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am i gay or Straight or by?

i am attracted to women. i spank it to girl/girl or solo girl, but i get real nervous around women, and lately i keep asking myself, am i straight or not? im not attracted to men, but i am more comfortable around them, and i have never been on an actual date or been intimate with either sex. everyone keeps questioning me about it and then the other day i was told i am a big fairy. i cant get it out of my mind. i watched a gay porno, and felt reallllly uncomfortable. but maybe that is just because im not used to it. am i over thinking it or should i seriously consider it? ive never considered it before a week ago when called that. when did you find your orientation and how did it come about?


im 22

Update 2:

so ive been looking around and it seems to me ive got hocd, thank you for your answers and im going to extend this question to get more opinions.

Update 3:

it also looks like i have social anxiety, hmm, looks like i am messed up. I don't think anyone is reading this though.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, most guys like the girl/girl thing (if they're straight). It's normal for guys to be nervous around women. I wouldn't think too much about it. You sound pretty normal

  • 1 decade ago

    your not guy or at least those arent signs. If you were gay you would of got a hard on watching gay pornography and all gues get nervous around women not just you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so far you sound straight to me but the question is really have you ever sexed with a guy before or what? If so, yep you are bi and if not, so far you are straight so there ya go.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When I was more into guys than girls.

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