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high blood pressure and dash diet?

Realistically, how long should it take me to drop to a normal level? I am 24 and weigh 200. 30 overweight. If I eat the dash plan and drop the 30 and exercise 3-5 hours a day, would I be able to get to a normal level? My md is pushing pills and saying it will be a lifelong struggle. I am interested in everyones take on it and any stories you may have. And if you get on here and say listen to your doctor, I want you to think on this. 20 minutes with her and it cost me $250. She/any doctor has no interest for the patient. Money and don't get sued is the name of the game. And if they can squeeze a few more years from you, yay. I would like to lower it by Oct. It was 140ish over 98 ish.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Better you take natural treatment for high blood pressure.(High Blood Pressure Diet - Deep Breathing Exercises - Heart Friendly Fitness Program)

    You get a step by step plan by someone who as already gone through the pain and agony of blood pressure medication treatment so you can avoid these harmful side effects.

    You get information you need to ask your family doctor about any medication they plan to put you on.

    You get current information on the foods, vitamins and minerals you to consume to lower your blood pressure - a "High Blood Pressure Diet" and a "Blood Pressure Remedy".

    You get a complete breathing system that relaxes your mind and naturally lowers your blood pressure.

    You get a safe and effective progressive heart friendly fitness program.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The American Heart Association has a Low Sodium Cook Book, that has wealth of info on nutrition as well. Take the salt shaker out of the house. Try using Mrs. Dash seasonings, lemon or lime juices,and flavored vinegars. There is another approach to help lower the blood pressure by, eating more fresh fruits and veggies, more whole grains, fish,poultry, low fat or non fat diary products and less meat called the D.A.S.H. diet, Dietary Approaches to Stopping High blood pressure. Stay away from canned or processed foods which are high in sodium/salt. I've been a lower sodium/salt diet for the past 10 yrs. I'm allowed 4% of sodium/salt in food. Some baked goods have hidden sodium. So READ your labels.

  • 6 years ago

    The high blood pressure you had in your latest checkup could be a result of two things:

    1."White Coat Syndrome"- "..a much higher reading at the doctor’s office than you really have. People with White Coat Syndrome tend to stress around doctors and nurses which leads to a major increase in their BP".

    2.You really have high blood pressure which you weren t aware of. It s not your fault! 30% of Americans have high blood pressure.

    The best thing you can do now is to start tracking your BP on a daily basis to know what is your real condition. If you don t have a monitor at home, you can track it at the nearest pharmacy to your home.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): High Blood Pression Remedy
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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You should read "The Blood Pressure Solution" (also available in electronic format, watch the video presentation here: ) It's a very comprehensive step-by-step book that walks you through the natural remedies of high blood pressure. It provides you with a lot of information on what foods to eat, how you can acquire and prepare these foods, how you can change your lifestyle for the better, how to eliminate the toxins from your body, how to reduce stress, how you can check your blood pressure level the correct way etc.

    The book is amazing in that it not only lowers your blood pressure without the help of medications; it also aids you in having a life that is healthy, happier, and less stressful. This book chanced my life.

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