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How much useless the computer is?

Computer has the following disadvantages :

1. First of all it needs energy / electricity, which a human does not require.

2. Human being is natural who uses the computer for easy life, but computer is a man-made machine, which needs many criteria to make it usefu.

3. Human need little food for maintenance of himself but computer needs various exclusive food for existence – spares and chips – as well as round the clock assistant executive to look after it.

4. Human needs money – coinage system – for existence and distribution to others, but computer does not require any coin and it does not work unless the human back up is not there.

5. I am writing down how the Microsoft consumes the resources, and its sources by converting the products – plastic and alloys – that destroys the earth-crust.

6. Recycling facility for computer components is vry limited or nil, which needs more infrastructure for the future generation who may seek vegetation on the earth crust.


Considering the economical valuation of with and without computer, I face labour for maintenance, spares, electricity consumption, space wastage, and a lot. Electricity production cost is high and availability depends on paid staff. Again expenses versus income in respect of work in computer and manual is vast different on economical terms.

Update 2:

A poor person can stick up with one time mean, but computer does not. It consumes time for our attention, our freedom and our leisure time by higher expenditure.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everything has disadvantage and computers are no exception.

    Only those who don't know to turn disadvantages into advantage complains...

    If u dont lik computers, just stop using it...

    Just stay a week away from it and see...

    how difficult life is...

    without it...

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL!!!! What the hell is this??? Humans need energy if not you wouldn't be writing this. And electricity? Well the food you eat (you do eat right?) is converted into energy where much of that energy is used by the brain where neurons fire in order to make a thought with guess what... electricity. Its usefulness is only quantified by who uses it, after all it's basically an extension of you. Money? Well not directly. You pay money to the utilities which in turn gives your home electricity from where the computer gets its energy from. Computers don't need a variety of foods, humans do. Computers you just turn them on and that's it.

    It seems that you're trying to advocate a greener practice but your argument here is severely flawed.

    Source(s): Informatica4you
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Have you eaten lately?

    2. Are you employed? Humans need other humans to be useful.

    3. Tell me about it when a human can serve up Yahoo Answers to every other human that demands it.

    4. Wrong. Computers require coin too.

    5. Recycle... Everything.

    6. Not so; the US has more than 50 companies competing for lucrative recycling contracts. More than a few municipalities have passed laws regarding IT component recycling but only a few companies have stepped forward to make it their core business. There is nowhere to go but up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) You need energy. Or do you never eat food?

    2) A person is born into this world completely useless.

    3) This is completely incorrect, for a number of reasons

    4) Humans lived before there was money. Your logic is flawed

    5) Microsoft doesn't make computers. Your logic is flawed.

    6) No argument here. Recylcing computers sucks.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't find the computer is a useless thing. See to give answer to your question computer is use full to reach to u easily.

  • 1 decade ago

    Computers creat jobs, and they also store important data. Important data that helps track criminals, and lots of other things correct?

  • Zac P
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. Humans DO need energy, we eat dont we?

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand you, that's why I'm still using my 486

  • John
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    hey computer doe things faster than u so that makes it more useful than you!

  • 1 decade ago

    So, why are you using one.... put away that useless thing....

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