gets moksha.

  • 1 decade ago

    Moksha, salvation or nirvana means getting liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

    All Demi Gods and Saints are in birth and death. Even the speaker of Bhagavad Gita says that he is in birth and death in adhyay 4 shlok 5.

    Only Supreme God is free from birth and death. The speaker of Gita ji gives an indication about the Supreme God when he asks Arjun to go in to the refuge of some other God (Supreme God) to achieve supreme peace and eternal place..... in other words "Salvation" in adhyay 18 shlok 62.

    Then in adhyay 18 shlok 66 the speaker of Gita ji again asks Arjun to go in to the refuge of that Supreme God. The following link is the only correct translation of Adhyay18 Shlok 66 available. Everyone else has done it wrongly.

    Moreover Shri Ram did not liberate Ahilya, Ravan or Bali from birth and death. These only went till heaven.

    This happened in Treta yug and if you recall history, the truth is Because Shri Ram had killed Bali by deceit, He Himself had to payback in Dwapar yug when Shri Krishan ji was killed by a hunter who was the same soul as Bali.

    Information about salvation is given by speaker of Gita ji in adhyay 18 shlok 62-66. you will find much more at the links below

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes our Sanathan put it succinctly and elaborated optimally for another part of your question by 'what is this' friend.

    It is always easy to work on ploughed (loosened) soil. So after the primary clarification already provided by experts I enter to give you more easier addenda..!

    Moha or infatuation - the impact of illusion is the one that binds us to the transitory world pains and pleasures! By weaning oneself from the 'desires' for the fruits of action (we do everything with some motive after all, that is the infatuation), one gets liberated from the impacts both good and bad thereof, thus getting freedom from the birth cycles. So moha-kshaya or freedom from infatuation is Moksha.

    Once released from the illusion or Maya or Devil in western parlance (we do not condemn the Creation as Satan or Devil however but as a play tool of the Divine), the released soul merge in the Super Conscious Divine and can will to take birth to help people, of their own accord. They would pretend like ordinary people and seem to suffer like us, but would set noble examples by precepts and practice to guide us.

    When dharmic deterioration is critical, the full fledged Divine (call him Krishna, Shiva or shakthi, for he may take anyof these familiar forms - essentially one in essence) to retrieve the humanity from torments of evil.

    Krishna can be understood in the figuratve sense provided by multiple meanings. when Lord K says He would come, not just in K form, but the Avtars of other divine forms are included. Krishna means -

    the One who is the true Doer - karishyathi ithi Krishna;

    the One that makes all happy - kushyathi ithi K;

    the One who cultivates / refines us - Krishyathi ithi k;

    the One who attracts all - (A)karshathi ithi K..

    Thus K is the divine embodied form with above attributes that fits every other divine Avthars as well. So the karmic birth of average souls; the willed births of liberated souls and the Divine descent of the Brahman with auspicious attributes as embodied One, are the major three types of births.

  • 1 decade ago

    I part answered by Sanatana Dharma.

    ii part: And many say world is ruled by the devil ! We take birth due to our 'Ku-karma' and 'Ahankar'.

    * Ruled by devil means the maya. Sri Ramakrishna used to say : maya maha thagini (i think this is from one of the kabir doha)

    You are right we take birth due to our karma. If you have paap karma : life is like hell. If you have good karma : life is like a heaven.

    To get Moksha you should leave Paap and Punya. Combination of 4 main methods may be used (i) devotion -bhakti- marg (ii) gyan marg (iii) karma yog marg (iv) Raj yog marg

  • 1 decade ago

    he Moksha was presented to the people who do all good things like bajans, preys GOD every time, doing dhyana... and keeping concentrate only on GOD what ever may happen to him...only preying to God...

    Source(s): The Moksha was presented to the people who do all good things like bajans, preys GOD every time, doing dhyana... and keeping concentrate only on GOD what ever may happen to him...only preying to God...
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