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how long will it take to get a semester hour?

are credits and semester hours the same thing? and if so how long would it take to get 50 credits. and what does this translate to {48 or more classroom semester hours (72 or more quarter hours)}

in weeks for a part time student? if you cant tell by now, no i have never been to college or even stepped foot on a campus, but now it is required for a job im looking at.

2 Answers

  • Wiz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on the system in use by the college. Credits can be either quarter or semester hours. Therefore, it takes either a quarter of a semester to get an hour. Courses are very seldom 1 hour credit, usually 3 or 5 hours; depending on how often the class meets. Usually they meet for an hour each week for each credit hour. In other words; Psych 101, a 3 hour class, meets for 3 one hour periods each week (Mon, Wed, and Fri). At the end of the semester you would then have 3 credits or hours. A 1 hour course (phys ed, for instance) just has one class period per week. 50 credits translates into either 50 quarters hours or 50 semester hours. The major difference between them is that it takes more quarter hours to graduate than semester hours, but the same number of years since there are usually 3 quarters and 2 semesters in a year. Sounds complicated, huh? All you really need to know is how many credits you need to get the degree and whether it is quarter or semester hours.

  • 1 decade ago

    Classes are measured in semester hours based on how long you take the class. A common class will be 3 hours, and a typical student will take 5 classes so roughly 15 hours a semester. Some classes are more or less, depending on how long/ how often you meet for class.

    Number of semester hours determines your standing as well:

    <30 Hours = Freshman

    30-59 Hours = Sophomore

    60-89 Hours = Junior

    >90 Hours = Senior

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