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Is it possible in UK to see Roman soldier ghosts in East Midlands?

Updated 5 days ago:

Is there any point to this paranormal category?

Updated 4 days ago:

When I typed UK I hoped I would get no slow irrelevant Yanks answering

11 Answers

  • "Is it possible in UK to see Roman soldier ghosts in East Midlands?"

    No, you can't see ghosts, because ghosts are not real.

    "Is there any point to this paranormal category?"

    Yes, this is where the skeptics come to enlighten the folk, such as yourself, that imagine that ghosts exist. 

    "When I typed UK I hoped I would get no slow irrelevant Yanks answering"

    I suppose you were hoping that you would get lots of slow Poms, but please don't despair, you did get at least one. 

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    How quaint! Someone in the UK, the birthplace of English, asking in poorly worded sentences about ghosts referring to anyone else as "slow." 

    No, you can't see ghosts there, or anywhere else.

  • 5 days ago

    Yes, it is very possible. Roman soldier ghosts are spotted almost every day in Nottingham. Bring a camera and be on the lookout for robin hood and Maid Marion.

  • I recommend that you don't travel one way, otherwise, it will sometimes make you lengthen the route you have to take?

    So, according to You, the United Kingdom would be the most privileged Nation to see Ghosts?Remove this fantasy from your mind, it is NOT so!Ghosts are in all the Nations of the world, and then, what sense does it make, to see supposed ghosts, of soldier?

    The souls of the departed do not travel on this earth, they are in the Ades, spiritual world awaiting God's judgment!So, visions about possible spirits, they are Mutant Demons, they can disguise themselves as they wish, to deceive humanity.

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  • 5 days ago

    Honeybuns, why don't you just answer the question instead of wasting your precious time berating Gary? After all, you are the foremost authority here on ghoulish British things. 

  • 5 days ago

    Then Gary, Why not also assume they exist and answer M's question. After all, you can not prove otherwise Gary, and your opinion isn't worth much these days after the nonsense you put on here, is it Gary? She is as about as anonymous as a wart on the end of her beak Gary, just like you when you choose to hide.

    I guess it is just that I am fussy who I talk to M, very fussy. That is why try as you may you get no attention from me. I had never upset you in any way yet I saw you spewing sh!t at me with your every comment. You are not someone anyone wants to speak with, just a woman scorned because you and your childishness are totally blanked. You are boring and repetitive and I have no time for unhygienic females that think men are turned on by a stinking unwashed vagina. Sorry, but it is time to carry on ignoring you, no matter what name you call yourself including anon or Sid Boggle. Funny though how different people react when caught out  M, isn't it.  Bye. Just one more thing, the Romans occupied the east midlands and had camps all over England.

    Oh! look, it's the plastic English teacher trying to correct "my" English "AGAIN"? You do realise, you get your @ss kicked every time you do that and have to delete your own posts to save face, don't you?  A little advice for a little man, don't try to teach your granny to knit kid. Fecking report monkey. Did you find that amasing? By the way, I also want you to know that I saw you trying to take the piss for my putting ??? at the end of a sentence, Then checking up on the internet and deleting your post in an instant. What's it like to be a retard NG? Don't forget NG, in the birthplace of English, we don't like Yanks trying to tell us how to speak English, Even if you learned to spell aluminium, we would still have no time for your nonsense. It would be like us walking into your house and telling you where the teabags are kept. It just doesn't happen. Try not to forget M, you ARE an irrelevant yank, and you are so desperate to try and hide the fact that I see you M.Yes, that's right NG you dozy bastard, it is just M, not me. You even got the paedo Sol calling you M. You would think her and NG, the report monkeys would be keeping their heads down. I forgot that you were thick enough to think that was me there NG. Stay quiet NG until you learn a little English instead of faking it.

     Does anyone want to pick up an 11 year old? If so, Sol the paedo is here to enlighten us the filthy bastard.

  • Tom
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    The phenomena we CALL Ghosts does exist even if "Ghosts" as  "spirits of the dead" do not.  Best we can figure, Scientifically, we may be dealing with a local  "TIME OVERLAP" of sorts, short duration that allows us to see into a past time---and living people, etc.  when it is active. (Einstein Predicted it could happen---and it apparently DOES)   Its properly called an "Einstein-Rosen Bridge" where two times or places might overlap---a kind of natural "wormhole" thing.  

    If we see a living person from another time via one of these you can see how we---or our ancestors would call it a GHOST.  Such "Phenomena"{ seem to last some 2000 Years or

     less as "Roman Ghosts" seem to be the OLDEST reported.   Most other "Ghosts" dissipate after some 200 years or so---although some medieval ones are still seen from time to time.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Yes of course you can, and on a snowy night you may even spot one wearing a duffle coat with big wooden buttons!

  • KennyB
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    Ghosts are imaginary.  If your imagination is active enough, you can see the ghost of Boris Johnson wandering about too. (Yes, I know Boris is not dead.)

  • 7 days ago

    No.  Ghosts don't exist.

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