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why are military funerals treated differently?

first off i am not DISRESPECTING soldiers. second, i have not been a real soldier. i was chap 11 because of a written exam, and have another year before i can get back in. Now to the question. I have been to several military funerals, both active and retired. i have been close and hardly known the deceased. but the one thing i hear at the end of each is "i cant go to another soldiers funeral".

why is it so sad. my thoughts are you signed up to die, so someone else doesn't have to. that's the whole point of your training, and all those life insurance forms you fill out at meps. but everyone is surprised. and i know someone is gonna come on and say the died for your freedom. i didn't meet one person who signed up because they are patriotic. they all signed up for college, or to travel, or to get trained for a job. one thing i was taught was crying for the dead is idiotic, they don't have any more problems. ill add to this as needed because i don't think im explaining it very well

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Military personnel don't 'sign up to die' lol. They enlist or get commissioned to 'protect our country.'

    The specifics of how and why is up to our all powerful, all knowing governments.

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