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mt asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 9 years ago

Translated works of German author/poet?

So I am looking for some translated works of Friedrick Ruckert. I have been hitting the local book stores, big and small, but I cant find his translated works anywhere. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I looked it up and found a few translated pieces.

    1. "Du bist die Ruh" (

    2. "Herbstlied" (

    But there's a whole lot of his work listed and translated on ( Just click through it, maybe you'll find what you were looking for :)

    I hope I could help you at least a little bit, greetings from Germany!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    These are very realistic phrases to would log on and uncover out fairly effectively..or appear for your german dictionary.. I'm simplest serving to out motive I rather love the language. If you do not know those is going to be complex for you be trained the more difficult facet of the language... Guten Morgen - Good Morning Guten Tag - Good Afternoon Guten Abend - Good Evening Gute Nacht - Good Night Auf Wierdersehen - Good Bye Auf Wiederhoren - Hear you later Tschus - Bye Ich heiße - My identify is Wie heißt du - What is your identify Wie heißen Sie? What is your identify ( to an older man or woman / or anyone in authority) Ich bin - I am Wie alt bist du? - How historic are you

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