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mt asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Is this lunch bad for me?

For breakfast i usually eat a bowl of cereal, i switch it up [frosted flakes, raisin bran, cheerios and others] then for lunch every other day it is 4 peices of bacon, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and quite often oatmeal. i eat melon, carrots and celery for snacks. dinner is hit and miss. what im wondering about is the bacon. it comes to 16 slices a week. sometimes thin sometimes home cured. should i cut back?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cut back to two slices of bacon and make sure the scrambled eggs recipe consists of one whole egg and two egg whites, add chopped fresh spinach to the eggs for iron or kale chopped fine. Hash browns are too high in saturated fat.

    And switch it up. You don't have to have bacon AND eggs. What's wrong with a BLT (Bacon Lettuce and Tomato on wheat toast) on one day and eggs and oatmeal for another day? And I'd replace the hash brown with a whole wheat reduced fat biscuit, Thomas English Muffin or miniature bagel. And stick to wheat versions when you can for fiber, fiber is good for your heart. Cut out the hash brown it has like 10 grams of saturated fat in it. Not good. Maybe eat it only once a week if you are strung out on it. White bread has too much sugar in it and consuming too much of it can cause Type 2 Diabetes.

    That's great about the celery, carrots and melon but you don't eat enough leafy green veggies, it sounds like. You need to consume things like Romaine Lettuce, kale, spinach - in other words, vary your veggies.

    Four pieces of bacon with scrambled eggs and hash browns is way too much cholesterol and over time could have adverse affects on your heart and blood pressure. In other words that much cholesterol could clog your arteries and make your heart have to work harder to pump blood through your arteries causing high blood pressure.

    Good luck! Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Defiantly. Bacon is very greasy, no matter how thick/thin/etc. I would cut back piece by piece every week, so it's not so difficult. Your snacks are good, and so is breakfast, and you're right about the lunch. Also, I think you should switch it up with sandwiches/soup/etc. at lunch because hashbrowns can be kind of bad for you as well. Oatmeal is good though, as are the eggs. Like I said, cut back so maybe this week eat only 14 pieces, next week 12, and so on so that in the end you reach a point you think is maintainable.

    Hope I Helped!


  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't you eat oatmeal three days a week, this will eliminate a lot of fat from the bacon and home fries.I think the eggs bacon and home fries are to much to eat for 7 days.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yah..if u do eat bacn it shud be in the morning and 1-2 slices (not every day). thisis because bacon is high in fat and loaded with calories..its good that ur snacks are fruit and veggies,but try working more health foods into ur actual meals, it also sounds like u do have quite a bit more simple carbs in the picture than is healthy, its hard to make a permanant transition from them being ur main food group to least main start by trying to replace them with healthier, more filling options, for example, instead of oatmeal, try yogurt with fruit. always remember ur meals shud start big and get smaller (breakfast being the largest) hope i helped (:

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  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely. Bacon is not one of your "healthy" foods that you should be eating very often. If you're not willing to cut back on the amount of bacon you're eating, you should probably look into exercising the fat calories off your body.

  • 1 decade ago

    justt cut back to 2 a day and eat it only once a week.

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