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  • is a 77 yamaha gt 80 decent?

    I have never owned a bike and found one restored for cheap. I am 5'10 and 180lb and am wondering if it will fit me? I just want a starter.

    1 AnswerMotorcycles8 years ago
  • Front suspension in a 77 chevy?

    So the springs and b joints are all original. The shocks are a few years old but i figured wth. My question is, should I also replace the control arms. I see no issue with them, but I just put a new 350 in and if I have everything tore apart anyway should I just hit them? How often do they break or wear? They have rust on them, but the whole underbody does. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerBoats & Boating8 years ago
  • high blood pressure and dash diet?

    Realistically, how long should it take me to drop to a normal level? I am 24 and weigh 200. 30 overweight. If I eat the dash plan and drop the 30 and exercise 3-5 hours a day, would I be able to get to a normal level? My md is pushing pills and saying it will be a lifelong struggle. I am interested in everyones take on it and any stories you may have. And if you get on here and say listen to your doctor, I want you to think on this. 20 minutes with her and it cost me $250. She/any doctor has no interest for the patient. Money and don't get sued is the name of the game. And if they can squeeze a few more years from you, yay. I would like to lower it by Oct. It was 140ish over 98 ish.

    5 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • what country song is this?

    It is almost a female version of talk back trembling lips. It is the same song, just different words. ie Say something trembling lips/ turn away crying eyes. I heard it on sirius late sun night on roadhouse. I thought it was sung by a female named amber daxby, but i cant find it or her. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersCountry8 years ago
  • what song is this that i cant find?

    I believe a main chorus point was oh what a heart my heart. It is a classic rock song sung by a female. At least a higher pitched voice. I heard it in Belfield ND in Oct. If I dont find it i will keep asking.

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • merchant marine question?

    Can I join them and be in the National gaurd as well?

    3 AnswersBoats & Boating9 years ago
  • Translated works of German author/poet?

    So I am looking for some translated works of Friedrick Ruckert. I have been hitting the local book stores, big and small, but I cant find his translated works anywhere. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • what is the name of this irish song?

    some of the lyrics are "John, youve been and gone round the world it seems. Have you found a place where the working man is free? Where there are no grasping landlords, and" that is all i can remember. It is on one of those paddy day cd's.

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • am i gay or Straight or by?

    i am attracted to women. i spank it to girl/girl or solo girl, but i get real nervous around women, and lately i keep asking myself, am i straight or not? im not attracted to men, but i am more comfortable around them, and i have never been on an actual date or been intimate with either sex. everyone keeps questioning me about it and then the other day i was told i am a big fairy. i cant get it out of my mind. i watched a gay porno, and felt reallllly uncomfortable. but maybe that is just because im not used to it. am i over thinking it or should i seriously consider it? ive never considered it before a week ago when called that. when did you find your orientation and how did it come about?

  • Is this lunch bad for me?

    For breakfast i usually eat a bowl of cereal, i switch it up [frosted flakes, raisin bran, cheerios and others] then for lunch every other day it is 4 peices of bacon, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and quite often oatmeal. i eat melon, carrots and celery for snacks. dinner is hit and miss. what im wondering about is the bacon. it comes to 16 slices a week. sometimes thin sometimes home cured. should i cut back?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • why wont my laptop display web page?

    about a month ago i got infected with security xp virus, i cant get rid of it so i just keep running malwarebytes and spybot sd. when i did it on sat it got rid of alot. now my internet wont display and it shuts off whenever i go to safemode. any ideas?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • why wont my programs open?

    whenever i try to open programs or files from my external i get this little screen that says open with then it lists a bunch of programs. also, the internet screen goes to weird server sights. yes i run cleaners and anti ware, and nothing comes up. so any ideas?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • how long will it take to get a semester hour?

    are credits and semester hours the same thing? and if so how long would it take to get 50 credits. and what does this translate to {48 or more classroom semester hours (72 or more quarter hours)}

    in weeks for a part time student? if you cant tell by now, no i have never been to college or even stepped foot on a campus, but now it is required for a job im looking at.

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • why cant i watch movies or episodes?

    when i went to watch the new bleach last week it worked. then i went to watch naruto and the movie screen was blank, with a square box in the upper left corner. it has a triangle circle and square in it all different colors. what is it?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • college credits overlapping?

    say i want to get a degree in in professions, [i have little college knowledge, so degrees and masters are all fuzzy ideas. ha ha i rhymed.] and both of them require a chemistry course. will the credits i get from one course go towards both degrees?

    5 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • college credits and apprenticeship?

    to get back into the army i need 15 college credits. they can be in any field. what i want to know is how do you get credits and can you receive them through a apprenticeship?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • why are military funerals treated differently?

    first off i am not DISRESPECTING soldiers. second, i have not been a real soldier. i was chap 11 because of a written exam, and have another year before i can get back in. Now to the question. I have been to several military funerals, both active and retired. i have been close and hardly known the deceased. but the one thing i hear at the end of each is "i cant go to another soldiers funeral".

    why is it so sad. my thoughts are you signed up to die, so someone else doesn't have to. that's the whole point of your training, and all those life insurance forms you fill out at meps. but everyone is surprised. and i know someone is gonna come on and say the died for your freedom. i didn't meet one person who signed up because they are patriotic. they all signed up for college, or to travel, or to get trained for a job. one thing i was taught was crying for the dead is idiotic, they don't have any more problems. ill add to this as needed because i don't think im explaining it very well

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • how to work in australia?

    im looking to work a ranch {cause that's about all im trained to do] for a year or so in australia. all the sites ive seen so far have been for dude ranches where you pay to work there. im looking for a regular job so i can get a little world experience. i don't want to become a citizen and im looking to do it around this time next year. if you know of someone who hires year round, or such like, or you know the costs of getting a work visa and how to proceed without a giant website, id be rather grateful. i hope this is a clear enough question, if its not say so and what u dont understand and i will try to clear it. thanx in advance for any responses.

    1 AnswerOther - Australia1 decade ago