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If humans are animals as some say why does the Bible not say that animals also go to heaven?


Thanks for your response arthvade...but those were angels.

Update 2:

tbf-ac the term is human.

Update 3:

Jeebus ur Christ ™(AM, Lvl 5)...whew that was a mouthful (typeful). I do agree that God put man over other earthly creatures. But that does not make us animals. Also just because two things are produced within the same time period that in itself does not mean they are the same kind.

Update 4: do seem like a sweet girl but I have never read where God will resurrect animals to heaven. Thanks for your sweet and innocent answer. Try to find out what the Bible really teaches.

Update 5:

Sorry all no answers quinched my thirst for this answer. I know animals are not humans and the reason why they, some more than others, have similarities to humans is that there is one God that created them all. Thanks for all the sincere attempts at answering my question.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Humans are animals. It's just a classification, don't take it too personally.

    The bible holds no scientific fact.

    Source(s): Fifteen year old atheist
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    on the same time as 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0i39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ls do h39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ve souls, they do 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ot h39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ve spirits, 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0d therefor will 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ot circulate to he39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ve39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0. there will be 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0i39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ls i39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 he39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ve39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0, bec39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0use each Christi39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 will co39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0e b39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ck with Jesus ridi39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0g o39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 guy white horse. right this is the verse 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0bout 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0i39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ls h39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0vi39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0g souls: Revel39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0tio39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 sixteen:3 s39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0ys, A39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0d the seco39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0d 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0gel poured out his vi39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0l upo39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 the se39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0; 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0d it bec39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0e 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0s the blood of guy de39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0d [39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0]: 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0d each livi39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0g soul died i39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 the se39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0. Ro39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0s 10:8-10 is how 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0yo39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0e c39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f039c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 be bor39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0 39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0g39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0i39c63ddb96a31b9610cd976b896ad4f0.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you read the creation account carefully you will see that on day six God created the animals, He also created man, it does not say including man and the man was made in the image of God who also is not a man but a spirit being but he still has eyes , legs, hands, ears etc. so Adam was also created spirit but not immortal and when they sinned against God he covered them with skin so they became animal and that is the same reason that we are born animal but are still very spiritual and when Jesus died on the cross he was restored back to the spirit being yet still could be seen and touched even though the disciples thought he was a ghost, see Luke 24:38-39 and 2 Peter 1:13-14 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, that is how we differ from the animals.

  • 1 decade ago

    the Bible does not talk about animals as pets. I wish it did because I have had many pets and do now have 3 cats and 1 dog. I have prayed that God will allow my pets into heaven. It does say 'the lion will lay down with the lamb'. But I'm not sure of the time and place of that. I have read that Billy Graham also has hope of his pets being in heaven. Wish I knew more.

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  • tbf-ac
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If we are not animals then what are we? Plants? Fungi? Bacteria?

    We just happen to have a more developed brain than other animals.

    We are mammals, primates, homo sapiens. Really simple if you passed high school...

    The Bible also says that snakes talk and the world is flat, so be careful what you read, as some books are called fiction. That means they are make believe stories and not real. If you use your logic you can see which books are real and which are fairy tales...

    @@ Here is a science lesson for you that you must have missed in school. Homo sapiens is the scientific name for humans. LOL!!

    Here is the full classification of homo sapiens (aka - humans): Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Primates, Family: Hominidae, Subfamily: Homininae, Tribe: Hominini, Genus: Homo, Species: Homo sapiens (sorry for all the big words, even though this is still high school biology, not even university level yet)

    Source(s): Mikesan
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe it just left out the part about animals going to heaven. In the heaven I want to go to, animals are most definitely there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could it be that when the bible was being wrote that they didn't have pets that they loved? After all, is there any bible stories where they were talking about so and so's dogs or cats or pet birds? I never heard of it, anyone? Who all still wants to go to heaven?

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is not based on science, and it is through science that we know that humans are simply animals. According to that "holy" book, humans are some magical second type of organism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the bible put men (notice women not included) above all other creatures.

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible is a very old book made up by people who had little clue about the structure of the universe and everything in it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the earth revolves around the sun, why does the Bible not say THAT?

    If 2+2 = 4, why is that not in the bible?

    If Mary had a father, why is his name not given in the Bible?

    There are an infinity of true facts not mentioned in the Bible

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