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is Astral Projection a moral thing to do? Is it Luciferian?

I did astral projection and I reached the vibrational state and chickened out. But the thing is, afterwards i started to question the experience. One of the questions/thoughts I've had is weather or not astral projection a moral thing to do? Is a right thing to do? Is it Luciferian? Or am i too much of a chicken to try it again? please explain you answer. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    impossible things are not immoral, so sleep easy.

    oh and drugs are bad, don't abuse them.

  • haag
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got finished astral projection and have confidence me its actual and no its no longer Luciferian. The grasp astral projectors like William Buhlman warn us that if we carry onto to old ideals or non secular ideals then we are going to surely be doomed to reincarnate and return to the actual fact while we die. This worldwide is meant to be like a brutal training floor for human souls and until eventually we learn how to detach ourselves from this fact then we are doomed to return to it. click my profile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've done astral projection and believe me its real and no its not Luciferian. The master astral projectors like William Buhlman warn us that if we hold onto to old beliefs or religious beliefs then we'll certainly be doomed to reincarnate and return to the physical reality after we die. This world is supposed to be like a brutal training ground for human souls and until we learn to detach ourselves from this reality then we are doomed to return to it. Click my profile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah Answer man, you have stumbled into a moral quandary which really shouldn't be...

    see, anything which is not of God is evil. Anything which causes you to stray from God is evil. Prophesying is good, divination is evil. Faith healing is good, Reiki is evil. Praying and meditation are good, astral projection is bad. Why? Because its not mentioned in the bible. There are many examples of prophesy in the bible (which are all good), but there is a story in the book of Acts of a slave woman who can see into the future. Her talent makes a lot of money for her owner. Unfortunately, that particular talent is evil and Peter banished the demon inside the woman and robbed her of her second sight. Naturally her masters were upset that their meal ticket had been taken away from them and had Peter thrown in jail.

    The ONLY question you have to ask is; "Does this strengthen my relationship with my Creator?" If the answer is yes, you have nothing to worry about. If this whole journeying thing is ego driven, a quest for more personal power, then you have something to worry about. It's really that simple to me.

    Source(s): Tarot reader who has been abandoned by his family.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think so. First because I don't believe it can be deliberately induced, and second because I don't believe you can control the event consciously. The Bible warns against psychics, wizardry (the word used here is the modern word for pharmacy, which leads me to believe that wizards were potion makers and healers.) and contacting spirits. Don't make any mistake, spirits can contact you, but attempting to reach out and contact spirits is forbidden by God according to the Bible. Thats in the old testament as well as the new, so its accurate for Jews and Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Astral projection usually is normal for many people, especially when they reach that state in their sleep. How can it not be moral when you don't have any control over it during sleep, it's more normal then most people think, many people blow it off as a dream, unless they experience it many times, and even than some think they are still in a dream state.

    It even happens to those who meditate, not expecting it to happen. But then there are those whom do it because they want to by meditating, I don't think there's anything wrong about it, depends on what you have in mind when you do it, would depend if it's moral or not.

    There use to be this priest named Thomas Kempis from the 15century whom wrote the book Imitation of Christ. He would astral travel a lot and try to control where he wanted to go, he try to go to heaven, don't think he went that way, it hard to control where your spirit wants to go, your spirit takes excursions on it's own. Actually that is how he died, in his sleep, he was out of body to long, they buried him alive, dug him back up once they found out that is what he does a lot. They buried him with his hands in the praying position, and when they dug him up one of his hands was in his mouth. Perhaps he came back in his body, and he didn't know where he was because it was dark, to see if he was back in his body he went to bite his hand....that's got to be the worst way to die.

    But usually it's safe, as long as you don't try an to control see when you have an out of body like that, your heart rate slows down for it to happen.

    Hope this was helpful to you:)


    I would say this is evidence in a sense, the preist claims he does it a lot, and then they buried him alive.


  • 1 decade ago

    Not Luciferian

  • 1 decade ago

    I tend to associate Astral Projection with a number of religions, and/or philosophies, that don't necessarily acknowledge Lucifer, or that related religion.

    I would not try this on a whim. Don't mess with things you don't understand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is lucid dreaming a moral thing to do? Because that's all astral projection is - lying there asleep and imagining that you have gone some place.

    And for all you people that keep claiming that your soul does leave your body how about some evidence for a change? Like why don't you astrally project to some skeptic's house and describe what you see.

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As long as you don't pretend to do evil while you're pretending to astral project, you're safe.

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